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What are the main characteristics of Java?

Contributed by: Anderson Minhe

Since it was first introduced, Java has been the most talked-about topic. Java's predecessor C++ (an object-oriented programming language), was not without its flaws. Java is a perfect substitute for C++. The longevity of Java is remarkable given that modern technologies are replacing the older ones at a rapid pace, and over 20 years since its inception, Java is still the most widely used language for applications software development. Today, Java is one of the most frequently used programming languages. It's so powerful that it can be used to do nearly everything from basic applications to web-based servers. This means that Java, the Java programming language a feasible choice for any type of developer regardless of the kind of work they want to perform.

Sun Microsystems released Java in 1995. Java is a cross-platform, object-oriented programing language. A lot of its syntaxes and rules are the same as those of C and C++ programming languages. Java programs are generally written in bytecode format and can be executed with all Java virtual machines (JVM) regardless of the computing architecture. Its portability for Java applications (which means you can create your code on the system and execute it anyplace) is among the main advantages of Java. Java also has dynamic runtime capabilities such as runtime code modification or garbage disposal. Java has a variety of features that make it a strong language. In this article, we're going to explore the features in-depth.

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Specific characteristics of Java

Java is easy to learn

Do not get me wrong! Java isn't an easy task; however, its syntax is straightforward to comprehend. It draws many of its semantics and syntaxes directly from C and C++ programming languages.

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If you are familiar with one of these languages, Java is a breeze for you to master. Java has eliminated many of the more complicated and infrequently used functions like operator overloading, pointers, etc. Furthermore, an automatic garbage collector can eliminate unneeded and memory-consuming objects without manually doing it.


Java is an object-oriented language. The term "object-oriented programming" (OOP) is an approach that designs software by focusing on data instead of functions and logic. An object is a field that has distinct characteristics and behaviors. 

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The concept of object-oriented programming (OOP) concentrates on the objects that programmers would like to manipulate and not the logic needed to use these objects. This type of programming is ideal for large, complex, and frequently upgraded or kept up-to-date projects. It includes design and manufacturing software and mobile apps such as OOP to simulate manufacturing processes. The fundamental principles of OOPs are:

  • Object
  • Class
  • Inheritance
  • Polymorphism
  • Abstraction
  • Encapsulation

Platform Independent

Java code is compatible with various platforms, including Windows, Linux, macOS, and numerous others. A compiler is a tool that converts Java software and transforms the code into bytes. 


Java is utilized in a networked and distributed environment. The following characteristics make Java secure:

  • It is not a reason to make explicit pointers
  • Java Program runs inside a virtual Sandbox (Java Virtual Machine, also referred to as JVM).
  • Classloader: The Java Runtime Environment (JRE) contains a classloader that loads Java class files into Java Virtual Machine dynamically. Java Virtual Machine. It increases security by isolating the application for local class files from classes loaded from sources on the network.
  • Byte code verifier
  • Security Manager defines the resources that a class has access to, for example, writing and reading on the local disk.

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The word "robust" means strong. In the context of a dictionary for programmers, it refers to reliability. There isn't a programming language that can guarantee absolute reliability. Because Java compilers can detect various errors discovered when executing different languages, Java emphasizes checking for mistakes early. Specific programming techniques that can be error-prone in other languages are not present in Java. Java does not provide, for instance, pointers, which removes the chance of overwriting memory and destroying data. To offer programming support to ensure data resilience, Java has a runtime mechanism for handling exceptions. Java requires the programmers to create code for handling exceptions. Java can detect and react to unexpected situations and allow the application to function normally but gracefully halting whenever a runtime error occurs.

Architectural Neutral

Because Java has no implementation-dependent aspects, such as the size of primitive types, it is architecture-neutral.

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In C programming, the type int is two bytes in 32-bit architecture, while it takes up four bytes for 64-bit architecture. In Java, it is four bytes in both 64-bit and 32-bit architectures. This gives the developer freedom to the developer to utilize cutting or cutting.


Java programs are portable because they are architecture-independent. They don't require modification to run on different platforms. Java applications can easily be transformed into byte code that is easily transferred.


Java's efficiency and performance are impressive considering that Byte codes are remarkably similar the machine-code. However, it's slower than languages such as C++, which are compiling. In contrast to C or C++ applications, the main reason is that Java applications use the Java virtual machine (JVM) after compilation rather than directly to the processor as native codes.

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The performance of Java written by bytecode Java application is determined by how your hosting Java virtual machine (JVM) manages its work and the way it makes use of the JVM utilizes hardware and its operating system (OS) while doing it. The majority of interactive software that uses CPUs is typically not in use and is waiting for input or input from different sources. The performance of the JVM is much higher than.


Distributed computing is the collaborative use of several computers on networks. Java was designed to make distributed computing as simple as possible. Since networking is a part of Java, making network applications is as easy as sending data and files. Java has a variety of capabilities to create microservices (is an architectural model where an application is designed as a collection of tiny applications) for distributed platforms.


Here is a complete list of the advantages Java has to offer. Java is by far the most efficient and widely-used programming language currently available with various applications. Games, media applications, and browsers are all developed using Java. While it's unclear which direction the technology will take for Java or what technology will be dominant in app development, one thing is for sure: Java will remain a prevalent programming language for the foreseeable future.

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