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The OOP features are used to apply applications

Contributed by: Anderson Minhe

If we're beginning on our journey of programming, the first idea that we learn is how flowcharts work and how computer programs work in a top-down fashion. When writing code, we are taught that we are instructing computers how to finish an action step-by-step. The method is called procedural programming, and it employs a top-down approach. Procedural programming involves dividing the program into various procedures/functions/routines. Although procedural programming is an excellent choice for general-purpose programming, it has the drawback of not being reusable and the data being accessible to all programs, which makes it vulnerable to security concerns. To overcome the shortcomings of Procedural Programming, we now have an object-oriented approach to programming. In the world of object-oriented programming, everything is considered as object and class. The program's structure is crafted into small and reusable chunks of code. OOPs is among the most widely-used programming paradigms that software developers use. We'll examine the various applications to OOPs on the ground on this page. Before moving on to the specific applications, it's crucial to have a thorough knowledge of OOPs.

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What are OOPs?

It's used to arrange the software program into reusable, simple chunks of code blueprints (usually known as classes) that are then utilized to create a unique instance of the objects. There are many different concepts in OOPs like inheritance and data binding, polymorphism, and others. The model of programming in which everything is expressed in terms of objects is referred to as an object-oriented programming language. Smalltalk is considered to be the first programming language that is truly object-oriented.

What is Object Oriented Programming (OOPS)? Simple Explanation for Beginners, Source: Youtube, Studytonight

  • Objects: Any entity that exhibits state and behavior is an object. Examples include pens, tables, tables, and so on. It is an instance of a class and contains an address and occupies the memory of a certain amount. They can talk to one another without knowing the particulars of the other's information or codes.
  • Classes: A collection of several objects known as class. It's a blueprint with which you can build the individual thing. They are broad categories that share characteristics.
  • Inheritance: If a particular class takes over all the properties and actions of the parent object, it's referred to as inheritance. It provides code reuse.
  • Polymorphism: Polymorphism refers to being able to take on multiple forms. An object can assume a variety of conditions.
  • Abstraction: It can be described as a property through which only the most critical information is visible to the user. Other details are kept secret from the user.
  • Encapsulation: The term is used to describe data wrapping into a single unit. It is the method that connects code and any data that it processes.

There are numerous advantages to OOPs, including reusability, codes maintenance, data redundancy, greater productivity, security, and design advantages.

Application of OOPs

We now have an excellent concept of what object-oriented programing refers to, so let's look at some uses of OOPs.

Real-Time Systems

"real-time" refers to any system is "real-time system" refers to any information processing system with software and hardware components that can perform functions in real-time and react to events within the timeframes that are predictable and precise.

Real time Examples for OOPS in Java, Source: Youtube, learnprograming byluckysir

To be a real-time computing system, timing synchronization and timeliness are essential requirements. The term "timeliness" refers to the capability to achieve the desired result according to a set deadline, and time synchronization is the ability of agents to coordinate independent clocks and work in unison. The help of Object-oriented technologies allows us to create real-time systems. This will allow for flexibility, easy changes, and reusability of the code. There is a great deal of complexity that goes into designing real-time systems. OOP technology makes it simpler to deal with these complex issues.

Client-Server System

The client-server systems include the cooperation of two applications in an application. In general, clients make requests for services, and the servers will fulfill those requests. The server and the client are in the same computer system or are connected via an internet connection or a computer network. Internet.

OOP for client server communication, Source: Youtube, Dr E Murugavalli

The OOP concepts can be beneficial in the design of client-server systems. Client-server systems that are OOPs are used to create with the IT Infrastructure that makes Object-oriented server internet, or OCSI applications. The infrastructure includes Operating Systems, Networks, and hardware. OCSI consists of the following significant technologies

  • The Client Server
  • Obj Oriented Programming
  • The Internet

Object Originated Database

Every day, a data item is processed and stored; the traditional method of keeping information, i.e., that of the model known as relational, stores every bit of information in tables comprised of columns and rows.

Databases: Object oriented or relational? Source: Youtube, Mordechai Danielov

As the complexity increases and the storage in tables becomes very cumbersome. This is where storing information in objects from the real world becomes necessary. These databases attempt to maintain an exact correspondence between real-world objects and objects stored in databases to allow the thing to keep its authenticity and identity. They are then able to be recognized and manipulated.

An example of an object-oriented database is MongoDB.

Parallel and Neural Networks

The term "neural network" refers to a collection of algorithms designed to identify the underlying relationships within an array of data by an algorithm modeled after the neural processes humans use. In this way, neural networks refer to neural networks, whether natural or artificial, in their natural world.

Neural Network In 5 Minutes | What Is A Neural Network? | How Neural Networks Work, Source: Youtube, Simplilearn

Parallel programming is the division of a task into smaller subproblems. The subproblems may be completed simultaneously, making use of various computing resources. OOPs, or operations on the fly, help reduce the complexity of the task by reducing the approximate and prediction capabilities that the networks provide.

AI Expert Systems

The AI Expert system is the one that replicates the decision-making capabilities that a person expert has. The knowledge of experts is augmented by various extensions for the information base or simply the introduction of rules. For instance, PXDES is an expert system that determines the extent and the type of cancer in the lung. There are a variety of experts in the field.

Artificial Intelligence - Introduction to Expert System, Source: Youtube,  Tutorials Point (India) Ltd.

OOPs, drive the development of AI Expert systems. AI systems employ back and forward chains to arrive at an end. In essence, chaining is the chaining of derivations and conditions to determine the result. AI systems must be highly reliable, responsive, and have good performance. To power these capabilities. OOPs are utilized.

Modeling and Simulation System

Modeling complex systems is complicated due to the various parameters of the variables. These kinds of systems are common in the field of medicine as well as other fields of natural sciences such as ecology, zoology, and Agronomic systems. Modeling and simulation systems are essentially the actual products. The system's operation can be examined and verified by using object-oriented programming.

Introduction to Simulation: System Modeling and Simulation, Source: Youtube, ItsNowOrNever

An excellent example of a modeling and simulation system for automobiles is cars. When the engineering team completes the model of the car's design, they can launch the model when they are satisfied that the model is ready to go. OOP is an excellent approach to simplify these complicated models.

Computer-Aided Design

According to Wikipedia According to Wikipedia, Computer-aided Design (CAD) refers to the utilization of computer systems (or workstations) to assist in the design and modification, analysis, or improvement of designs. The field of mechanical design is known by the name robotic design automation (MDA) and includes the creation of technical drawings through software for computers.

Computer Aided Design, Source: Youtube, St. Louis Community College

One of the best instances of design using computers is Matlab. Programmers use it to work on complex mathematical problems. These models are later used in larger system designs to determine whether the system functions in the way it is expected to or not.


This blog has discussed OOPs and discovered some of the examples of OOPs. Obj-oriented programming is a crucial aspect to know in preparation for an interview. In addition, knowing the uses of OOPs can help you gain an edge. I hope this helps.

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