Top best tips to aid you in mastering your Mac

Contributed by: Johnson Tran Hoang

Macs are more well-known than ever before. But for those transitioning between Windows switching to the Apple OS for the first time, there are many things to learn. Here are our top 20 suggestions to aid you in mastering your Mac. Let's discover Top best tips to aid you in mastering your Mac

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1. Snap a picture of a specific area of the screen

The ability to take a picture is excellent; however, typically, you don't require all the images' screens. On Macs, there's an easy way to get only the portion of the screen that you need: Cmd + Shift + 4.

Top best tips to aid you in mastering your MacTop best tips to aid you in mastering your Mac. Source:

After that, you can select and drag an image over the area of your screen you would like to capture. When you release your mouse, the picture will save to your desktop; if you want to take the whole screen, press Cmd, Shift, and three instead.

2. Name large files at the same time

Renaming files is a tedious task at most. Renaming 100 holiday snaps in a single sitting is painful. If you're operating on a Mac running Yosemite and later versions, it's possible to accomplish it in one easy step.

How to Rename Multiple files on Mac, Source: Youtube, The Computer Lab

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Please select all the files you would like to change the name of, press CTRL-C (or click right) them, and then choose to rename them. There are three options to rename the files. Replace Text lets you change, for instance, the 'IMG' portion of a collection of files to something more appropriate. For example, 'IMG_01' and 'IMG_02 and so on will become "Dad's birthday" 01" and "Dad's birthday_02', or another.

3. Windows on your Apple machine. Windows onto your Apple machine

Contrary to popular opinion, installing a copy of Microsoft Windows on a Mac is an option. It's also elementary to accomplish.

Go through the Applications folder of your Mac first, then your Utility Folder. Inside that folder is a program known as Boot Camp. It now partitions your hard drive. This is a way of splitting it into Windows and Mac. You can decide how to divide the ratio; however, remember that the storage assigned to one OS isn't accessible. Choose Partition to begin the process.

After restarting, your Mac will ask you for the Windows Installation CD. If you don't own one, you'll need to purchase one. Make sure it's Windows 10. If it asks where it should be installed, choose the partitioned portion on your drive.

3.1 Do you need assistance with your Mac? 

Once the installation is complete, your Mac will start up Windows for the first time. It's a bit surreal. Beginning today, every time you power up your PC, hold down your Options button and you will be able to select from Windows and OS X. Keep in mind that there's no option to change operating systems at the moment, so ensure you choose the correct one, or else you'll need to reboot.

4. Add your signature to the documents

If you're required to return a formal document that was handed to you electronically, you're familiar with the hassle of adding your signature. With macOS, there's a better method.

If you're using a laptop, you'll have the option of writing your initials onto the keyboard (which is surprisingly effective) or making use of your Camera to capture an image that shows your signature.

How To Add A Signature To Any Document On Mac, Source: Youtube, Howfinity 

To utilize the Camera, you must first ensure you've signed your name on white paper. Then, click the Camera and hold the piece of paper to the Webcam in your Mac. The Camera will record your signature. Select Done after you're satisfied with it. The Mac will save the signature.

To sign your document, click to select the sign icon once more and then select your signature once it pops up to put it on the paper.

5. Check out all characters with unique characteristics

If you'd like to include emojis in your documents, inside the program you're using; you can select "Edit" on the Menu Bar and then Emoji and the Symbols by choosing the drop-down menu.

This will open the Emoji Picker: Click in the document you wish to include your emoji and then select the emoji you'd like to have.

6. Switch between windows in the same program

Utilizing Cmd + Tab keys tab and cmd keys, you can swiftly change between open programs. If, however, you have, for instance, the equivalent of three Word documents open simultaneously you want to switch between, you'll require an alternative shortcut.

How To Switch Between Mac Apps, Desktops, Windows, and Tabs, Source: Youtube, macmostvideo

Cmd + immediately switches to several windows of the program. This can be used for any program.

7. Quietly start your Mac

Even if you've not experienced the Mac before, you might have heard the famous sound that it emits each when it begins to boot up. The sound, however, is usually quite annoying. If you're in a place that silence is essential, as an institution or class, hold down your Mute button during the initialization.

8. Convert any unit inside Spotlight

The Spotlight will find information on your Mac as well as online. It can also answer some of the most fundamental questions without opening an entirely new window. One of them can be a unit conversion. All you have to do is input the amount you wish to convert, like "57kg", and it will provide an array of mutations in the results of a search. It can even work with currencies when there's internet access. 

9. Windows to merge from Finder

Mac Tip: How to split and merge Finder windows, Source: Youtube, iBD

There is no longer having to open thousands of Finder windows to manage the files on your Mac. If your screen is filled with windows, select the Window option on the menu bar and choose to merge the windows. What was once multiple windows are now tiny tabs inside one window.

10. Connect to a Wi-Fi connection without shutting off Wi-Fi

Press on the keystroke Alt key and click the wi-fi icon on the menu bar on your Mac. It will show the usual options you encounter when you click it and a more extensive set of options under the network's name. that you're connected to. A button under your network's word will say "Disconnect" from your network's name[your network name]. Just click it, and it will disconnect you without needing to restart your Wi-Fi.

11. Record your screen

Sometimes a screengrab alone isn't enough, and you'll need to capture an animated image. For this, you could use a built-in feature in QuickTime, which is software that comes with each Mac as a standard. Navigate to the applications directory (if it's not located on the shortcut bar) and then launch QuickTime Player. Select File> New Screen Recording. This allows you to record the entire screen or just a part of it. It's beneficial for things like tutorials. It is also able to record audio.

12. Calculate sums using Spotlight

Use Spotlight To Do Quick Math Calculations, Source: Youtube, macmostvideo

MacOS may come with an integrated calculator; however, there are more efficient performing quick calculations. Click the Spotlight icon at the top-right edge of the screen, then input your total. +, -, / *, and = are the equivalent of those of the plus and minus divide equals, multiply and divide functions found on a traditional calculator. The result will appear in the Spotlight box below.

13. Find a forgotten password to the website or application

For most applications running on your Mac and some of the websites you browse on, Your password and login details will be saved inside your keychain. But don't worry, they're secure and accessible only locally by the person they're applied to.

If you lose one of these passwords, you can retrieve them by accessing your Mac to remember the password to your account.

Start an entirely brand-new Explorer window, and then go to your applications folder. 

If you'd like to see the passwords for any accounts, you'll be asked to enter your username and password exactly as you would when you were installing the latest software or make security adjustments on your Mac.

14. Note an image or PDF

With PDFs, the most popular kind of File for business communications - it could be a bit frustrating too aren't able to easily modify them - up to the present.

12 Things You May Not Know You Can Do With PDF Files In Mac Preview, Source: Youtube, macmostvideo

Double-click the PDF file. It will open within Preview, the PDF reader that defaults (if not, you will find it in the Applications folder. After the File is opened then press on the markup icon. This will open an options menu. Markup menu bars are below.

Utilizing the tools available in this bar, you can highlight text and then annotate it to the fullest extent you want.

Once you've finished adding annotations Once you've finished, you can share them by clicking the Share > File option menu bar.


Mac is a modern and feature-rich device, so it can sometimes be difficult to use. Understanding your laptop will help you get the most out of your work.

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