Awesome Android Apps that will change the way You Utilize Your Smartphone

Contributed by: Paul Zinah Le

These are the top applications for Android that will alter the way you interact and use your phone on a regular daily basis. It is possible to download millions of games on the Play Store, ranging from addictive games to essential productivity tools, and even great ways to personalize your phone. Additionally, some applications alter entirely the way you use Android. Some improve users' interfaces while others simplify everyday tasks, and others take notable features of Google's operating system to make them more efficient. Let's look at some of the impressive apps for Android. Let's discover Awesome Android Apps that will change the way You Utilize Your Smartphone

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The Best Android Utility Apps for 2023

1. Lynket Browser

Social media is fantastic for finding interesting articles on the internet. However, it's not always easy to check them out immediately. Sometimes, it's best to queue some articles and return to them later.

Awesome Android Apps that will change the way You Utilize Your SmartphoneAwesome Android Apps that will change the way You Utilize Your Smartphone. Source:

You can accomplish this by using Linket Browser. It loads websites in the background. You can open it anytime you'd like by pressing the floating or onscreen bubbles.

Lynket Browser - Promo, Source: Youtube, Arunkumar

It's easy to use and yet extremely useful. It integrates with your default browser. It can improve your browsing speed by loading the AMP versions of links you click.

Another fantastic feature of the Lynket browser is reading the pages in Article mode. This provides a stylish reader mode free of fillers and fluff.

Although the app hasn't been for a while, however, it is still delivering the promises it makes.

2. Popup Widget 3

The most effective Android applications are beneficial. However, if you're using it excessively, it will overtake your home screen and cause your phone to slow down.

Popup Widget 3 My Setup V2 Animated, Source: Youtube, Rashad

Popup Widget 3 rethinks how they function. It converts all your selected widgets into icons 1x1 on the home screen. If you tap on one, it'll pop out, and you'll be able to view what's within.

The app offers the speed and convenience of widgets. You don't have to download the whole application to check your most recent tweets or check for the weather. It's all done without the performance impact.

3. Notepin

Notepin has such apparent features that you'll be wondering why it's not already part of Android. It allows users to make notes and then pin notes to your notification panel to serve as reminders.

Although the application isn't overly complicated, it allows you to sort your notes according to priority or the date they were added and is also color-coordinated and looks stunning. Once you've pinned them, the messages will show up in your notification panel until you remove them.

notepinNotepin, Source:

Although Notepin doesn't do anything new, it's undoubtedly one of the most impressive apps available to Android users looking for efficiency and efficiency.

4. MacroDroid

Remove the monotony from the routine tasks you do every day by making them macros, a sequence of commands that run automatically.

MacroDroid is identical to the popular Android automation application Tasker. However, the use of Tasker efficiently to complete more complicated tasks comes with a difficult learning curve. MacroDroid is an application that you can install and use immediately.

Crazy Things to do with Macrodroid app, Source: Youtube, ANDROID FEVER

The app requires you to set up a few settings - essentially an action triggered by an event. Therefore, plugging in headphones might start, and the steps that follow could trigger the automatic launch of the Spotify application and the setting of the volume.

You could also change your phone's settings to Airplane mode (the action) during the night (the activate). It could also be set to read your messages loudly when you're on a dock in your car.

You can also add additional restrictions to tailor the conditions in which the macro can execute. This gives the application more capability and lets your macros be as easy or complicated as you want to make them.


While MacroDroid is ideal for controlling devices on the go, IFTTT does the same for web-based services. The official IFTTT application lets you make applets to connect two internet-connected devices or assistance using your Android phone, acting as your central point of contact.

How to create Applets on IFTTT - the low code, no code solution for automation and integration, Source: Youtube, IFTTT

The possibilities are nearly limitless. It is possible to use IFTTT to manage your devices via intelligent phones and automatically tweet, receive SMS alerts to your Google Calendar appointments, or be notified of price reductions for items you're considering buying. When you've got it set in place, you'll be wondering why you didn't have IFTTT. It's one of the most fascinating applications available on the Play Store.

6. Full-Screen Gestures

The modern versions of Android offer decent gesture control. However, they aren't the most user-friendly. They are only available at the very bottom of your screen and can do much more than simple navigation.

Full-Screen GesturesFull-Screen Gestures, Source: Proreviewsapp

Full-Screen Gestures fix that. It allows gestures to work across the left, right, or bottom of the screen. Additionally, it will enable users to use two options for every edge: one to allow a quick swipe and another for a longer swipe. Do you not like to swipe down to access your notification bar? You can swipe up instead!

These additional options let users manage the volume, start Google Assistant, toggle the flashlight, and so on.

7. MightyText

While WhatsApp Web lets you transmit WhatsApp messages from your PC, if you prefer SMS messages, the SMS Text Messaging app from MightyText becomes a vital application.

Mighty Text for Android - Send and receive a text on your computer, Source: Youtube, Marc The Geeks

It can sync with the Mac and Linux PC via an extension for your browser. It gives you complete access to your messages on a bigger screen. The app lets you read, respond or make new messages in addition to viewing notifications from your other applications. You can also make calls, and you'll rarely require picking up your phone ever again.

There's a monthly limitation in this free edition and think about a different program if you're a frequent user. To learn more about it, look into other applications which allow you to send text messages via your computer.

8. Universal Copy

Please copy and paste; copy and paste Android is generally acceptable until it fails. Certain apps cannot support it, and certain websites prohibit copying, which can be highly annoying.

Universal CopyUniversal Copy, Source: Proreviewsapp

Through Universal Copy, you can copy and paste virtually everything you want from any app. You can even copy the text of an image. It seamlessly integrates into the operating system. Then, the next time you wish to duplicate text, start the app by clicking on the link on the notification bar and then copy using an extended press or switch on scanning mode to search for the text in the image.

9. Nova Launcher

The best method to personalize the look and feel of your Android device is to download a new launcher. There are many launchers to choose from, one of the best in Nova.

Nova Launcher 7 is Taking it to the Next Level!, Source: Youtube, Howtomen

It's tiny, quick, and stable. It's also infinitely adjustable. Its default settings are great. However, it's also loaded with extra features you're not aware of. They are a range of features that include support for icon packs and the ability to alter the size of every widget.

However, the built-in gesture controls outdo all. They allow you to assign tasks--from activating settings to navigation through the interface to opening apps to the use of swipes, taps, and pinches.

If you're an influential user, Nova's movements could fundamentally alter the way users interact with their devices.

10. Super Status Bar

Android has always been highly customizable, but one aspect that people often overlook is the bar that displays status. The app is finally changing that.

Through SuperStatusBar, you can alter the brightness of your display or volume by simply swiping across the upper edge part of your screen. It is possible to set up a ticker that will display previews of any messages you receive and notifications. Additionally, you can set up other gesture controls, check the battery's life, or alter the appearance and feel of your entire area.

Super Status BarSuper Status Bar, Source: Proreviewsapp

Plenty is going on in this app. It even comes with some more advanced options for root users. That's why the Super Status bar is included on our list of the best Android applications.


This fantastic collection of Android applications will transform how you utilize your Android phone. They help you manage your phone and help you locate things you require faster.

This is just the beginning of the incredible apps available on the Play Store. Make sure you take an interest in the other.

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