Top 6 Must-Know Mac OS X Tips for Windows Users

Contributed by: Johnson Tran Hoang

If you have recently purchased a Mac or are required to utilize the Mac system at work, it could be challenging to use MAC OS X if you used Windows as your Operating System. This is a simple process, and Apple does not like to change the Operating System to match that of Microsoft Windows anytime. Apple is awestruck by Mac OS X the way it is. It is likely to stay the same. So it is essential to know the differences between Windows and Mac OS X. My opinion is that MAC OS X could have been designed to be simpler to use as a default. Still, unfortunately, it is necessary to make some adjustments to enhance your experience. In this post, I'll share with you a few of my most-used suggestions for Windows users who must utilize Mac OS X. When you've gotten how to use OS X; you might even prefer it to Windows. The same thing happened to me. There's a bit of effort to put into it. However, it is worth the effort. Let's discover the Top 6 Must-Know Mac OS X Tips for Windows Users

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1. How to Right-Click on MAC OS X

One of the most disturbing things to be a Mac OS X user is figuring out how to use the right-click! There isn't a specific right-click feature for Mac; however, this could be annoying for some users. However, that is not the case with Apple. Apple's method is much more intuitive and is also easier to make use of.

Top 6 Must-Know Mac OS X Tips for Windows UsersTop 6 Must-Know Mac OS X Tips for Windows Users. Source:

If you must perform a right-click on the internet, you need to use two fingers. The right-click option is made by clicking with two fingers. Based on my experience, this is far better than moving my fingers to the proper spot position on Windows laptop computers. You can alter the settings to alter the way right-click functions by going to the computer's Preferences, Trackpad, and clicking on the Point and Click the button.

2. Add the Applications to the Dock

Another significant difference is that it's more annoying for Windows users due to the absence of the Start menu. There isn't a single primary button available in Mac OS X. You can look for the Apple logo on the left-hand side, which could perform a few things like allow you to System Preferences, or will enable you to reboot or shut down your PC.

Macbook How to Put Applications in Dock and Great Tips, Source: Youtube, Team AG

I never have more than one or two, so the first thing I do is get rid of each one. It's as easy to click on the icon in the Dock, then select and select options for removal from the Dock.

3. Eject Drives to the Trash

This is a perfect idea. For a long time, Apple has perplexed users on how to get rid of devices from their System. If you wish to remove the DVD or flash drive, then you'll need to select the right-click option and then opt for Eject, or you have to put the device into the Trash.

It is the same as ejecting your USB drive from the Recycle Bin in Windows. Also, you can eliminate everything! This is why people do not want to throw Anything with important information directly in a garbage can.

4. Tweak the Finder

Finder is akin to Windows Explorer in Windows. I find it to be a more practical and straightforward version, in my opinion. To add even more features to Finder, start by opening the Finder home tab and then choose View and select the Show Path Bar and the Show Status bar options. It'll provide Finder with an Explorer-style look.

Working with Finder on Mac, Source: Youtube, Dan's Tutorials

When you are under View, choose Customize Toolbar to include helpful symbols on the default toolbar. I must admit that I love the ability to either remove or add a new folder. Also, you can use the Get Info buttons in the toolbar. Not to mention when you click on the preference and then the sidebar, you can easily add additional items on the Finder sidebar such as Pictures, music, Music, etc. This is similar to the library of Windows.

5. Learn how to make use of Spotlight for MAX OS X

It can be accessed in two ways:

Or, by clicking the magnifying glass on the right side of the screen. By pressing on the Command + Spacebar keyboard shortcut.

A Beginners Guide to Apple's Spotlight, Source: Youtube, Carl Pullein

Spotlight is a great tool to use. Spotlight is the most efficient way to locate your files, settings changes within MAC OS X, find out the best applications to post email addresses, discover emails, search for dates and times, and much more. It will also display your website's results, which means you could identify your results for Apple and recommend websites and even an address for the nearest Apple store.

6. SUGGESTIONS By default

Apple's settings safeguard you by restricting you from installing any app available in the Apple App Store or by authorized developers. In a way, it's pretty good as it keeps your security without doing Anything. However, if you wish to download any new program, the Mac App Store is the best choice. Contrary to this Windows application that is typically downloaded from anywhere on the internet. Most of the systems you'll need to be installed on your Mac will be accessible through the Mac App Store. Suppose you're looking to install something that comes from another place. In that case, you'll be able to modify your System's preferences to Security and Privacy and then select Anything that you have permission to install.


In all likelihood, those are some excellent tips for brand-new Mac OS X users who extensively used Windows throughout their entire lives. There are plenty of other variations, but If you're able to manage the most basic ones, you'll enjoy making use of the features of your Mac instead of wanting to beat it. Appreciate!

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