10 ways Apple has changed the Technology World

Contributed by: Johnson Tran Hoang

Technology is constantly evolving and will continue to change for many in the foreseeable future. Digital Trike Digital Trike does what we can to stay on top of the latest technology trends to provide better service to our customers. If we look at the kinds of technology that are currently available, much of it is a result of the genius minds of Apple. Most of the time, they continued as the primary ones to develop innovative ideas. Other companies have benefited from Apple's ideas to develop concepts like their own. If you're willing to admit that or not, Apple is a significant, if not the most important tech-related innovator in the past. Let's discover 10 ways Apple has changed the Technology World

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1. It was the Apple-1

It was the first personal computer. Before this, computers were available in kits, not as assembled machines. They also utilized light bulbs and switches instead of monitors and keyboards for the inputs and outputs.

10 ways Apple has changed the Technology World10 ways Apple has changed the Technology World. Source: Proreviewsapp.com

It was still necessary to bring your equipment, including an electrical power source along with a keyboard and display; however, as Apple claimed, "initial setup is essentially effortless, and you'll start using it in just a few hours." This Apple-1's minimal maintenance made it a sought-after product.

2. iMac 

The first iMac was notable for three primary reasons. The first computer did not have a legacy that eliminated the floppy disk. It relied upon a USB connection instead of expanding cards.

The second reason was that it was created to be an internet-centric computer with Apple calling it "the most powerful internet device" in addition to being "the first computer that brought the convenience of using linked to Macintosh computers to the mysterious web." The third reason was that it appeared ultimately unlike every other PC available with its bright, transparent plastics and curving curves that swung. The iMac was a model for other computer makers and the makers of grilling equipment, steam irons, games consoles, and other products for the consumer market.

3. iPhone 

The iPhone first appeared in 2007. It was entirely unlike any other phone ever made. Before the iPhone phones, smartphones appeared like huge, heavy BlackBerries or shabby phones from Nokia. Following the release of the iPhone, BlackBerries, and Nokias quickly adopted the same look and function to the iPhone. The iPhone revolutionized the market also and saw BlackBerry and Nokia being pushed aside and Microsoft closing its mobile platform completely.

Steve Jobs Introducing The iPhone At MacWorld 2007, Source, Youtube, superapple4ever

It's changed how we interact online, and it's changed Apple as well because of its global sales. Apple is today the most profitable technology firm. The iPhone has proven to be extremely popular and highly influential. 

4. The iPod and iTunes

The iPod has made digital music the norm. The iPod of 2001 was not equipped with the high-tech specifications associated with the Creative Nomad MP3 player - however, that's not the point. Creative Nomad didn't have the fantastic design and stunning looks of the iPod and convenience, nor did the different MP3 player. The iPod didn't have Apple's clever marketing, either.

[HOW TO] Transfer from iPod to iTunes (Windows), Source; Youtube, Tech Talk America

iTunes made it simple to transfer the music that you purchased to an iPod. However, there was a part of the puzzle missing. This piece appeared in iTunes 4 as part of an iTunes Store. iTunes made it simple to access music and effectively locked you into the iPod and copied protection, making it impossible to carry your music to devices competing with you. This protection has gone away, but the business model of Apple offering the player, software, and store - is still working well for the company's success in music, movies, and applications.

While other MP3 players were excellent, none offered the complete set of features that Apple did. 

5. GUI

The graphic user interface, also known as GUI or GUI for short, was a massive leap in technology. Instead of memorizing the syntax of commands, it was possible to control your computer by pressing, pointing, and moving objects around using the mouse. Apple did not invent the concept, and some features of their GUI were inspired by a system developed by Xerox PARC, which invested in Apple, but Apple was the first firm to launch the first commercial GUI-based machine with the 1983 Apple Lisa.

How Steve Jobs got the ideas of GUI from XEROX, Source: Youtube, Ringo Pebam

Apple's GUI was improved for the Macintosh, the first computer equipped with the GUI. Its MacPaint software introduced digital art to everyday computer users. Additionally, its GUI allowed the development of software such as PageMaker and Photoshop applications, later changing the publishing industry.

As you can observe, Apple didn't invent graphical interfaces, but it did make them the norm.

6. iPad 

In the past, before the iPad, when you wanted to perform a task using a computer, you would have to master the use of your laptop before you could use it. On your iPad, it's easy to do what you'd like to do. Play piano? The iPad can be a piano. Write a letter? It's the typewriter. Did you read the book? It's a book. Fire exploding birds? It's the catapult.

Analysts think that tablet sales will be higher than laptop sales within a couple of years. Apple could be the largest tablet manufacturer, which means that people purchase devices that have ARM/Apple processors and Apple's OS instead of Intel chips or Windows. The entire landscape of personal computing is changing rapidly.

Apple iPad review (2021): Another humble update, Source: Youtube, Engadget


As the folks at Apple would claim, "You didn't know you required tablets until Apple created one."

7. Steve notes 

Steve Jobs' keynote speeches are iconic, and they've been widely copied. Why? Because Jobs was a remarkable and disciplined entertainer. He was always focused on minor details refinement and simplifying, and using engaging language, realistic scenarios, humor, and enthusiasm to get the message through. If you've ever seen CEOs give an elaborate three-act presentation that includes numbers at the start and a piece of straightforward positive news. Then an announcement at the conclusion, you're watching someone who's watched, Jobs.

In the launch of the first MacBook Air, other presenters would have displayed a spec sheet on the slide, displaying the dimensions. Steve Jobs put the Air inside an envelope and then showed the Air differently.

As Apple established the standard for technology, its founder set the standard that business professionals should follow.

8. It's the App Store

The iPhone launched without apps, a choice that was quickly changed. Tim Cook says that "the average user is now using more than 100 applications." iOS and its App Store is the same closed-ecosystem system as iTunes and iPod. iPod as well as iTunes. And, similar to the ecosystem the App Store is being copied by all the other apps.

The Apple approval process may appear a bit sloppy and messy, but it's stopped scams and malware.

History of the App Store, Source: Youtube, Apple Explained


According to the ads in the 1970s, "Our principle is to provide software for our machines for free or for a low price." Apple has also introduced the same design into OS X.

Every hardware manufacturer wants to have its app store, and Apple has been the first to launch it.

9. Airport 

A memorable Steve Jobs memory was when he unveiled the new iBook during the MacWorld Expo in 1999. He began browsing the web and then picked up the laptop, went for a stroll, and then put through a hula-hoop.

The audience booed and cheered but was unsure of what they were witnessing. The internet? Without wires? Apple did not invent Wi-Fi, but it collaborated with Lucent to introduce the new IEEE 802.11b Direct Sequence WLAN technology, an entirely new name. This led to AirPort and the revolutionary AirPort Wireless Base Station. Before AirPort wireless networking, wireless networks were expensive for home use. It is now possible to get it for $299, and since it was Apple, it was working.

Apple enabled anyone to connect wirelessly to their home, transforming our use of the internet forever.

10. iOS 6 

The map app in iOS 6's Maps application changed the world but not how Apple anticipated. The replacement of Google Maps came with a beautiful interface, turn-by-turn navigation, and maps of a bizarre non-Earth-like planet in which familiar landmarks changed into outlandish, sinister designs. This was not a great feature.

Apple iOS 6 Presentation, Source: Youtube, RadiationFire

The map's error caused it to become a laughing stock. The error was discovered in Mad Magazine, which revisited the legendary New Yorker cover and claimed to utilize the Apple Maps information. 9th Avenue in New York, 9th Avenue joined the Champs-Elysees and was just a few blocks away from the Sea of Galilee, Kuala Lumpur, and Chad in the published body. In an article from the London Underground, one user wrote on a poster: "For the benefit of customers who are using Apple iOS 6, local maps for the region are available from the reservation office."

The glitch-ridden Maps launch transformed the world in a terrible way. But, the new version of Apple's iOS offers a pleasant experience and will leave a lasting impression on the people who utilize it.


Recognizing how Apple has changed the technology environment allows us at Digital Trike to take our technology to the highest level and think of the infinite possibilities we could offer our customers. We're always eager to see what Apple will come up with next so that we can see how we can incorporate the ideas of Apple into our designs.

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Hope this article is useful to you, thanks for reading.

 Source: https://proreviewsapp.com/

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