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The Top Python Code Editors and IDEs

Contributed by: Anderson Minhe

Python Integrated Development Environment (IDEs) is the program that allows Python developers to use an array of tools within one environment instead of installing separate Python programs to perform various functions like auto-code completion and syntax highlights, code coloring, simple navigation, and more. These IDEs allow you to work with specific platforms designed for applications and remove the hurdles that arise when developing the software. Python IDE assists in creating websites, apps as well as new software.

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Why do We Need an IDE to work with Python?

IDE is a crucial element in the development process regardless of what you choose to use to develop your project. If we are talking about Python, it is already equipped with essential tools and an editor for text, to begin with, but it cannot help you create your apps with ease. This is the point where IDE is available. It gives you access to many options to enhance your programming debugging, testing, and experience.

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IDEs are so advanced that they've simplified the process of writing your code. There is no need to do tedious and lengthy tasks by yourself. There are a variety of IDEs that support using the Python programming language. A few are completely free, and you can use them for the first time and then move on to the premium and paid versions, which are helpful when working on more significant projects. The more sophisticated they are more powerful, the less effort you have to do with the code.

Top Python IDEs


It is among the most popular open-source Python IDEs compatible with Windows, Linus, and macOS. It offers a robust Python environment for developers. 

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  • It is possible to access your database via the IDE directly.
  • It gives you access to vast and active community assistance.
  • It also includes plugins that can help enhance your project.


  • This paid edition of the IDE is costly when compared with other IDEs.
  • The loading times are not as fast.
  • It takes up more space when compared with other IDEs.
  • It is not recommended for those new to the field because the configuration of the virtual environment is complex.


Vim is the abbreviation for Vi IMproved, an open-source, free IDE installed in Linux and macOS. It is based on Vi editor. It's highly customizable, and its developers love it because of its keyboard shortcuts and high performance. It also supports non-programming programs. Vim supports three modes to choose from: Insert mode, command mode, and command-line mode. It is possible to perform complicated tasks involving a text with only a handful of commands.

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  • It gives you access to an energizing plugin interface that helps in enhancing your code to a great extent.
  • In addition to Python, it also offers good support for various programming languages.
  • It supports multiple tabs, which lets it work with various files. It also allows various buffers.
  • It provides a strong integration capability.
  • It also has its scripting language.


  • It can be challenging to master when you are a novice.
  • It is a considerable effort for customizing.

Sublime Text 3

This editor lets you get a fully-fledged Python environment. It's an open-source IDE that supports various programming languages, including Python. It comes with built-in support for Python and has a variety of programs for scientific development, Flask, Django, etc. It's highly flexible and reliable. It is highly customizable and reliable. IDE comes with a built-in plugin for code Linters. It reveals the errors you've made in the source code before you try to run your code. In addition, you can make use of the following key combinations to speed up your work using this IDE.

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Ctrl + R: to show all available methods in the larger files.

Ctrl + p: switch between the two files.

Shift + Ctrl allows the user to run packages, manage Sublime projects, modify the syntax of your files, and much more.

Ctrl + Shift + F AND enter alt: Find a word or phrase in the files, and then choose from the list.


  • It is a top-performing application with a robust API.
  • It can open large files quickly.
  • It includes syntax coloring and syntax definitions which makes code understandable.
  • Accurate and reliable auto code completion that is reliable and accurate.


  • The feature of comparing files automatically is challenging to implement.
  • It is not equipped with an effective GIT plugin.
  • You will require a license to use and explore the program's main functions.


PyDev is another IDE that is popular to use for Python development. The eclipse's third-party plugin includes a robust Python interpreter. It employs advanced methods for the analysis of code and completion. In addition, the essential attributes of PyDev have syntax highlighting, debugging multi-language support, intelligent indentation, and an excellent outline view.

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  • It is simple to configure Django Integration.
  • It offers good support for web development using Python.
  • It is simple to master.
  • In addition, it includes Mypy and black for matter in addition to virtual and physical environments.


  • The plugins might become unstable and affect the development.
  • The interface for users isn't beautiful.
  • For large-scale applications, performance could be reduced.


Thonny is a well-known Python-based IDE suitable for beginners and offers many features to learn Python programming. This IDE is perfect for learning and teaching Python. It allows developers to understand the way their code and shell commands impact Python variables. It comes with a basic debugger to analyze your code using the F5, F6, and F7 function keys. The most fundamental features include syntax highlighter and code completion, step-through expression evaluation, and more.

Thonny - a Python IDE for beginners, Source: Youtube, Mike Zamansky


  • User-friendly and simple GUI.
  • It can't use memory at a high rate.
  • It offers you an in-depth view of Python variables.


  • The templates' support is deficient.
  • This software may not be suitable for developers with experience.
  • A quick fix to specific problems is not readily available.


In this blog, we have discussed various Python IDEs and their effectiveness in use. The selection of an IDE is dependent on many elements like the industry where you're working (Data Science web development, web development, or scripting) and the size of your team as well as the need for collaboration as well as the size of your company, and the knowledge you need to know about using Python as a programming language. Each test editor has distinct features, but each one is not flawless. It is recommended to seek experts' advice on selecting the editor to have a more enjoyable user experience.

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The Top Python Code Editors and IDEs

Contributed by: Anderson Minhe

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