One of the most efficient Android widgets designed for busy professionals

Contributed by: Anderson Minhe

Transform the Android display into an effective productivity center with these great business-friendly widgets. In pondering widgets, it is wise to determine which is worth embracing. Apologize for my incredibly irritating alliteration. (Ah, blast. Here I am again.) The problem with widgets, but the problem is that -it's absurd. It's also easy to dismiss as irrelevant to you as a severe Smartphone userHowever, as fun, as they appear and as silly as they are often, Android widgets can prove to be an asset in terms of mobile productivity. Once you've sifted through the Play Store's vast array of meteorological widgets clocks and, well, even additional weather widgets, an entire vast array of beneficial options are waiting for you.

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Google Keep

Google Keep is the most efficient Android note-taking app suitable for most users, and its widget does not disappoint. The primary device of Keep gives you an easy method of scrolling through your notes and allows you to look through all letters, but only those that have been pinned or have a particular label. You can view the initial few lines of every message on your home screen, and you only need one click to view any note fully.

How to Use Google Keep - A Beginner's Guide, Source: Youtube, Simpletivity

The toolbar is also a plus located on top of the Keep widget, which offers the user a single-tap option for creating notes, creating the new checklist, taking notes with your voice, jotting something down in handwriting, or even taking images directly to your messages. If all you need is those actions, it is possible to use Keep's smaller toolbar widget. It gives you fast-access shortcuts with no notes attached. 


If you're looking for more of a fully-featured note-taking application and are willing to pay the cost -- 8 dollars monthly for a no-limits monthly subscription -Evernote is a good choice. Evernote will add an abundance in productivity onto the screen of your Android smartphone's main screen.

What is Evernote?, Source: Youtube, Evernote 

The widget of the app allows users to scroll through a list of notes that offers a variety of choices -- what kind of notes you have included in the list, the notebook where notes that have been created are saved, and whether you'd like to view tags, images, and text within the widget, or note names.

Evernote offers a convenient toolbar on the top of the widget as well as you can also customize which commands are shown and the order in which they are displayed. The device contains commands for taking an initial note, taking a picture to save in your notes, making notes with a voice, and jotting down notes in handwriting. 


If you're using a robust note-taking program or not, at times, you find a bit of information that you must keep in mind and display prominently just in front of you. ColorNote is a great app to keep in mind for those occasions, primarily due to its widget.

It is possible to think of ColorNote as a sort of Post-It notepad that you can use on your smartphone: When something important happens to your mind, all you need to do is create a newly-created ColorNote gadget to your screen at home, enter the information you'd like to keep in mind and voila! The report will appear on your phone's home screen, as it would if you'd glued a tiny sticky notepad right over your phone.

Notes Made Easy Using ColorNote App Tutorial, Source: Youtube, GameZone Arena

The app features its method of backing to the cloud should you wish to ensure that your notes are synchronized across different devices. You can also alter a note's color by opening it in the main application. It's the convenience of placing virtual Post-Its onto your home screen that makes ColorNote a useful widget worth having. 

Ruff - Writing App

If you're looking for the convenience of a single scratchpad instead of a collection of individual Post-Its, Ruff is the tool to use. This amusing canine-themed application is designed to provide one delightful and straightforward scrolling sheet of text onto your smartphone. Whatever you write on that sheet will be saved locally on your phone and can be easily saved for later use or shared with anyone else for external storage.

Background Ruff app, Source: Youtube, Village Boys 1

The thing that stands out about Ruff's widget is the ability to scroll -- it allows you to browse through a long note without leaving your screen at home. It's an uncommon feature for a note-taking widget to provide, and it can be helpful in various situations. Ruff is free to download and use however certain features like the ability to scroll the device will require a single fee of $4 in-app.

In terms of managing your to-do list, is a superior choice -and the selection of Android widgets is equally impressive. The primary device provides the list in a scrollable format of all your tasks. You can click on any item immediately to mark it off the list or create an object using the built-in functions for voice or text input.

Any.DO Task + Calendar Manager: Reviewed, Source: Youtube, Keep Productive

The app comes with several widgets that include a smaller tasks list and a minimalist widget for adding new tasks, as well as, on top of that, a widget with a larger size that displays the calendar with your work. You can also choose between white and transparent themes for each setting is completely free, with an additional annual subscription of $36 (if you upgrade via the application) to access advanced features such as reminders based on location with unlimited attachments.

Calendar Widget

Are you looking to have a comprehensive month-long summary available for quick planning? The simple-to-use Month Calendar widget gives users a straightforward way to view the month's current date on your desktop and then access more information from your calendar when you require it.

Google Calendar Widget, Source: Youtube, Rob Dunlop

Unlike the cluttered and often-difficult-to-decipher Google Calendar month-view widget, the Month: Calendar Widget provides a clear view of the current month (or any other month, past or present). It also uses dots to mark different events on various dates, and you can tap any day to display the window with the plan.

Month: Calendar Widget includes nine styles, each with various types. And if you're looking for something more splendid, purchase $3.50 for a range of extra options. Suppose you decide not to pay that fee. In that case, it's a good idea to pay for the upgrade of $1 to block the prominent advertisements scattered throughout the app.


The TripIt app is one of the Swiss Army Knife for Android travel applications, and its widget will take up every inch of screen space on your phone's home screen when you're to the horizon.

It acts as an essential planner for all your travel plans (after you forward them to an email address or permit the application to search your email account directly to locate these messages). The company's annual subscription of a $49 trinitro service will then provide you with real-time updates about your flights through your travels. It can sometimes beat notifications provided by airlines' apps.

TripIt - Travel App that Really Gets You There!, Source: Youtube, dottotech

The widget combines the fundamental knowledge of TripIt into an easily readable area on your screen and lets you view and browse through your plans at any time without digging through. Also, you can click on any item in your list to instantly jump into a more in-depth view.


If you've got a detailed list of sources that you have to track to fulfill your duties, blog sites for companies and news sites for the industry, or any other publications that are relevant to your needs -- Inoreader is an excellent way to make sure that nothing gets lost in the shuffle.


5 features of Inoreader and how does it compare to Feedly, Source: Youtube, Siv WUK

You need to connect the source you prefer to the app and add the widget to your home screen. Afterward, the latest content from these sources will be waiting for you in a frequently refreshed, scrollable, and scrollable box.

You can also access your list via your computer with the help of the Inoreader web-based app. It will also keep track of what publications you've read from either location so that you'll know where you have left off. Inoreader is available for free with a possible $50-a-year professional plan that eliminates the 150-source limit of your subscriptions. It also includes advanced features, such as offline reading and an in-app translation feature. 


These top Android widgets can add value to your smartphone's set up by placing the latest information and functions on your home screen, which is always visible and easily accessible. They help you save time and achieve more tasks within a shorter period.

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