Top Android Tips and Tricks You've Never Heard About

Contributed by: Paul Zinah Le

Join us as we explore Google's Android OS and discover some of the cool features that are hidden from view. Android is a tremendous minor operating system. It's packed with unique options, fantastic hacks, and time-saving tips. What do you know about your phone or tablet? Sure, you can make calls or send text messages, But we're betting you'll find something else in this article you didn't know about. Find out more here!

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1. Change the animation speed

Most of the time, the latest Android phones are already very quick. But, some of the lower-end models have only 4GB of RAM. In other cases, it's 2GB. In extreme instances, only 2GB.

Change Animation Speed In Android, Source: Youtube, Android Exclusive

Another option is to change the smartphone's window animation sizeTransition animation scale, and the duration of the Animator by 1x or 0.5x. It won't speed up your phone, but it will appear more responsive.

Click on Settings, System, and Developer Options and scroll around two-thirds of the list to locate the options you need (you'll require first to disable Developer Mode). 

2. Fastly Switch Your Wi-Fi Network

Oddly, the method to swiftly change between Wi-Fi networks is not exactly clear. You can certainly navigate through settings > network and Internet and Wi-Fi and switch the network there. But there's got to be a quicker method, isn't there?

How to make your WiFi speed faster / make your WiFi faster and stable, Source: Youtube, Yendry Cayo Tech

It's true!

Tap two times on the upper part of your screen to access your quick settings menu. Instead of pressing the "Wi-Fi's" icon (which blocks it), Tap-and-hold the icon. You'll be presented with an inventory of all wireless networks available within your area.

3. Clear App Defaults

It's frustrating when a URL appears in a particular app instead of in the browser. It could be an email, a tweet, a YouTube hyperlink, a tweet, or even a Facebook page. You'll be waiting for your phone to shut down Chrome (or the browser you prefer) and then open another application.

How To Remove Default Apps From An Android Phone, Source: Youtube, How To Apps 

It's easy to fix.

Navigate to the Settings menu, then Apps and Notifications, and then locate the app that keeps popping up. After that, select Advanced, then scroll down to the default option of Open by default Press it, then click Clear defaults.

If that doesn't work, try the same process with your browser. 

4. Find Annoying Notifications

Do you continue to receive an app-related notification that is annoying; however you're unsure what app is responsible?

How To Remove Unwanted Notifications From Chrome On Android Phones - Block Them Out Completely! Source: Youtube, MOTz

The solution is simple: press the long press on the notification you want to know about your device, informing you.

5. Manage Notifications for Apps

Moving one step forward from the previous point, Once you've pressed long on the app, you'll see an information icon. Click it, and you'll see the app's notification settings that you're looking for.

7 Cool Android Notification Hacks!, Source, Youtube, Beebom

You can block all (or only a portion) or all of their notifications. You can also permit it to take precedence over and conceal private information.

6. Cast Your Screen

Are you a Chromecast owner? If so, you could quickly mirror your Android screen (and specific applications) with the help of the casting function.

How to use the ANDROID CAST SCREEN feature to Mirror mobile to TV, Source: Youtube, My Mate VINCE

Open to the Quick Settings menu and then hit screencast. The device will detect your Chromecast (assuming it's on the same network), and you're ready to go.

It's perfect for games played with a larger screen, showing photos to friends and family, or streaming your music via louder speakers. While many apps, including YouTube, come with a cast button available within the app, it is still a breeze to gain access.

7. Do Not Disturb Mode

This Do Not Disturb option is one of the least praised and unappreciated operating system features in general.

In essence, it lets the user turn their phone in silent mode but allows certain "noises" to pass through. It could be texts, calls, or WhatsApp messages from certain contacts, notifications from specific apps, or important alerts, like alarms.

Do Not Disturb Mode on Android, Source: Youtube, TechGumbo

To create Do not Disturb To set up Do Not Disturb, go into settings > sound > do not disturb. Select the options you want to use.

It is easy to toggle off or on from its Quick Settings menu.

8. Map Zoom

Have you ever had to utilize Google Maps with one hand? (No, it's not while driving!)

Double-tap the screen to zoom in, and double-tap to zoom out. It's much less flimsy than trying to squeeze your fingers or hold your phone in the same way!

Google maps Android Studio - 08 - Show Zoom Controller - My Location Button -Gesture Android Studio, Source: Youtube, Technical Skillz

To get greater control, double-tap and keep your finger on the screen. Move your finger upwards as well as down to scroll into and out.

9. Smart Lock

A smart lock that is highly beneficial. It removes the need for the keypad lock while you're at home or in a "trusted" setting.

How to activate Smart Lock on Android, Source: Youtube, SmartphonesRevealed

It can utilize GPS and specific networks, your facial and even your phone's voice to keep the phone from locking. This makes a more accessible and painless experience.

Navigate towards Settings, Security, and then Smart Lock to configure it.

10. App Pinning

If your children are using your mobile phone frequently, it's an excellent way to make sure that they don't end up running through huge costs or keep their sights on content that is inappropriate for them.

How to use screen pinning in Android mobile phone, Source: Youtube, D Tech Side

First, you'll need to activate the feature (oddly, the quality is disabled on default). You can do this by clicking settings > security > advanced and scrolling to the App's Pinning and then flipping the toggle near the bottom of the screen.

To pin an image, start the app, press the Overview button (the square), and select the icon for the pin.

You can also choose to protect the screen you have pinned should you choose to.

11. The history of Notifications and Turn Ons

We've all snatched away notifications by accident before. It's not pleasant, especially when you don't realize the app from which it came. Android 11 and above have an answer via The Notification History feature.

How to view your notification history on Android, Source: Youtube, Get Droid Tips

It's simple to enable. Go there: settings > apps and Notifications and notifications > notification history and move the toggle to the ON position. After you have enabled it, you can click the History button under the Notification shade and see your missed notifications.


Android comes with plenty of features that we've not yet covered. If you begin using these 15 tricks regularly, you will become an Android power user within no time.

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Hope this article is helpful to you, thanks for reading.



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