The battle between Facebook and Apple
Over the past years, Apple and Facebook have been working hand in hand in generating money. Facebook could support Apple to make money, and as well, Apple does so. But recently, their relationship seems to have some issues. Considerably, the way each business depends on the other to make money has been up, causing chaos. But the critical factor leading to the battle between Apple and Facebook is privacy.
According to Mark Zuckerberg, the Facebook CEO, Apple has made decisions that disagree with the policy between the two business giants. Facebook claims that Apple has been up to make changes in privacy which can be a target to hurt small businesses. But this is not enough; let’s get dive deeply to reveal the truth of the battle between Apple and Facebook.
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1. Is Apple’s decision affecting Facebook’s ways of making money?
The question behind the battle between Apple and Facebook is whether Apple's decisions on the change of privacy could affect the way Facebook generates money. This will be seen by first of all evaluating the ways Facebook makes money from Apple support. Facebook is one of the biggest social media platforms that campaign a lot for business advertisements. Big businesses like Apple use Facebook to advertise and sell their products.
Senator Asks How Facebook Remains Free, Mark Zuckerberg Smirks: ‘We Run Ads’. Source: NBC News
Facebook is a social network that individuals interact with; it provides services that businesses can reach to a broad market. For example, Facebook ads are one of the most used methods of getting the ready market and selling products. When users are on the Facebook page, they can see ads, and if they are impressed, they can visit or buy them. In this way, the owner of the advertisement generates income through Facebook as a host. But Facebook is paid to run such ads to their audience. This means it is a responsibility to care for its audiences over the advertised business, not to set its audience on ads that can harm them.
Facebook can provide a specific audience’s information whereby the ads can target them, for example, the audiences’ age, interests, gender, and where they live. To protect the audiences from being affected by ads, Facebook does the following;
How to Facebook make money, Source: Prorviewsapp
Analyze user behavior based on collected information: Facebook collects individuals’ data based on registered FB accounts. This can be subjective to Ads as they can or request to collect some information from the audience. Facebook takes up the responsibility to monitor how the audience behaves once their data is collected and given to ads on the audience’s behavior.
Facebook collects Users' data, Source:
Sell information to advertisers: Facebook can make money by collecting relevant information, then selling it to advertisers.
Optimizing ads on Facebook: Advertisers are provided with information about the Facebook audience, which helps them analyze and post ads targeting that specific audience. Once the audience clicks or views the ads, Facebook gets some payment.
2. The cause of the war
The battle between Facebook and Apple started as a result of Apple declaring privacy as a human right.
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This made Facebook's CEO counteract by saying that Apple's interest will affect small and growing businesses besides raising internet costs. This is what caused the war.
Revealing user information
Apple advocates for privacy as a necessary human right, while Facebook, on the other hand, sees this as a downfall for most businesses, especially the growing ones. Facebook said through their blog that every business begins with an idea, and the capacity to share the concept via personalized ads can be a real game-changer for small businesses. Apple limited the use of personalized ads as they saw that Facebook was violating the privacy of its users; however, Facebook says that the limiting of these ads will deprive the vital growth engine for marketing.
Facebook reportedly gave tech giants access to user data, Source: CBS Evening News
But Cook took these arguments as flimsy and suggested that one can do digital marketing without intruding on another person's privacy. So Apple was against facebook's mode of advertising, which involved tracking people, yet the people are not aware of being tracked. Here are apps that have trackers embedded in them and therefore take more data than what they deserve, and that is why Apple was fighting Facebook as it allowed such in the form of personalized apps.
Apple uses a new feature in the operating system that allows users to block Facebook from collecting information.
The dispute between Facebook and Apple arose when Apple came up with a new feature to allow users to block Facebook from collecting personal information. According to Apple, the quality is to grant privacy to users, which is a human right that Facebook violated by tracking non-aware users. With these new features, users can conveniently block Facebook from accessing their personal information.
Privacy | App Tracking Transparency, Source: Apple
Apple establishes a choice of anonymity and security in its products to not track where people or where devices are. Since Facebook was collecting this information for their own benefit and exposing it to earn income, they became against Apple's new features, bringing up a battle.
Facebook ads are no longer accurate
Facebook's ads are no longer accurate because it is hard to differentiate between scams and working ads. Facebook has all sorts of scams, and so this renders them inaccurate.
3. Facebook's attitude after Apple's move
Facebook's attitude changed after Apple decided to turn on the button for the user's privacy. Facebook, in response, bought full-page newspaper ads that claimed the change would affect growing business, and Facebook attempted to be a supporter of such a company.
4. Facebook is completely underdog compared to Apple
According to all claims by Facebook over Apple, there is a clear point that it is losing the battle. Facebook is suing Apple for turning on the privacy button on ads not to collect the information they want.

On the other hand, Apple is right to protect users from being tracked without their consent. The way Facebook collects and sells individuals’ information to advertisers can indicate it leaks personal privacy. Indeed, Facebook seems to be ultimately an underdog compared to Apple.
5. Conclusion
Individuals' privacy is a crucial factor to consider in all corners, especially when using the internet. Where privacy is terminated, it can result in chaos, as seen between Apple and Facebook. Apple has sued Facebook for sharing information with some business individuals who use such information for their benefit. Apple has come up with a privacy mode to alert internet users about the ads and give them a chance to decline or accept Facebook in violation of policies. But all in all, Facebook is completely underdog compared to Apple through their battle.
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