The most preferred iOS app programming language for App developers

Contributed by: Johnson Tran Hoang

Did you know mobile apps are not just developed anyhow? They involve different techniques that enable them to be acceptable and run smoothly in devices. One of the techniques used includes the use of programming language to develop an iOS App. The Programming language may be a new term to you but keep reading this article; it will help you understand what it is, what it does, and more information that you need to know.

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1. What is the IOS programming language?

The IOS programming language is a special instruction used by computers while executing scripts, developing software programs, and other computer programs for iOS app development. There are many IOS programming languages, and all work to achieve similar goals, but again they differ in terms of their syntax or rules.

How to learn iOS ProgramingHow to learn iOS Programing, Source:

In programming languages, there is the use of machine languages that a computer understands well. The programmer should have some ideas at their fingertips, such as the structure, syntax, and rules of each programming language.

During programming, the programmer should key in or formulate source codes on the IDE or text editor to ensure the computer can capture and process the required information. But not all machine languages need source codes through writing, for example, scripting languages. These languages need no compiler, but instead, for them to execute scripts, they use interpreters. Therefore, there is a need to encrypt and use a programming language that best suits IOS devices in IOS app development.

2. What kind of programming languages are there for iOS apps?

If you are an app developer and you wish to develop iOS apps for either iPad, iPhone, or Apple Watch, then it is a must to know which programming languages are suitable for iOS app development.

Best Programming Language For iOS appsBest Programming Language For iOS apps, source: Proreviewsapp

IOS apps have not just become famous for nothing; they are well-organized apps that use specific programming languages. Then what kind of programming languages are there for iOS apps? Here is the answer;


The IOS app can’t be worth it if it doesn’t use Swift. The iOS operating system needs Swift as the primary programming language that ensures there is safety and extensibility. Swift also offers the app incredible features like late binding and dynamic as the modern language for any iOS app.


Initially, Objective-C was the primary programming language for iOS app development before launching Swift. But that doesn’t mean it is out of date for iOS development. It is a general-purpose or Smalltalk flavor with C programming language, which brings good communication for all objects during the programming process.


Do you need a dynamic programming language and object-oriented support? Then Python is worth it. It is a general purpose that can be used as a programming language due to its high workability and open-source programming.


C# language is featured as an open-source and object-oriented programming language. It is a versatile program that equips developers to develop an iOS app for Web apps, backend systems, consoles, and Windows. It is regarded as safe, flexible, and simple to use for iOS app development.


HTML 5 are programming language based on building hybrids of apps, or we can say they’re not native apps. They operate on combining technologies and CSS to create iOS apps.


This programming language is not that new; it is among the oldest popular programming used by app developers. In IOS apps, developers install several C++ in the app during development to ensure it hits the required tasks for users.

3. Advantages and disadvantages of each programming language

Here are the advantages and disadvantages of each type of programming language that we have clearly analyzed for you

 Advantages and disadvantages of each programming language for iOS apps

Advantages and disadvantages of each programming language for iOS apps, Source:

IOS App Developers can take the Pros of programming languages to help with their application development better.

4. What programing language is the best today for iOS applications

 With the rapid rise in technology use, there are several programming languages available for iOS applications. However, not all these languages can offer the best performance, as there are those that are better performing than others. Of all the iOS applications programming languages today, swift is the best of them all.

Swift for iOS App DevelopmetSwift for iOS App Development, Source: Pinterest

Swift is a programming language for developing apps like tvOS, Mac OS, iPad, and watchOS. This programming language is designed to work with frameworks like cocoa-touch, cocoa, and the extensive database for Apple products.

5. What programming language does Apple recommend for iOS applications?

Apple recommends Swift as a programming language for iOS applications. The language is robust and spontaneous and is best for iOS applications, Apple Tv, apple watch, and Mac.

Swift programming language - Apple Keynote, Source: Youtube

Swift is set to offer developers more autonomy while developing apps. It is easy to use and open-source; therefore, anyone with an idea will create a great app.

6. Conclusion

If you are a new app developer and want to develop an iOS app, then the best-recommended programming language to use in Swift. Optionally, you can prefer to use Objective-C or any other mentioned programming languages in the article.

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We hope this article is useful to all iOS app developers and young people who aspire to become app developers. Please comment and give us your opinion on this article

Source: Buy app reviews

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