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6 Tips for Tech to Help Make Your Life Easier

Contributed by: Anderson Minhe

It's like when you purchase a new technology product or application, there are two choices: either read a complete manual, usually written in legalese, or dive and hope it's easy to use. These tech tricks can help you bridge the gap for you and help you navigate typical applications and platforms or perform common commands. If you're not a native digital user, this guide can make your online experience more enjoyable! If you're not, you may be amazed by the helpful tips we've gathered in this post. Let's discover 6 Tips for Tech to Help Make Your Life Easier

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1. Get Around Easier

Navigation shortcuts are generally used in web browsers or apps specifically designed to browse the web (like E-reading applications such as research portals, logs, journals, or calendars).

Are you able to open a new window? New window using CTRL+N, new tab using CTRL+T

Control the number of open tabs. Shut all charges by pressing CTRL+Shift+W. Close your current account by pressing CTRL+W or reopen the most recently closed account using CTRL+Shift+T

6 Tips for Tech to Help Make Your Life Easier6 Tips for Tech to Help Make Your Life Easier. Source:

Do you want to change your view? Zoom in using CTRL+Plus, Zoom out with CTRL+Minus, and then return to the default view using CTRL+0 (your plus and minus keys are usually on the left on your keyboard)

Do you want to switch pages? You can do this by using "page up" as well as "page down" buttons or, to impress your millennial friends, you know when you use your internet browser, you can utilize your spacebar to navigate downwards, or Space+Shift for page up.

2. Formatting Shortcuts

Shortcuts for formatting are generally used in word processing software and apps specifically designed to create or publish content. Consider using them in your blog, note-taking program, Microsoft Office products, or when you are putting content in your planner or calendar. (Remember the Command button is available for Mac users Command button works similarly to the CTRL button for PC.)

5 Powerful Excel Formatting Shortcuts, Source: Youtube, TrumpExcel

Text that you want to style? Bold using CTRL+B, italicize using CTRL+I and underline using CTRL+U.

Do you need to edit the text? Select all using CTRL+A, copy using CTRL+C, and then copy and paste using CTRL+V

Made a mistake? Redo it with CTRL+Z. using CTRL+B

Do you need to create a new page? Create a new page using CTRL+N

Saving? Make sure you keep your work using CTRL+S (this option should be often used !!!)

3. Cloud Storage

Cloud storage for files is an excellent method to ensure you can access them regardless of the devices you're running. It's also a fantastic option to archive essential documents. Various cloud-based programs can offer you a bit of storage space for free. Google Drive, along with Microsoft OneDrive, are popular among fans of Google or Microsoft products. You can also check the free versions of Sync and Dropbox for free storage that is not affiliated with any company.

4. More efficient YouTube navigation

When you watch YouTube videos from your computer, you may realize that you can stop the video by pressing it. Also, you can pause a movie by pressing the Space bar; however, often, this can affect your navigation on the page by making you jump around the page. Have you ever heard that the letter keys can also be used to control YouTube videos?

Faster Navigation at YouTube with SPF, Source: Youtube, Google Developers

Start or stop Start or stop

10 seconds Jump ahead L

Backward for ten seconds and jump Jump backward for ten seconds: J

Mute M

5. Private Browsing

We understand what you're thinking; however, private browsing has many benefits. Beyond that, private browsing can safeguard you from others who may be viewing the items you purchased online for Christmas! Private browsing is usually designed to limit the number of cookies you receive whenever you browse. The accumulation of cookies over time could slow down the speed of your browsing. Private browsing gives you more control over the websites stored in cookies about your browsing habits.

Shortcuts for opening a private browser window:

Chrome: CTRL+Shift+N

Firefox as well as Internet Explorer: CTRL+Shift+P

6. Improved Password Protection

Password protection applications are a double-edged sword: you don't need to keep track of which variant of the same password you've used time and time again is the one you utilized for this specific app and will increase the security of your data overall and protection for files.

Password Protection: MediaPro Security Awareness Animation, Source: Youtube, MediaPRO

Try seven-zip as well as WinRAR If you're a Windows user as well as Unarchiver when you're using a Mac. If you have numerous passwords daily or you need something to help employees on your team or at home, then a paid service such as LastPass might be the better choice for you.


Your tech life is going to be much easier with these six strategies. Good luck!

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