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Contributed by: Anderson Minhe

Smartphones have changed the way we live in ways far beyond what we can communicate and communicate, and there's no turning back. Today, moreover four billion individuals around the world use this handheld device to browse through the news and listen to music as well as play games, watch films and order food, read reviews of products. Purchase goods. It's safe to say that man's ideal friend isn't more an animal - it's the smartphone. In the last ten years, the development of mobile apps has turned into a profitable business. In 2023, for instance, mobile apps are expected to earn over 900 billion euros in annual revenues. This is why companies and expert developers are constantly looking for trends in mobile app development that they can use to build the next central app. Here's a list that identifies the 7 MOBILE TRENDS IN APP DEVELOPMENT for 2023

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1. M-Commerce

On the other side, the incredibly tense circumstances created by Covid-19 led to an explosive increase in the sales of E-commerce, like nothing before. However, retailers suffered huge losses as their owners prepared to launch their online offerings.

What is M-Commerce?, Source: Youtube, MBN Videos

According to the latest research, in Reality, global m-commerce will produce more than EUR 3.8 trillion in revenue by 2022. Unsurprisingly, this trend is expected to continue to grow in the months. 1-click shopping, voice-shopping, and Omnichannel retail are just some of the many functions that apps for smartphones are currently integrating with their existing E-commerce websites to offer customers a physical, quick, and effortless experience.

2. Cross-Platform App Development

In recent years the development of cross-platform apps is becoming more popular. The IT giants Facebook, Alibaba, and Pinterest have adopted this method to lower costs, increase efficiency, and speed up development time.

What is Cross-Platform Development? - Mobile and Desktop Explained, Source: Youtube, Quick Tips

As per experts, with the introduction of Google's Futter in April 2022, this mobile application growth trend will hit an all-time high. Flutter is a UI toolkit to build natively compiled mobile, web, and desktop apps, all from one codebase. It lets developers of mobile apps develop custom applications without a lot of time, money, or time.


With this type of technology, it is possible to create endless possibilities.

3. Beacon Technology

Imagine this scenario: you are looking at a pair of Adidas shoes on the internet you love, but you'd like to try it before you go ahead and purchase. However, before you walk out to the retailer, The Adidas application on your smartphone displays which stores nearest to you carry the shoe in the size you want in stock.

Couldn't that make your life much easier? If you have Beacon Technology, it's possible.


In 2015, Google launched the company's Beacon Technology called Eddystone, and ever since, developers of mobile apps have been brainstorming new ways to incorporate Eddystone into Android apps.

Beacon is among the most exciting mobile application advancement trends with massive potential for healthcare tourism, travel mobile payments, gaming, and gaming.

4. Folding Display

The foldable display will be a trend in mobile app development poised to transform the mobile industry by 2022 or beyond. Mobiles that fold, such as Samsung Galaxy Z Flip and LG G8X ThinQ Samsung Galaxy Z Flip and LG G8X ThinQ, which have been launched on this market, are in high demand.

How Foldable Screens Work, Source: Youtube, Tech Insider 

Therefore mobile app developers will need to develop applications that consider immediate alteration in the screen's size when a user folds their device. Does this make developing more difficult? Yes. Will it open up new potential for app developers? Definitely.

5. Mobile Wallets

Amazon Pay, Google Pay, PayPal -- if you've heard any of these phrases and you're aware of the widespread use of mobile wallets.

Mobile wallet, Source: Youtube, BlueSnap

Mobile wallets are fast-growing to become an increasingly popular payment method because of their simplicity of use. Users need to link their account data to a mobile wallet application and then use the app to pay bills, browse E-commerce websites, or transfer funds to relatives.

Presently developers of mobile apps are working on improving existing mobile wallets with features like audio-based, NFC, and RFID payment. As per experts in the area, mobile wallets will gradually but surely surpass traditional payment methods.

6. Wearables

Wearable technology is making massive impressions on people all over the globe. Wearables are the future from smartwatches, bright jewelry, body sensors, or intelligent lenses.

One of the advantages of wearables is that they allow you to manage and interact with these devices via your smartphone. This is why, today, among the top well-known mobile application development trends is creating apps that use wearable technology.

The future of technology is wearables, Source: Youtube, Concerning Reality

We've all heard that wearable devices are highly lucrative in the medical industry to monitor and analyze the body's movement, heartbeat, blood oxygen levels, body temperature, and so on. However, this is only the beginning of the Iceberg. With intelligent contact lenses with a built-in display for visuals, smart glasses equipped with brain-reading technologies (a prototype developed by Facebook), and virtual keyboards, the possibilities are endless.

7. Augmented Reality as well as Virtual Reality

Augmented Reality has already conquered the gaming industry, and it's only a matter of time before this trend of mobile app development can penetrate other areas of our lives.

The Rise Of Technology-Augmented Reality(AR), Virtual Reality(VR) And Mixed Reality(MR) |Simplilearn, Source: Youtube, Simplilearn 

For example, Apple introduced ARKit -an open platform for developers to allow app developers to swiftly and efficiently develop AR experiences within their apps and games by using the device's camera, motion sensors, and processors. This feature lets users analyze a room's layout, capture the volume and depth precisely, and even recreate a 1980s music video using AR. In the same way, Google's ARCore lets users peek into the coming multi-sensory revolution.

Therefore, in 2022, and even beyond that, we are likely to see a variety of AR-based ideas for apps to become fully functional mobile apps in sectors like tourism, healthcare, retail, and education.


The creation of mobile apps is constantly evolving, and companies must keep up with the most recent technologies and advancements to stay ahead of the curve.

With the introduction of the five-G network and new technologies such as machine learning and Augmented Reality, what's next for mobile applications is all about speed, efficiency, and personalization. Incorporating these exciting and emerging technologies in smartphones is a massive leap in the field and has exciting potential.

If you're looking to recruit a group to develop applications, please get in touch with us using the contact form listed below. Our top executives will contact respond to you within 24 hours.

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