7 helpful tips for OS X for Windows users

Contributed by: Johnson Tran Hoang

Recently, you purchased the latest Mac, or you work to work with the Mac. You may be disappointed the first time you try OS X if you have been used to being a Windows user for quite a lengthy period. This is normal. However, Apple does not want to change the operating system to accommodate Windows users. Apple enjoys the OS X operating system and likely will not change OS X. This means you'll have to be familiar with the distinctions between Windows and Mac. This article will explain how OS X can still be modified to make it easier to use on its own. However, you will make some adjustments manually to enhance the functionality of OS X...This article will provide some helpful suggestions for those who are using Windows to enable them to utilize Mac and OS X more conveniently. If you're used to OS X, you might even prefer it over Windows. It takes time to adjust to, but it's well worth the effort. Let's examine the things we can learn from it!

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Tip 1 - How do you right-click

A very irritating issue for people who are new to using Mac is not clicking correctly! There aren't any right-click buttons on Macs, which could cause frustration for some. The good news is that Apple's system is very intuitive and easy to utilize.

You need to use two fingers to perform the regular click. If you click with two fingers, you will see the contextual menu (right-click context menu) displayed. This is a better method than dragging your finger along to the left mouse, as you do in most Windows laptops.

7 helpful tips for OS X for Windows users7 helpful tips for OS X for Windows users. Source: Proreviewsapp.com

You can alter the settings of the proper click function by clicking on the System preferences – Trackpad and then clicking the Point and Right Click tab.

The default click option is called the Second click when using OS X. If this is checked, it's usually set to click or tap with two fingers; however, you can click the small arrow and select one of the two choices: Click in the bottom right corner or click in the lower-left corner. If you prefer right-clicking, similar to Windows, it is possible to tweak OS X to get the identical way of working.

A second tip to help you is to search at the options Tap to click. The majority of Windows laptops offer this option. The tap option is accessible, but OS X does not enable this feature by default, and you will have to modify this area. If you select Scroll and Zoom, you can also alter the scrolling direction to make it easier for you to navigate.

Tip 2 - Add apps to Dock

The other prominent feature that's most irritating to Windows customers is the absence of the start button. There's no central button on OS X. The tiny Apple logo icon located at the top left can bring the user directly to the System Preferences or let you restart or shut down his calculations.

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How to Add Apps to your Dock on your Mac [Step by Step Guide], Source: Youtube, Emilio Aguero

The Dock functions identically to The Dock is the same as the Windows taskbar, but with shortcuts and no other features. However, the problem is that it contains all the Apple default applications, and users usually rarely use more than a couple of these apps. If you need them to remove them, you can do so. It is as easy as clicking your dock icon, selecting the options, and choosing to remove from Dock.

After you've completed this, you can connect to the all-programs directory of your Dock and see the list of all available programs in OS X. To do this; you have to move the Applications directory to the Dock. Click on the icon for the complex drive on your desktop for this.

If you do not notice the complex drive icon If you don't see the icon for the hard drive, click the Finder in the upper left of the Mac and then select Preferences. In the General tab, click Hard disks and external disks along with DVDs and CDs. as well as iPods.

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Click on the icon for the hard drive on the desktop, and you'll find an applications folder alongside other folders like Library and System, and Users.

Continue to drag the folder to your Dock. After clicking the icon, you'll be presented with a comprehensive listing of all the applications running on your Mac. It's recommended to add all of them to the Dock, or else you'll need to utilize the Spotlight feature to locate the application you'd like to run.

You could also try the Launcher (silver or grey rocket icons in the Dock). However, it is generally few people who utilize this tool.

Tip 3 -Take the drives off by removing them with trash

This is the best method. For many years, Apple has been confusing people regarding the removal of devices from their systems. To take out the DVD or flash drive, it is necessary to right-click the device and choose the Eject button or move it to the trash.

This is similar to taking your USB drive to the Windows Recycle Bin. This means that you have to remove all data! Therefore, everyone would not be happy with the thought of throwing everything with important information in the trash!

However, even if use this feature within OS X, no data is lost. You'll notice that when you drag your external drive or any drive that is in OS X into Trash, the icon could change to an icon for ejecting. This can make users feel safer.

Tip 4 - Customize the Finder

Finder is, in essence, identical to Windows Explorer. However, many users prefer the more detailed and messier part of Explorer to the sleek Finder. It's easy to modify this.

To add additional items to the Finder, open the Finder's window and select View, after which click on the show path bar or Show the Status bar options. This makes the Finder appear more like Explorer.

In the View mode, select Customize Toolbar to add helpful icons to the default toolbar. It is recommended to include New folders, deletes, or Get Information tools for specific users in their toolbars.

How To Customize The Mac Finder Sidebar, Source: Youtube, macmostvideo

After that, you can finally, click Finder after which you select the Preferences and ultimately choose the Sidebar. You can then add additional items to the Finder sidebar, such as music, photos, and more. It's similar to the Library folder that you can access in Windows.

In the General tab, there is also the option to modify the New Explorer window to display options and select a different option from all files. You can choose the home directory, just as the default option in Windows Explorer.

Tip 5 - Learn how to use Spotlight

If you're acquainted with the Search feature found in the Start menu of Windows, you'll be glad to learn that there's an equivalent search feature in OS X called Spotlight. You can use it via two methods: by pressing the magnifying glass on the right side of the screen or by using Cmd + Spacebar. button Cmd+Spacebar .

Utilizing Spotlight is the best method to locate files, modify settings in OS X, find applications to install, locate emails, locate events in the calendar, and more. It also displays the Internet results, which means you can browse, and receive recommendations for sites and even maps available in the Apple store.

Tip 6 - OS X uses separate space for each application and full-screen mode

You should be aware of the three buttons located at the top left of each working window. In Windows, three buttons are a minimized button, an extension button, and a close button. For OS X, you have tight controls in red and a thumbnail button in yellow, and the extension button is green; however, they differ based on the software.

For instance, if you click the green button in Safari, the browser will expand into full-screen, and the rest of the screen will go away. If you drag the mouse across at the very top, you'll be able to see the toolbar. Where are the other windows? And how can you restore them?

How to Use Split View Full-Screen Mode in Mac OS X, Source: Youtube, OSXDaily

With OS X, the application effectively shifted into its realm. If you move your fingers of three, you'll find something known as Mission Control. It's a way of showing you a thumbnail for each computer or program in its space.

Their virtual desktops within OS X. Many integrated applications will use the space available when they are expanded by pressing the green button. To avoid the areas, it is possible to click on a room to enable or use the three-finger swipe left or right. This feature enthralls many users since it extensively utilizes the app but lets you easily switch between different applications.

In some cases, the application may grow to its full size but does not take over its own space. It will, in essence, remain on the desktop and will only take up a large portion of the screen. Most third-party programs like Microsoft Office now offer full-screen mode on their net.

It is also possible to click the tiny plus icon to create the desktop you wish. You can set up specific applications to open on particular desktops, and you can also change the background to ensure that every desktop has distinct stages. It requires some testing before you can get comfortable with it; you'll be able to use it. Remember to swipe with three fingers.

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Tip 7 - Install the application on the Mac App Store

Apple attempts to safeguard its users by downloading and installing apps from Apple's App Store and designating developers as a default setting. In a way, it is very beneficial as it helps you stay safe and doesn't require much.

If you want to install a brand-new program, it is best to visit the Mac App Store. Although Windows software is typically downloaded from any location on the Internet, most applications you'll need to install on your Mac are available through the Mac App Store. Suppose you're looking to install a program from another source. In that case, it is possible to visit Settings - Security and Privacy and choose the location you want to download it from within the Allow downloaded apps section.


Hope the seven suggestions above are helpful for people who are just beginning to learn about Mac and have been using Windows for quite a while. There are many differentiators; however, if you can overcome those, you'll surely be able to enjoy working with the Mac. Have fun!

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Hope this information is helpful to you, thanks for reading.

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