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7 Essential WhatsApp Tips & Tricks You Must Know

Contributed by: Anderson Minhe

These are essential WhatsApp tips and tricks that you might not have known existed. Once you learn them, you will be able to use them. It is one the most popular social networking apps due to its free video calls and the ability to delete messages. Even if you use frequently, you may have missed some of its most essential features. We will be looking at some amazing. WhatsApp features in this article. Some users may consider these features essential, but others may find new tricks worth exploring.

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1. Modify your Whatsapp privacy settings

Not everyone wants to know when you are online or if you got a chance to read their last message. You may need to reflect on these conversations before you can have them.

There might be good reasons to limit who sees your profile photo. It's unlikely that anyone other than your friends will see your profile photo.

How to update privacy settings, Source: Youtube, Kundan Bhattarai

You can modify all your WhatsApp privacy settings by going to Settings >Account > Privacy. Everyone, not just your contacts, can see your profile picture, last seen time, status messages, and profile picture by default. This could be a problem if you are sharing too much.

Strangely, an app with great encryption chose also to have very public default privacy settings. You can make WhatsApp private.

Here you can also disable read receipts. If you do this, you won't be allowed access to other people's tickets.

2. Backup messages

To ensure you don't lose any WhatsApp messages, back up your chat history. Click on Back up and go to Settings > chats>

The backup is automatically sent to your iCloud account using iOS. 

It is best to set your backups on autopilot so that you can forget about them. The AutoBackup option is a great choice. You can back up chats daily, weekly, and monthly. You still have a chance of retrieving them if you accidentally delete WhatsApp messages.

3. Export individual chats

You can share chats via email, Slack, or another service by exporting them using the Export Talk option. This information is located in the contact info section (group info section for groups), displaying the contact's name and phone number.

How to Export Individual Chat on WhatsApp || Save Individual Chat, Source: Youtube, Review Information

You can download the exported chat as a ZIP file which you can share with other people. You can choose whether you want to include attachment media during export. You can  get android app reviews to decide this funtion of Whatsapp is good or bad.

You can also share WhatsApp status photos and videos with others. However, it is not recommended.

4. Check out the exact time WhatsApp messages were read

You can check if your friend has read your notes if you want to verify. You can view the conversation and check for blue ticks to see if your message was read (if they have received it).

WhatsappTips and Tricks, Source: Proreviewsapp

Want more information? To see the exact date and time that the message was delivered, long-press on it.

Remember that you will see several gray ticks if the friend hasn't received the message and one gray tick if it has.

5. Check your data usage

Excessive data charges are not something anyone likes, so it is worth knowing how much WhatsApp uses. You can find all details about your data usage by going to Settings > Storage and Data Usage > Network Usage.

WhatsApp auto download media settings, Source: Youtube, WhatsApp 

To reduce data usage, you can adjust the media auto-download settings and call settings in Settings > Storage Usage. To save data on mobile data, you can either limit or disable automated media downloads from Wi-Fi. You can also choose a lower-quality voice call to help reduce data usage.

6. WhatsApp Desktop Application

You can use WhatsApp from your computer as long as you have an active internet connection on your WhatsApp-enabled smartphone. If you want to increase your rating about this app, please visit this web to read how to buy android app ratings for more information.

Start by opening it from your computer. Next, open WhatsApp on the phone and go to Settings > WhatsApp web/Desktop. Point your phone at the computer screen and scan the QR code. The chats will appear immediately.

This method can be used to access WhatsApp on a tablet. However, you will need to request the desktop version first. This method is not for everyone, but I found it very easy.

7. You can delete your account

To delete your WhatsApp account completely, go to Settings >Account > Delete My Account. If you decide to change your mind later, you can still create a new account, but all of your chat histories will be lost forever. Your messages will also disappear from your cloud backups. You'll also disappear from the contact lists and groups of your friends.

Delete WhatsApp Account Permanently | WhatsApp Account Delete, Source: Youtube, RaRe iTech

Remember that conversations you were a part of are visible to your contacts as part of their chat history.


WhatsApp is here to stay, despite more privacy-focused WhatsApp alternatives. If you want your app to be at the top of the list of talking apps for iPhones, you need to know how to get app store reviews from users.You may not know of many settings and features. These unique WhatsApp features are now apparent. Let's explore some secret WhatsApp tricks.

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Hope this article is useful to you, thanks for reading.



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