What is the difference between iPhone and Android customers?

Contributed by: Paul Zinah Le

When you're looking at possibly launching an app for your business eventually, you'll need to choose whether you want to release your app to iPhone, Android, or both. How does that decision affect you and your customers? On the one hand, you're choosing the percentage of the market you'd like to target, and, on the other hand, you're deciding on what kind of customer you're targeting. The two platforms for apps differ in terms of technology as well. Android apps require more time to create, as there are many smartphones for Android, but only three are available for iPhone. This means that you need to design an iPhone application. The app may make the app available on the market, but there will be an Android version of the app that will be released later, giving enough time for your experience to be as smooth as possible. Let's discover What is the difference between iPhone and Android customers?

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1. iPhone Users spend more money

While iPhone and Android users use the same amount of apps, iPhone users spend more money on paid-for applications, according to a study by the Online Publishers Association suggests.

The True Cost of the iPhone, Source: Youtube, PolyMatter

Additionally, they spend more money on in-app purchases, such as additional game and content levels, making them a desirable proposition for app developers. This isn't necessarily meant to earn revenue directly through apps but rather by considering how this might impact other ways to monetize an app's mobile marketing strategy.

iPhone users love new apps

iPhone users love new apps, Source: Proreviewsapp

iPhone users are often "early adopters" and tend to try new apps and test out innovative ideas more than their Android counterparts. This is likely caused by being able to count on the iPhone experiences for users being consistent, whereas most Android phones provide shaky user experiences. However, this could change once we get into 2013 and the better-quality Android phones increase in popularity. If your app concept uses cutting-edge technology or has exciting design concepts, it'll attract the attention of the iPhone in large numbers.

More people are using Android handsets than iPhones; according to the 2012 Gartner Study, there are many companies and a variety of devices that people can purchase.

What is the difference between iPhone and Android customers?What is the difference between iPhone and Android customers? Source: Proreviewsapp.com

The user figures are around 49 percent Android, 32 percent iPhone, and 19% other (including Blackberry and other providers). If you're looking to make your app more effective in its potential for reaching customers, think about the possibility of publishing your app for iPhone as well as Android.

3. Android Users and iPhone Users download the same number of apps

On average, people on each platform download approximately the exact amount of apps. It's a bit more challenging to know how many users are using these apps as data on this are difficult to find, although specific studies have looked into this. However, suppose your app is a unique experience based explicitly on a particular area or a new concept you are trying to make. In that case, you must get your users to engage fully at the beginning since one user experience of high quality will benefit your app.

Android Users and iPhone Users

Android Users and iPhone Users, Source: Proreviewsapp

In the present moment, unless you're using specific technologies like indoor location applications, the standard recommendation is to publish your content to iPhone first since you're more likely to receive responses and engagement from your customers. However, don't overlook any of the Android markets, as it has growing numbers of users and a variety of modern Android devices offering an improved experience constantly.

4. Conclusion

While the two companies share the same business model, however, the design and technology of their products differ. Thus, clients can choose from a range of choices.

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Hope this article is helpful to you, thanks for reading.

Source: https://proreviewsapp.com

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