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What Every Non-Tech Person Needs to Know About Programming

Contributed by: Anderson Minhe

Programming is an essential topic in today’s world. In a world where technology has become a basic human need, it is important for non-tech individuals to understand programming to some extent. Programming is simply the process of creating a set of instructions or code for a computer or other hardware to execute.

If you’re not a tech-savvy person, then programming can be quite daunting. However, understanding some basic concepts can be helpful. Here are some of the most critical concepts that every non-tech individual should be aware of:

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1. Basic Programming Terminologies

What Every Non-Tech Person Needs to Know About ProgrammingWhat Every Non-Tech Person Needs to Know About Programming. Source:

Before delving deeper into programming, one needs to familiarize themselves with the basic terms used in programming. For example, terms such as loops, conditions, functions, variables, and operators are some of the vital terminologies in programming that one should understand.

2. The Different Programming Languages

There are numerous programming languages such as Java, Python, C++, Perl, and others. Each of these programming languages has its areas of application, and as such, it is vital for non-tech people to select the programming language that best suits their needs.

3. Problem-Solving

Programming is not just about writing codes; it is also about solving problems. To be a good programmer, you have to develop your problem-solving skills. This involves breaking down complex problems into smaller and easier-to-solve problems.

4. Debugging Programming

Debugging is an essential part of programming, and every non-tech individual should be aware of it. Debugging is the process of identifying and fixing errors in a program. When a program has bugs, it leads to malfunction.

5. Practice Programming

Programming requires a lot of practice; non-tech individuals should be prepared to invest time in practicing programming regularly. One can start by trying to write small code snippets, and as they progress, they can move on to more complicated tasks.

6. The Importance of Coding Standards

Coding standards are a set of rules and guidelines that developers follow to ensure that their code is consistent, maintainable, and easy to understand. Non-tech individuals should know that coding standards are essential in programming.

In conclusion

Programming is an exciting and rewarding skill to learn. By understanding some of the basic concepts outlined above, non-tech individuals can gain a more profound understanding of programming, and this can help them in various areas, such as problem-solving, critical thinking, and the efficient handling of various digital tools.

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