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Top useful apps to help with anxiety in 2023

Contributed by: Anderson Minhe

lead to insomnia, missed opportunities, being sick, and panic attacks, preventing you from feeling you are at your best. You can, for instance, test these apps to help with Anxiety. They can assist you in overcoming your anxiety symptoms. A professional therapy session can be a great help; however, knowing that you're equipped with the tools you need to face and dissolve your anxiety-inducing thoughts and feelings could be the source of confidence you require between sessions. In this article, we will list for you Let's discover the Top useful apps to help with anxiety in 2023

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1. What is Anxiety?

Stress is the body's response to stress. For many, it manifests in many ways, such as:

  • heart rate increases
  • rapid breathing
  • anxiety
  • difficulty in getting your attention
  • difficulties sleeping

Anxiety is a common thing. For instance, when you're going through a test or beginning an entirely new job, it's normal to be anxious and nervous. But Anxiety can turn severe when it impacts your daily routine for a long time.

What is Anxiety?, Source: Youtube, Psych Hub

Anxiety disorders sufferers might experience Anxiety, fear, or panic at all times or at least most of the time. Anxiety disorder can also hinder people from doing activities they like.

The most commonly reported anxiety disorders include:

  • The term "panic disorder" refers to the condition that causes you Anxiety. This is when you have frequent panic attacks in unexpected moments. People with anxiety disorder can be constantly worried about the next episode of panic.
  • Phobia. A phobia is the fear of a thing, event, or situation.
  • The disorder of Anxiety is known as social Anxiety. With this disorder, you may experience anxiety about being judged by other people in social settings.
  • Disorder of separation anxiety. This involves the Anxiety of being away from family members or home.
  • GAD is a generalized anxiety disorder (GAD). You can be anxious about everyday events and scenarios associated with GAD. It's often referred to as chronic Anxiety neurological.

Top useful apps to help with anxiety in 2023Top useful apps to help with anxiety in 2023. Source:

If you suffer from anxiety, it is possible to seek assistance from a mental health specialist who can assist you in determining the causes of stress and how to manage your anxiety better.

How do we choose the most useful apps to help with Anxiety?

We selected the top anxiety apps based on user reviews. When preparing this list, we also looked at the cost, features, and operating platform the app runs on.

Healthline's selections of the top apps to help with Anxiety

2. The most effective app to help you manage anxiety

2.1 Calm

Sleep is essential in managing stress. However, it's also among the first factors to be an issue in times of Anxiety. Meditation and rest are at your fingertips by using Calm, the most well-known mindfulness app. These guided meditations are great for both novices and experienced practitioners alike, and you get the option of choosing the amount of time you'll commit to the app each day.

Calm App Review 2020: A Psychologist's Honest Opinion, Source: Youtube, Dr. Allison Answers

Calm provides a mood-checking feature that measures how you feel throughout your day and creates an individual report on your mood. The free version of it allows for a limited amount of guided exercises and soothing audio that helps relieve Anxiety.

Calm also has the sounds of nature and sleep stories to ease you into a peaceful sleep. However, it is necessary to subscribe to these features. It is possible to try the 7-day trial for free to determine if the service is worth the price.

2.2 Colorfy

Colorfy is a coloring book that has been brought to the realm of digital. With a variety of pictures and mandalas you can choose from and the possibility of uploading personal sketches to color, you'll be able to enjoy hours of a relaxed state or contemplative meditation by using the app.

Colorfy App, Source: Youtube, Adult Coloring Books

A 2020 study by the Trusted Source found that coloring for adults reduced participants' anxiety levels. Therefore, pouring your focus on stunning images can help to distract you from your worries and bring some relief.

Although Colorfy offers the majority of their photos to color at no cost, you must purchase an account to gain access to the entire collection of images. But, Colorfy gives you a free seven-day free trial, which allows you to try it before purchasing the subscription.

2.3 What's Up? A Health App for Mental Health App

What's Up? utilizes effective techniques from CBT and acceptance commitment therapy (ACT) which are two popular methods for managing the intense emotions of depression, Anxiety, and Anxiety. This app for free comes with an extensive diary that lets users track their moods and behaviors, along with a feeling tracker which asks you to rate your feelings on a scale of 1-100.

What's up? - a mental health app, Source: Youtube, Victoria Fallucco

It also comes with creating a Positive and Negative habit-tracking tool that allows you to set goals to develop healthy habits, such as journaling, meditation, or working out.

If you're feeling the effects of panic, What's up? It is a game for grounding that helps users get back to the present moment when Anxiety is taking over.

2.4 Shine

How you experience and express Anxiety could be different depending on your culture. Shine is a Shine app created for Women of Color to address Anxiety specific to their particular communities. The app provides meditation techniques and podcasts, as well as a massive audio library, as well as communities forums so that you can manage Anxiety on your own or with the help of others with similar backgrounds.

Shine App Review, Source: Youtube, Mr. Hackathon's App Review

Shine requires a monthly subscription to use all the features of the application. However, it will provide daily mood-enhancing audio recordings and gratitude check-ins that don't need a subscription. It also offers seven days of a free trial before buying the subscription.

2.5 Breathwrk

If you're suffering from anxiety, chances are you've tried a breathing routine or two to relax. The Breathwork app enhances the science behind breathing techniques even more by curating a set of breathing exercises that focus on getting sleepy, feeling relaxed, and rejuvenating or easing Anxiety. The app guides you through the proper way to complete every training and sends you daily reminders of the importance of taking a breath... and, well, breathe.

How to use the Breathwrk app, Source: Youtube, AccessAbility Services

A majority of breathing exercises are free. However, with a modest monthly cost, you'll be allowed access to many more breathing exercises, as well as unlimited access to monitor your breathing patterns all through the month. Breathwork offers the cheapest subscription and gives you a free 7-day trial before signing a contract.

2.6 Moodnotes

Moodnotes app lets you record the entire experience of Anxiety in all its manifestations. Based upon CBT strategies and the positive psychological approach, this program helps you comprehend and manage your understanding of Anxiety.

Moodnotes offers a variety of strategies to help you control your Anxiety. 

Moodnotes app, Source: Youtube, Check It Out 

Moodnotes requires a monthly subscription to access most of its features. However, it allows for seven days of a free trial.

2.7 MindShift CBT

CBT is a kind of therapy that focuses on identifying negative thought patterns to understand and re-create the patterns. MindShift CBT is an app that assists those who use CBT by offering daily mood checks with mindfulness and guided relaxation exercises and tips to deal with general anxieties and social Anxiety, panic attacks, phobias, attacks, and many more and all for no cost.

How to use the MindShift CBT app, Source: Youtube, AccessAbility Services

MindShift has an average of 4.3-star score by iPhone users raving about MindShift's tools, info, and interconnectivity.

3. Commonly answered questions

3.1 What are the most effective applications for Anxiety?

Based on the frequency you utilize your app, if you prefer, it may be highly effective in helping to reduce feelings of anxiety or panic. Stress, Anxiety, and. Most of these apps utilize methods of mindfulness that are based on research and grounding. According to a 2012 study of these methods, they have been proven to relax the sympathetic nervous system, reducing stress and resulting in more relaxation in the body.

But apps for Anxiety can't replace mental health professionals. They're primarily designed to add to regular therapy sessions or to provide distractions during times of Anxiety.

3.2 What are the advantages of anxiety apps?

The most effective anxiety-reducing apps are:

  • convenient
  • typically accessible or at a low cost
  • available if you own access to it if you have

They also aid in improving moods and help provide healthy mechanisms for coping.

What are the advantages of anxiety apps?What are the advantages of anxiety apps? Source: Proreviewsapp


Does anyone know who should not be using apps to relieve anxiety?

Anyone suffering from severe mental health issues or addiction or feeling suicidal must, first and foremost, talk to their doctor or a medical professional. In an emergency, dial an emergency hotline like The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline by calling 800-273-8255 or 911.

4. Conclusion

Many anxiety apps are available on the market, and most attempt to relieve Anxiety in many different ways. With the numerous choices available, pick the most effective one for you.

It's also essential to bear in mind that certain apps may not be a good fit for you in the slightest. If you're unable to find the app you're using isn't working for you, think about trying an alternative.

If you discover that you require more assistance with your mental health while using these apps, make sure to make appointments with a certified professional.

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Hope this article is useful to you, thanks for reading.

Source: Buy app reviews

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