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Top Unnecessary Windows Software and Apps You should uninstall

Contributed by: Anderson Minhe

Looking for Windows 10 apps to uninstall? Here are some unneeded Windows 10 apps, programs, and bloatware that you need to eliminate. Here are some commonly used but unneeded Windows 10 apps you should get rid of.

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How to Find Your Installed Software on Windows 10

It's simple to check the software installed on your system with Windows 10. Go to the Settings and go to the Apps > Apps and Features section. You'll be able to see an inventory of everything you have installed on your computer.

Users running Windows 8.1 or Windows 7 can press the Start button and search in words "Programs and Features." This will bring up an identical list, allowing you to review all the features installed on your system.

2 Ways to Check installed Programs in Your Windows 10 Computer, Source: Youtube, Tricknology 

To uninstall a piece of software, click to highlight it and select uninstall. Depending on the application, it may uninstall right away and require that you go through various dialog boxes. Read the guide for uninstalling software for Windows 10 for more information.

Let's take a examine the apps you need to uninstall from Windows. Remove all of their applications if you have them on your computer!

1. QuickTime

 QuickTime is Apple's version of a video player. Although it's still a working software for macOS, the company hasn't supported the Windows version since 2016.

The removal of QuickTime isn't likely to cause any issues since iTunes does not rely on it. If you require an alternative to QuickTime, you should use VLC that can play almost any media

2. Crappy PC Cleaners

Many users are likely to have downloaded (or inadvertently installed) an application for cleaning their PC at one point or another. Most of these apps are ineffective to dangerous because Registry cleaners can't enhance your performance on Windows even if they do. If you spot a junk application such as MyCleanPC and PC Optimizer Pro in your downloaded apps, You should delete the apps.

How to Clean C Drive In Windows 10 (Make Your PC Faster), Source: Youtube, Geeks Tutorial 

Check out our cleaning guide mentioned earlier for a specific cleaning technique. If your computer seems to be slow, consider these strategies to improve the speed of Windows more efficient.

3. Utorrent

uTorrent was once regarded as the standard for torrenting software. However, it's been plagued by numerous issues through the years that have rendered it now untrustworthy.

In addition to having ads packed into its interface, uTorrent additionally offers other software applications that are irritating. The most severe offense was in 2015 when the application was found to add cryptocurrency mining software and not let users be aware of it. The app squandered your system's resources while running to earn money for the company. The company claimed to donate some to charities.

There's no reason to mess with uTorrent right now. We believe that the BitTorrent client can be the most reliable for torrents since it's free of all this crap.

4. Adobe Flash Player and Shockwave Player

Adobe Flash Player is no anymore supported from January 2021. While it's blocked by the majority of modern browsers today, however, you must still remove local versions of Flash. This will protect you from security problems that may arise in the future as Adobe has stopped updating Flash.

Adobe Shockwave Player, Source: Youtube, TotalProgressHaarlem

The runtime plugin, like Adobe Shockwave Player, was canceled in 2019. The company no longer provides the software for download, and it's unlikely to find a site that requires it.

Therefore, you should take out each Shockwave Player and Flash Player. Both are relics from an earlier era and are no longer needed now.

5. Java

Java is a different media runtime with two components: Java on the desktop and its Java extension for web browsers (which is known for its security issues). While it was once widespread, only a few websites today use it. As of the date of this article, W3Techs estimates that just 0.02 percent of websites are using Java.

Newer versions of Chrome and Firefox aren't compatible with Java. This means that Java is no longer a security issue as it was in the past. If you're not an Android developer or use specific software that is dependent on Java, it is recommended to uninstall Java. It's unlikely that you'll notice a change.

6. Microsoft Silverlight

Silverlight is a web-based framework like Adobe Flash that once provided rich media content within your browser. In the past, these plugins were essential on several web pages. However, they're now deprecated and not needed anymore. Examining The W3Techs again, we find that less than 0.03 percent of websites are using Silverlight at the time of early 2021.

What Is Microsoft Silverlight?, Source: Youtube, ExpertVillage Leaf Group

Modern browsers aren't compatible with Silverlight; Chrome and Firefox have not supported it for years, and Edge didn't help it. Silverlight is only supported by Internet Explorer, which is only available in Windows 10 for compatibility reasons. There is nothing lost when you uninstall Silverlight.

7. Every Toolbar and Junk Browser Extensions

If you're thinking about what to remove in Windows 10, one of the top choices is the junk that's in your browser. While toolbars used to be a more widespread issue, the latest version of Chrome, along with other popular browsers, successfully fought back and mostly eliminated these. However, some spammy extensions are still out in the wild.

Check out your program list for tools such as Bing Bar, Ask Toolbar Bing Bar, Google Toolbar, Ask Toolbar, Yahoo! Toolbar, and Babylon Toolbar. Babylon Toolbar. If you notice one of these, remove the extensions. Then, look over the wing or add-ons that you've installed within your browsers. Be sure to recognize and check everything since even legitimate extensions may be sold to unscrupulous companies.

8. Manufacturer Bloatware

If you're not running an expensive device, such as Surface Pro, Surface Pro, or installed Windows from scratch on a brand new desktop, the chances are that your laptop came with a lot of preinstalled software that the company supplied. Laptops made by HP, Dell, Toshiba, Lenovo, and more can be affected by this issue.

Please look at these unneeded programs that you need to eliminate because they are not required to enable Windows to perform its functions. Specific preinstalled brand applications, such as photo apps, games tools, or any other program that duplicates Windows applications, are unneeded. Other programs, like the driver/BIOS update utility (like Lenovo System Update), are helpful to have around.

Bloatware as Fast As Possible, Source: Youtube, Techquickie 

We can't express our opinions on each piece of software from the manufacturer. To learn more about what software to delete from your computer, it's best to read the article Should I remove it? which provides a brief overview of the features of each program and what others have said about it.

In the event of doubt, if you're not sure, any product from the manufacturer is unnecessary.


These programs aren't needed because they no longer fulfill any purpose. If you remove something and then discover that you'll need it again, you could install it again, but ensure that you install without the bundled junk whenever you do.

It's always an excellent idea to perform some tidying up of your computer and get rid of old or useless Windows 10 programs. It's possible to go even further and remove unneeded Windows folders.

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Hope this article is helpful to you, thanks for reading.



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