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Top Languages for Web App Development

Contributed by: Anderson Minhe

When examining one of the most popular programming languages used for enterprise application development, it's crucial to note that there is consistency across the top languages. There isn't a sudden change in the demand for or usage of a particular programming language, not even by web-based app development services or the business sector. We'll give a list of the seven most popular programming languages that are appropriate to be used in developing applications in enterprises

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JavaScript, as well as Python, remain in the same ring. In the last couple of years, JavaScript has remained at the top of the list in the field of development of enterprise apps. Companies are now seeking more front-end web development solutions to improve their apps.

What is JavaScript?, Source: Youtube, Code School

JavaScript is compatible alongside HTML as well as CSS to provide interactive applications. With its many functions, it is now the preferred language to develop enterprise-level apps for most web-based companies.

However, all autres programming languages have been stable. This indicates that the need for web development services continues to be growing, particularly since the introduction of cloud-native techniques.


Python was always considered to be the most flexible programming language. It is the best choice for developing applications. It is the easiest to use scripts and easily links to databases. It is possible to create virtually anything you'd like to with Python. The best part about Python is that it allows you to create an artificial neural network to support AI, which is something significant companies are currently considering.

What is Python?, Source: Youtube, IDG TECHtalk

The vast library of standard libraries and compatibility with the major systems make it handy for enterprise app developers. Its simple syntax can make reading as well as designing very easy.

It is essential to be aware that web developers have moved to Python 3 because Python was recently dropped in 2020.


If you're looking for an all-purpose enterprise language, C# is the solution. It's technically more complex than C++ and other languages within the C family. It is a high-level language, and therefore, most web developers employ C# for enterprise app development. It is compiled to the Byte-Code, is not an Assembly.

What is C#?, Source: Youtube, dotNET

But, it is essential to be aware that C# works best for internal business applications. If you're looking to create an older-fashioned app for your company, C# is the ideal choice. If you seek cloud-based services or web-based applications, JavaScript and Python are the best options.


PHP ranks 6 6 spots in the top programming languages used for enterprise application development. It's able to pull information from databases quickly. It permits direct embedding into HTML to develop web apps.

What Is PHP?, Source: Youtube, John Morris

Since PHP is an open-source programming language and is constantly changing and growing yet, it's very infrequently used. We may see a surge in the years ahead.


Last but not least, Perl is another excellent programming language that has grown through the decades. At first, it was used to manipulate text, but its application has expanded to web-based apps, the development of websites, and the management of networks. It's a powerful programming language that can create programs quickly. It is, therefore, an excellent choice to utilize it when a company requires to determine whether a particular concept is compelling.

Introduction to Perl - Perl Tutorial for Beginners, Source: Youtube, Guru99

However, web developers do not have an avid user of the language, and as such, it has been steady over the last few years.

Utilization of Programming Language

In reality, the usage of a programming language depends on many variables. Consequently, the top 7 programming languages change their position regularly... There is also a section on React. JS. Some critical factors are:

The size of the company

The larger the size of the business greater the size of the company, the more amount of languages are employed. Large corporations typically employ several languages. Cloud Foundry reported higher use of Python and C# than other languages.


For North America, JavaScript and Java are among the top languages used for developing enterprise apps. Within Asia, Java and C++ acquire top spots. In Europe, the majority of languages are almost equally favored according to the company's requirements.

How to Select Your First Programming Language, Source: Youtube, Treehouse

Enterprise Developers

As per web-based app creators, Java and JavaScript are the most influential languages, Python and C++. However, the developers who work for enterprises generally consider the needs of their clients and offer multi-lingual web-based services.


In the case of cloud-based multi-cloud, Java, JavaScript, and C++ are the most used languages. In a single cloud, developers would prefer Java and JavaScript, and private cloud businesses showed uniformity in the use of various programming languages.

As we observe the trend moving towards multi-cloud, most companies are creating cloud-based applications. Thus, Java, JavaScript, and C++ are the three most popular languages to develop enterprise-level apps.


The trends and positions of IT are constantly changing in IT. Web development firms and front-end development companies can now provide a comprehensive and adaptable approach. There's plenty of room for businesses to select developers from. There are two ways how to go about it happening. Either write down your requirements and decide for yourself which language you think is best for your particular project. You can also consult experts to advise you on best practices.

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