Top Amazing Android Tips and Tips You're Probably Not Thinking About

Contributed by: Paul Zinah Le

Join us as we explore Android, the Android operating system, to discover some of the cool features that are hidden from view. Android is a fantastic minor operating system. It's packed with great options, awesome hacks, and time-saving tips. Find out more here!

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1. Enable Developer Mode

This isn't one of the most well-known techniques, but it's crucial nevertheless, and we're going to add it.

How to Enable Developer Options on Android & Turn Off Developer Options (Easy Method) Source: Youtube, YourSixStudios

Go through Settings, then About the phone, and tap your phone's build number seven times. 

2. Change the animation speed

In most cases, the most recent Android phones feel extremely quick. But, some phones have only 4GB of RAM. And in extreme instances, only 2GB.

How To Change Your Android Phone's Animation Speed, Source: Youtube, StikeTech

Another option is to alter the smartphone's window animation sizeTransition animation scale, and the duration scale for Animator by 1x or 0.5x. Although it's not going to speed up your phone, it can make it appear more speedy.

Visit Settings, System, and Developer choices and scroll approximately two-thirds of the page to see the required options (you'll need first to activate Developer Mode).

3. Clear App Defaults

It's frustrating when a URL appears in a particular app instead of in the browser. It could be an email, a tweet, a YouTube hyperlink, a tweet, or even a Facebook page. You'll be waiting for your phone to shut down Chrome (or the other browser you're using) and open another app. It's simple to fix.

How to Change & Remove Default Apps in Android | Android Tips & Tricks, Source: Youtube, Trends Maker

Click on settings > apps and Notifications and locate the constantly showing application. After that, select Advanced and scroll to the default option of Open by default Press it, then click Clear defaults.

If that doesn't work, try it with your browser also.

4. You can quickly change Your Wi-Fi Network

Strangely, the way to speedily change between Wi-Fi networks is not exactly clear. You can certainly navigate through the Settings menu > Network and Internet and Wi-Fi and switch your Wi-Fi settings there. 

There has to be a better way to do it, isn't there?

How to change wifi router channel to boost your Internet speed, Source: Youtube, Tech 2.0

Make sure you swipe down two times on the upper part of your screen to access The quick settings menu. Instead of clicking on the "Wi-Fi's" icon (which will disable it), tap and hold on the icon. Then you'll get an overview of all the available networks in your area.

5. Quickly access the Quick Settings Menu

Concerning the Quick Settings menu, Did you know that it doesn't require you to swipe twice to get access?

Move Quick Settings to the Bottom on Android [How-To], Source: Youtube, Gadget Hacks

Instead, using two fingers simultaneously will produce the same effect.

6. Cast Your Screen

Are you a Chromecast owner? If so, you could quickly mirror your Android screen (and the individual applications) through the casting function.

Open to the Quick Settings menu, then click the screencast button. The device will detect your Chromecast (assuming that it's on the same network) then you're good to go.

Android Screen Mirroring - The Complete Guide!, Source: Youtube, Justin Brown - Primal Video 

It's ideal for playing games with a larger screen, showing pictures to your family and friends, or streaming your music via louder speakers. While many apps, including YouTube, come with a casting button, it is still a breeze to gain access.

7. Find Annoying Notifications

Are you constantly receiving an annoying notification from an app, and you're unsure what's causing it?

How to Remove Virus Notification for all Android phones. Easy Solution. Source: Youtube, stefan nikolov

The solution is simple: long-press the notification you want to know about, and your device will inform you.

8. Control App Notifications

Going one step forward from the previous point After you've long-pressed your App, you'll see an information icon. When you press it, you'll see the settings for notifications of the App you're interested in.

7 Cool Android Notification Hacks!, Source: Youtube, Beebom

You can block all (or specific) the notifications it sends, permits it to bypass priority mode, and conceal private information.

9. Smart Lock

The smart lock can be handy. It eliminates the requirement to use the keypad lock while it's at your home within a "trusted" environment.

How to Turn Off Google Smart Lock on Android - 2021, Source: Youtube, Gauging Gadgets.

It could utilize GPS and specific networks, your facial and even the voice of your phone to stop it from locking its phone, which makes it more accessible and less hassle.

Navigate into Settings, Security, and then Smart Lock to configure it.

10. Use the Assistant while you wait on Hold

Call your ISP, cable provider, electric company, or every other company with an account if you're trying. You are guaranteed to experience two things: terrible customer service and a tremendous amount of time in a call waiting line.

Let the Google Assistant wait on hold for you, Source: Youtube, Google Help

However, queues for Hold can be a thing of the past using Google Assistant. If you're stuck in a hold queue, tap the three dots on the upper right-hand corner, and select "Hold for Me." The assistant will notify you when someone finally responds and even keep a copy of any messages said during the time.

Note: As of the moment of writing, this service is only available to Toll-free numbers in the US.

11. The history of Notifications and Turn On

We've all snatched away notifications in error before. It's not pleasant, especially when you don't realize the App from which it came. Android 11 and above have an answer through The Notification History feature.

Don't Forget to Turn on the Android 11 Notification History Feature, Source: Youtube, Explaining Android

It's easy to enable. Go into Settings > Applications and Notifications and notifications > notification history and then slide the toggle to the ON position. When you've enabled it, you can tap the History button within the shade of notifications to see what you missed.


Android is awash with a variety of tricks we've not discussed here. If you begin using these tips regularly, You can be an Android expert within minutes.

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