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The distinction between scripting and programming language 2022

Contributed by: Anderson Minhe

Many people do not understand the distinctions between programming languages and scripting languages and often use the terms interchangeably. They may sound similar, but they differ from one another. Anyone looking to put their feet in software development needs to know the difference between programming and scripting languages. Recent advancements in programming have but blurred the lines of distinction between the two. Both languages are used in the development of software. Each of the scripting languages can be used as a programming language; however, the reverse isn't true. The main DifferenceDifference between them is scripting languages do not have a compiler and are instead translated. Before introducing scripting languages, programming languages were to create software such as Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Excel, Internet Explorer, etc. There was the need for languages to include additional functions, which is why there was the necessity for scripting languages. Let's now look at programming and scripting languages in greater detail and then explore their main distinctions.

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What is a Scripting Language?

The scripting language can be described as a specifically designed language for use in runtime environments. It helps automate the execution of various tasks. These languages are usually brief and quick, and they are translated using the source code or byte code. Most of the time, scripting languages are open source and are compatible with almost every platform. This means that no specific software is needed to run them since they're just a set of commands executed without a compiler. Depending on your goal and the circumstances, a scripting language is the best choice. There are two kinds of scripting languages: 

What is SCRIPTING LANGUAGE? SCRIPTING LANGUAGE meaning, Source: Youtube, The Audiopedia

  • Server-side scripting language: Server-side scripting languages are used to create dynamic web pages. They are executed at a web server. These languages perform backend operations. Examples- PHP, Python, Node.js, Ruby, and Pearl.
  • Client-side scripting language: The client-side scripting language operates off of browsers. These are front-end languages. Examples include HTML, jQuery, CSS and JavaScript.

Essential Characteristics of Scripting Language

  • Simple to use and learn is the ideal start for people looking to set out into development. They are simple to master and use. JavaScript, along with PHP, is among the most simple scripting languages to learn.
  • Open-source and free- Most of these scripting programs are free, meaning that there is no limit to who can use scripting languages. They need to research the languages and incorporate them into their current system. They're all open-source, meaning that anyone from the world can be involved in their advancement.
  • Flexible and powerful scripting languages are compelling and flexible (in terms of applications) enough to ensure that essential tasks can be completed using the scripts. The scripting languages are also flexible, i.e., you can include features when you believe they are needed.

Characteristics of scripting language, Source: Youtube, vinitha v k

  • More minor memory requirements - unlike programming languages, these aren't constructed; instead, they are translated. This means that they require less memory from the computers running them.
  • Runtime Execution- A program can be modified and configured with a platform that allows the execution of code during the time. This is, in reality, the primary aspect that makes scripting languages crucial in a lot of applications. Debugging and the rich game console can be aided by code execution at runtime.
  • Secure and safely secure and safe - Scripting languages were created using security as a primary concern. The scripting language doesn't allow any illegal actions to be carried out using the script. It also prevents local code from accessing data stored within the hand.

What is a Programming language?

The programming language is utilized for interaction with computers. Most commonly, it is developed to create desktop applications, websites, and mobile applications. It's a series of instructions that are written to achieve an objective. C, C++, Java, Python are just a few programs written in programming. Programming languages usually consist of two components-syntax(form) and semantics(meaning). These are utilized to build algorithms and allow computers to take action.

What is a programming language?, Source: Youtube, Codecademy 

Programming languages are classed into three types:

  • Machine language: Machine language is a low-level computer language that computers easily comprehend. It is composed of binary instructions or hexadecimal and is the fundamental Language of computers.
  • Assembly language (ASM) is another low-level programming language designed by specific processors. It's just an abstract and human-friendly representation of the set of instructions. It converts assembly language to machine language by using an assembly language.
  • High-level Language (HLL) is a high-level programming language that can be used to develop websites and programs that are user-friendly. This programming language requires an interpreter or compiler to convert the program written by the user into machine language (Language which is understood by computers). The primary benefit of high-level languages is their ease of learning, writing, and maintenance. Python, Java, JavaScript, PHP, C#, C++, Cobol, Perl, Pascal, LISP, FORTRAN, and Swift are high-level programming languages. High-level Language may be further classified into:
  • Procedural-oriented programming languages
  • Object-oriented programming languages
  • Natural Language

Essential Features of Programming Languages

  • Simple: Many modern languages such as Python come with a short learning curve. There is typically a tradeoff between the ease of the Language and its speed and speed of abstraction (ability to conceal complex details).
  • Structure Every programming language has an appropriate predefined structure, such as established semantics, syntax, set of rules, etc.

Introduction To Programming Language//Characteristics of Programming Language, Source: Youtube, JESWISDOM

  • Abstraction refers to the capability of the programming language to conceal complex information that is not needed for users. A stereotype is among the most crucial aspects of programming languages that are object-oriented.
  • Efficiency: To prevent using too much memory or taking too long to complete, the programming language is translated and executed effectively.
  • The ability to transfer: Programming languages can be used on a portable basis, which means that they are easy to move from computer one to the next.

Do Scripting Languages and Programming Languages the same thing?

Yes, scripting and programming languages aren't identical. Programming languages were designed to create complex software, while scripting languages were developed to aid programming languages.

VS: Programming Languages Vs. Scripting Languages (FIXED AUDIO), Source: Youtube, Keith Connolly

Programming languages are written in a compiler, and scripting languages are interpreted. We will look at the differentiators between scripting and programming languages in the following section.

The Difference Between The Scripting Language in addition to Programming Language

Let's examine some of the differentiators between the languages of programming and scripting. The table below highlights specific contrasts between the two languages.

Programming language

  • Programming languages are a form of computer language made up of instructions to communicate with computers.
  • The majority of programming languages are compiled. The overhead of translation occurs only once the source is built; then, it just requires to be loaded and executed.
  • The traditional programming language is based on low-level languages.
  • Execution of programs takes longer as they are constructed.
  • It can be used to design an entirely new program from the beginning.
  • Most common programming languages are more potent in data abstraction and control abstraction.

Difference between Programming and Scripting Language, Source: Youtube, STS Mentor Php

 Language for scripting

  • It is a type of programming language utilized for automatizing the process of performing tasks within a runtime context.
  • The majority of scripting languages are interpretable languages. They need to be parsed, translated, and executed every time the program is launched.
  • Languages that script generally prefers high-level languages.
  • The execution of a script requires less time because hands are usually brief.
  • It can be used to improve the functionality of an existing program or to automate specific tasks. A scripting language can be used to regulate the behavior of an application.
  • Scripting languages typically emphasize flexibility and the richness of expressions.


The execution process and the surrounding environment are the primary distinctions between scripting and programming languages. The scripting languages could refer to them as extensions of existing software (written in the scripting language). Most software and programs can be written using programming language, but functionality is defined with scripting languages. While Language of programming is used to develop software and programs from scratch, scripting languages are also used to include additional functionality to the software. The increasing demands for dynamic websites and applications have further increased a scripting language. The requirement for the traditional programming structure to create complex software will not be diminished. These languages are gorgeous structures built on the same foundation as programming languages. Each Language has its distinct pros and cons and is designed to complement each other.

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