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The Best Home Inventory Apps

Contributed by: Anderson Minhe

No matter if you have an expansive house or spacious apartment, tracking the belongings in your home could be a time-consuming process. While it can appear like a burden, taking the time to review and organize your inventory of belongings is an effective method to track what you own. Utilizing a home inventory application can assist you in managing your possessions and calculating the value of your belongings. It could be life-saving when you're in a position where you're required to replace personal property in the event of an incident. If you are required to submit an insurance claim having an accurate and current inventory of your belongings can aid in making the claims process quicker and easier. There is a lot of software for home inventory available with various options, such as uploading pictures, organizing the items by room, or even saving items to cloud storage to make them easier to access. 

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The best overall: Sortly (iOS, Android)

Shortly lets you organize your home inventory into multiple subfolders and folders, making things easier to find. You can manage your things by their physical locations (which room they're within) or by type of item. Use notes and searchable tags to locate what you require within a matter of seconds.

Sortly Pro – Inventory Management Made Easy for YOU!, Source: Youtube, Josh Burns Tech

Shortly lets you create a surprising amount of detail for every product at home. Include a serial number, the date of purchase, SKU number, warranty expiration date, and other information. Include up to eight images of each item for an inventory of the items visually and record the quantities and prices to determine the value of all objects within your home. You can export and transfer items to a CSV file, Dropbox, or PDF.

This app can be beneficial when you're moving. It is possible to create QR labels using Sortly and attach them to moving boxes. A simple scan provides the box's contents. The app, in its basic version, is entirely free. However, you'll need to pay an annual or monthly fee for the more advanced or ultra versions.

MOST VERSATILE: Memento Database (iOS, Android, Desktop)

Memento Database lets you store everything you could imagine with thousands of templates you can choose from for your data. Sort items into categories using colorful icons to give your inventory an attractive layout. Sort, search and sort things to make it easier to locate precisely what you're looking to find in your stock.

Memento Database (Android App Review), Source: Youtube, androidtapp

The Nest Egg inventory app is an app for iOS that lets you track your possessions. It allows you to take up to 10 pictures of your possessions and scan barcodes to find information about the product. It's a unique, efficient feature that can speed up your inventory procedure. Similar to"batch edit," a "batch editing" feature that allows users to make changes in bulk instead of making edits one at a time. You can send AirPrint inventory items and then export them to spreadsheets for tracking.

The app also provides areas to store warranty information for your products, such as expiration dates, as well as manufacturer information. You can also schedule reminder alerts on the items you take from you and things you loan, and we all know the feeling of finding an item that a friend gave us years ago and then did not return.

Another feature unique to Nest Egg: your information is stored on your phone and isn't stored on the internet. 


MyStuff is among the most comprehensive household inventory apps available that allow you to keep a lot of information about every item. This app is suitable for managing and recording your collections regardless of whether they're valuable and meticulously collected or private groups of movies, books, and video games lots of us collect over time. A list of inventory items is helpful to keep track of the things you own and will aid in avoiding buying duplicates as you accumulate more.

Check how to use My stuff Organizer : Home Inventory Management Application!, Source: Youtube, Susamp Apps

MyStuff lets you include items in your stock either manually or a barcode scanner to autofill the information. The auto-sync feature lets you share your data across all your devices and also with others. The app is bundled with pre-defined categories; however, you can create the types to organize your things most appropriate for your collection.

The app initially permits users to save up to 15 items. If a user wishes to save additional items, they can purchase Unlimited Items or Pro Features upgrades. Unlimited items and Pro Features upgrades, both of which offer a total number of items.

Best for MULTIPLE Properties: Magic Home Inventory (Android)

Its Magic Home Inventory app (available for Android customers only) lets you organize your household inventory over several properties. It also allows you to divide the inventory of your home by room, listing every item's location, along with the description and image of the item. It is also possible to identify the containers stored in the room and the contents inside the containers.

Connect Magic Home Pro APP Video tutorial, Source: Youtube, Offdarks Light

The advanced search feature of the app aids you in finding items quickly, and the import/export feature allows you to backup your data manually or move your inventory into another storage space. This feature is useful when driving, as it will help you track which items are kept in the boxes in which ones.

The best remote management software: BluePlum Home Inventory (iOS)

BluePlum can be described as an iOS application that lets you manage the inventory of any house you have. It enables you to organize your possessions according to collections or spaces they're kept in and "tag" them to make it easier to search. Adding videos, photos, receipts, user guides, user manuals, and other documents to every item listing will keep all the necessary paperwork for your product all in one spot. This is an ideal way to store information like purchase documents and warranties, and other documents you could lose otherwise. It is also possible to note the price of each item and keep track of depreciation to ensure you have a precise valuation of your possessions at any point. If your equipment requires regular maintenance (or some other scheduled occasion), you can record all the information you need in the application and receive notifications for reminders.

BluePlum Home Inventory, Source: Youtube, Blue Plum Software

The iOS app can be used in conjunction with BluePlum's desktop app (Mac only), which means that your inventory is up-to-date across all of your devices. The desktop and remote apps will sync as soon as they're connected to the same network of Wi-Fi, so there's no need to worry about manually updating. Print, create and save a range of reports that provide an overview of the items you have.

Best for tracking quantity: Smart Inventory System by NonZeroApps (Android)

Through Smart Inventory System Smart Inventory System, you can organize your items by scanning QR codes. Maintain accurate information about your products, including barcodes names, descriptions, quantities, and even nutritional data. If your existing fields don't suffice, you can also add custom fields to track the features you require. Set the critical quantity levels for specific items so that you be alerted whenever those items need replacement.

Smart Inventory manager system - Android app, Source: Youtube, Houssem Lahiani

It is easy to locate items in your inventory with a thorough sorting system. It is also possible to establish relationships between objects to manage them more easily. The app also comes with excellent backup capabilities. It operates offline, meaning you don't need to worry about losing access to your inventory when you're not connected to the internet. Additionally, it lets you save your information to the cloud, so it's not stored on your smartphone. Similar to other apps in the list below, Smart Inventory System allows users to import and export any or all of their inventory into the CSV file.


We selected the top 7 home inventory applications by looking over and analyzing various choices for home inventory apps before deciding on the top contenders. We picked the top choices by their compatibility with multiple devices along with the features and tools they provide, the functions they can be being used for, the way your things are organized and sorted charges, and much more.

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