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PUBG New State Review 2023

Contributed by: Anderson Minhe

PUBG is a game that is pretty well known to all of us, not just Indian youngsters. Its mobile game version has gained immense popularity since it was first introduced in 2018. However, after PUBG had been banned from India, players had to search for alternative games; however, the enthusiasm for one of the more played battle royale games for mobile has never waned. In the past season, Krafton created a unique version specifically designed for Indian mobile gamers called Battlegrounds Mobile India, also called BGMI. With BGMI, there was nothing significantly altered when compared to PUBG aside from a few aspects in a few places. It was PUBG with a fresh coating of paint. However, that's not the situation in PUBG: New State. The game Krafton will introduce the PUBG name in India and a new look that will catch attention. However, can the PUBG game: New State rope in players who belong to the BGMI group? What are the new features it provides? I played for about a week; check out the article to learn our thoughts on the latest entry in mobile gaming -"PUBG: New State. Let's discover PUBG's New State Review in 2023  

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1. PUBG New State Review: Visual appeal

There have been specific changes Krafton has implemented into the game PUBG: New State on the graphics side. Visually, the game appears more appealing than its competitors. The graphics, the detail in the walls, grass, texture, and the player's mechanics give the real-life feel and look of the gameplay.

the pubg new state visual appeal

The PUBG New State: Visual appeal, Source: Proreviesapp

The PUBG game New State currently offers a range of graphics options starting at Lite Ultra, High, and Extreme. The Lite option is the newest addition. In terms of framerate, you can now select Low Medium, High, Ultra, Very High, Extreme, and Max that are not available when you first the time of launch. As I've experienced, the loading time for the first boot has been sped up. I have tested this with an iPhone 12 and the Realme 6 Pro. Both phones were able to play Ultra + Very High. iPhone 12 drew Ultra + Max, whereas the Realme 6 Pro maxed out at Ultra + Very High. Our tests showed that the handset's front (on both phones) felt warm after playing for about 15 minutes or more.

At the beginning of PUBG: New State, I also ran across some server issues, but these were resolved when the game was taken off to be maintained a few times. In addition, I encountered a variety of bugs, including the "open door" button on vehicles not showing up, drones becoming stuck inside trees, vehicles being stuck right in the center of the game, and, in some cases, I also noticed waiting times within the lobby unending.

2. PUBG New State Review: New Battlefields, new beginnings

With the release of PUBG: New State, everything has a fresh look. Beginning with the UI and the way they've refined the lobby area, models of characters, and so on. You can't move your accounts from the older version in the current game version PUBG: New State. It is necessary, to begin with, a new account. You're now able to log in with the Facebook account you have created on your Facebook login to connect with your Google account if you're starting with a blank slate. However, you can no longer utilize your Twitter login credentials to sign in to your account.

The game PUBG: New State brings two new maps:

Troi and Erangel 2051. Currently, there's only one map in terms of Team Deathmatch (TDM): Station. Erangel is the most well-liked map among PUBG players. It's an old-fashioned map for a reason. Erangel 2051, as the name implies, is set in the year 2051 and features all the cities that are similar to the previous versions. However, this time some of the buildings and walls have been damaged. This is supposed to be the result of the numerous combats in Erangel.

PUBG New State Erangel and Erangel 2051 | Comparison Map, Source: Youtube, Gaming Mobile

The new brand map Troi is also well-designed and is a welcome source of chaos, as does every other map within the PUBG franchise. Troi includes several brand new cities for players of the battleground to explore, such as City Hall, Graveyard, Factory, and Garrison. It's also an 8x8 km map that is similar to Erangel. While playing, I noticed a lot of players descending into "The Mall." This location may be the same as "Pochinki" from Erangel. It also has some great places like a trailer Park that has ramps across the area so that should you ever encounter a hostile attack, you can utilize ramps to fend them off with style. However, I've always ended up falling face-first off my bike. However, that's a story to come back to later.

The Exhibit Hall is located in the middle of Troi and offers plenty of loot to destroy enemies. It is covered with an open roof, and you can imagine the many fights that may be fought. In addition, and not as surprising, Troi has bulletproof glasses that you can put on to protect yourself from enemy attacks. You can distinguish them from ordinary glasses by looking at the blue tints of bulletproof glasses. Some are inside the Exhibit Hall and Laboratory in PUBG: New State.

I enjoyed watching PUBG

New State is the name given to all cities floating around the map at the beginning of the game. This means that you can be able to see Pochinki, Rozhok, School, and each city's name from a birds-eye perspective while sitting in the cockpit. Because of this, it's now impossible to misinterpret two towns that look like each other.

pubg new state troi mapPUBG New State: Troi Map, Source: Proreviewsapp

With Troi, you also have the opportunity to explore many new cars-Not just any car; these vehicles and bikes are modern. Don't follow? First of all, they run on batteries instead of gasoline-like you'd imagine bikes and cars to run in 2051. In addition, they also feature auto-pilot. The driver can switch between autopilot and manual modes in the PUBG: New State.

However, since AI does not control it, the driver must still navigate the map. The PUBG: New State AI accelerates by itself. Battery-powered cars are typically quieter they are compared to gas-powered vehicles. However, they still sound loud nearby. Additionally, if you're out of the zone and using an electric car, the amount of battery use rises.

If you're bored of driving across the map with your new auto-pilot vehicle, you can pick the trams. Trams are a part of battle areas in PUBG New State and are extremely useful for those in a tense situation. I've found them very useful in getting cover. While the trams are slow, this is how they're supposed to work.

3. PUBG New State Review: Gameplay

They are moving into PUBG: New State gameplay. The player's movement and gun mechanics are similar to earlier versions in the battle royale game PUBG Mobile and BGMI. However, there are specific changes that can't be missed.

The gameplay is now similar to it in the PC version of PUing I had previously written this out during our PUBG: New State first impressions. If you find yourself in battle and have to get away from your adversaries, you could roll to get quick covDouble-tapping the crouch bu, it starts this, but you can also create an additional button to do the same. This feature is able to be activated by setting preference.

new pubg state gameplay

New PUBG State: Gameplay, Source: Proreviewsapp

In BGMI, each gun you chose required sight of some kind, such as Red Dot, Holographic, or one of the other significant scopes. However, the PUBG game New State has changed things slightly. You can get the red dot sight that comes pre-equipped with all guns. I found that excellent, as I have always preferred the red dot sight over the Holographic sight because of the simple reticle. The company also has unveiled a brand new website known as "Viper." It's similar to the red dot and is unique. The design is a lot like one of the PUBG games: New State.

The PUBG: New State also brings a brand-new method for quickfire.

You can now utilize the shoulder-fire feature if you don't want to use a scope in combat. This provides an authentic feel to close-range battle. This has helped me manage my recoil and spray patterns better than before. It takes a while to familiarize yourself with this feature. It is possible to toggle between shoulder-fire and hip-fire by setting the settings if you prefer the traditional way of doing things.

4. PUBG New State Review: Do you want to go shopping?

It's now pretty apparent that PUBG: New State is set shortly. There's nothing that can surprise you, indeed? This is what I was thinking. Today, we have drones. For instance, you can now access the Drone Shop, where you can buy ammo medical kits, batteries for electric vehicles, and everything you need for an emergency. However, you can also purchase flare guns in green and red (more on this later).).

You can purchase items at the shop using drone credits, which you will see scattered throughout the map. After adding the required items to your shopping cart, players can place an order. A drone emitting Blue smoke hovers over you and drops a box filled with the items you purchased in the game PUBG: New State.

The pubg new state go shopping

The PUBG New State: Do you want to go shopping? Source: Proreviewsapp

If you're wondering whether this kind of transaction could attract adversaries, The answer is definitely yes! The drone makes noise, and the blue smoke could entice close-by opponents. However, it is possible to use this feature in the PUBG: New State to lay traps to ward off enemies that may be lurking nearby.

The shop also allows you to access a 'Scout Drone, which can assist you in identifying enemies that could be hidden inside a structure. If you're familiar with the concept of Crypto, which is a legendary character in Apex Legends for those who understand what I'm talking about -- you are familiar with the way this works. But, unlike Crypto's drones, this one isn't a threat to anyone and is solely intended for scouting. It's a great way to plan an ambush plan on someone who's hiding.

5. Back to life

In PUBG, New State brings with its a new recruiting system. A typical team consisting of players comprises four players. If you take out an opponent's team that includes all players, they will be knocked out instead of finished unless you are willing to perform that action. You can then go ahead and select a player and bring them back. Once the revival process has been completed, the player is part of your team. The player will be part of the team and a part of the chat room. But, remember that you cannot at any time during the game include more than four players in your team. You can only sign up opponents if one in your group has lost their life or been removed from the team.

Revive Dead Whenever You Want In Pubg NEW STATE, Source: Youtube, Parallel Gaming

Can you recall those green flare guns that we discussed a few paragraphs back for the respawning system? They are indeed utilized to help revive your team. A green flare gun is priced at about 1,200 drone credits PUBG: New State. It is only available to revive one teammate at the same time. This feature was first implemented during the Payload Mode, where you had to have the teammate's ID to revive the player. However, that's not the case with this model. The resurrected comrade falls empty-handed in the air and is determined, to begin with a fresh start. Do not revive your colleague during the chaos. Otherwise, it will not be a pleasant scene.

6. Conclusion

"PUBG": New State can be described as a delightful game featuring a new map, brand-new weapons, brand-new features, and lots of other features to provide. Despite some early glitches and bugs, I had a great time enjoying the game. The game was enjoyable, and it enticed me with all the high-end equipment. It gives you an entirely new experience as well as an easy trip to the future. It will require some time to adjust to the more refined gameplay. However, I would suggest giving it a shot before eliminating the game. You never know. Maybe you'll have a blast shortly. Hope you can find the new information from PUBG New State Review in 2023

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