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Positive and Negative Effects on Social Media on Kids and Teens

Contributed by: Anderson Minhe

The Instagram app, Snapchat, TikTok, Facebook, Twitter, and other social media websites are great for children and teens looking to stay connected and track the latest happenings with their relatives or friends. When they open an app or a site, users can interact with and get to know everyone crucial to them (at minimum, those connected to the same social network). However, some oppose social media, like all things people are enthusiastic about. Many studies suggest that social media can have adverse effects on kids' minds for children and teens. The harm could be long-lasting and irreparable. However, those who defend it tend to emphasize that children who use social networks increase their social interactions and trigger their brains to adjust to the latest technology.

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The most common adverse effect of social media use is dependency—the constant monitoring of Snapchat, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, or other social media updates. Experts think knowing what's happening with their friends and what they're thinking or feeling could be addictive. Researchers from UCLA's Brain Mapping Center have found that feeling appreciated in social media via "likes" was observed in brain scans that activate the brain's reward circuits. The reward circuit is susceptible in adolescence which could be why teens are more active on social media.

It is essential for teens and children to know how many people liked their posts and how many followers (or did not follow) them, and what other people reviewed them leads to a constant check. The addiction to social media can interfere with other beneficial activities, such as doing schoolwork, reading, or playing sports. The most avid social media users confess that they check their feeds on social media more than 100 times every day, often even in classes.

How social media is affecting teens, Source: Youtube, CBC News: The National 

Adverse effects of social media for teens and children according to psychologists, or as research studies, the negative effects of social networking are as follows:

An additional research study from 2015 conducted by the British Psychological Society finds that teens being required to respond to social networks (liking posts, responding to messages and texts) during their day can affect their mental wellbeing. A University of Michigan study suggests that Facebook use decreases subjective well-being among young adults. The more teens are on Facebook, the more depressed they are feeling from moment to moment, and the less content with their lives in general.

The 2021 Wall Street Journal article said that Facebook's study shows that Instagram (which owns Facebook) is harmful to teens. For one out of three teen girls, the use of social media contributes to their body image problems worse, And despite knowing the images they're seeing are harmful to their mental wellbeing, they're not able to get off the platform. Even more disturbingly, 6 percent of suicidal American teens blame Instagram as a reason for their desire to commit suicide. (This is, however, not confirmed by Facebook..) Teenagers, particularly girls, are prone to the influence of their peers, and this sensitivity of peers can lead to obsessive thoughts about body image and status and fame.

FOMO, or the fear of not being able to miss the opportunity to miss something important (like the jokes of their friends or activities, parties, and other opportunities to be entertained), can cause anxiety and depression in teens users of social media, according to a study conducted by the Australian Psychological Society. FOMO is among the significant reasons for teens' excessive social media usage.

A new study by The University of Montreal has found that, in the case of various types of screen time, including gaming videos, Social media is more correlated with depression symptoms among teenagers. On social media sites popular among teens, specifically Instagram, teenagers are more likely to be influenced by pictures they like in their feeds and encourage social competition upward. This causes them to feel inferior and feel bad about themselves in many cases.

Negative Effects of Social Media on Children - MySchoolr, Source: Youtube, MySchoolr

The results of a research study conducted by the University of Glasgow. The University of Glasgow indicates that the use of social media, particularly at night, which is associated with high levels of emotional involvement, leads to a lower quality of sleep, low self-esteem, and more anxiety. This could be a problem because teens with low self-esteem are often depressed adults, as per previous research. Social media also feature several famous "influencers" paid to advertise products such as events, services, or even events. Teens may have a problem discerning between genuine advertising or fake news and what's authentic.

For children who are awestruck by attention, Facebook and other social media can be a place where they can act out. They may post inappropriate comments, images, and videos that harm their reputations. Additionally, the content and posts posted online are likely to last for a long time and could be a source of trouble for them in the future. Many studies, including the one by The San Diego State University, suggest that increased screen time and use of social media could have led to an increase in depression and suicide in American teenagers. 

Many kids understand that spending too much time on social media can lose time, which negatively impacts their mood. Children are distracted from communicating in real-world situations. Teachers are reporting that social media is negatively impacting children's comprehension levels. In addition, if children share mostly through screens, they don't learn the subtleties of human communication, such as body voice, language, and consciously recognizing the molecules other individuals emit.

Social media websites make children more self-centered. Because Instagram and other websites give children the pages focused on them, they can cause children who are vulnerable to believe they are the center of everything. This could be which can lead to emotional issues in later life. This could lead to the inability to connect with others.

The positive effects of SOCIAL media on teenagers and KIDS

However, some experts, such as MacArthur Foundation, see things differently. They say that children and teens learn crucial social and technical abilities online in ways that adults aren't aware of or appreciate. This makes life for your child exciting as it broadens his knowledge of others' opinions and emotions. It lets him interact with famous personalities, and people learn from him.

Positive Effects Of Social Media On Youth - MySchoolr, Source: Youtube, MySchoolr

Social networks make kids more relationship-oriented, considerate, and emphatic. They remember people's birthdays and wish them a happy birthday. They share photos or videos and also the status updates of their peers. They form long-lasting friendships by staying connected online, even when friends aren't physically getting together. Sure psychologists, in actuality, are encouraging children suffering from depression and anxiety to make use of Instagram or Snapchat to establish connections with their peers, as per the report. Teens and children can show their achievements to friends that they can be proud of or inspire other children.

Kids can explore their creative side through a social media app such as TikTok, which allows them to create videos, often by lip-syncing or dancing to popular songs. The editing tools on TikTok enable kids to make and edit professional videos.

The British Medical Journal disagrees with Susan Greenfield's assertion that long-term computer usage could cause "autistic-like characteristics" and aggression, as well as the fact that her claims aren't supported by research-based evidence. Instead, social media "has been shown to increase friendships, and enhance the quality of relationships, though certain individuals are more benefited than others."

Finally, a study with 12,000 UK teenagers shows only one tiny difference in teenage life satisfaction for the people who use social networks more often than the norm.

HOW CAN PARENTS MAKE THE most of their children's use of SOCIAL MEDIA

Inform your child about the dangers of social media, and show him the ways it can be harmful, as in addition to beneficial. Instruct your child on the dangers of "oversharing," such as. Inspire your children to invest longer - and significantly more time - engaging in actual communications somewhat instead of "social networking."

The Impact of Social Media on Your Child's Mental Health Social Media Tips for Parents, Source: Youtube, Sam.K Tweens & Teens

Ask your child to invest more time with friends in person and activities. Real-life face-to-face interaction is more meaningful and warm than online relationships. Your child will develop more social skills by interacting and interacting face-to-face with his peers. Friendships online do not teach your child to recognize subtle vocal cues or signals, understand body language, or adapt to different personalities. These are skills that are crucial to being successful in real life.

Inspire your child's other interests or interests - Instead of telling your child not to be online, explore your child's other interests and encourage these interests. Some examples of this are music, sports, playing an instrument, creating arts and crafts, and more. Make these daily activities a priority for him, or help him when working in non-online activities you are enthusiastic about.


Social networks are growing so fast that it is impossible to manage children and teens their behavior on SNS. We hope this article will assist you.

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