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Improve Organic app Installs: ASO for Mobile app fastest 2023

Contributed by: Anderson Minhe

Developers' main objective is to increase their app's exposure in the app stores (ASO). With the number of applications accessible in major app stores increasing rapidly and mobile devices capturing a larger part of consumer attention, new methods of app discovery have emerged. Users will not just seek out new applications in app stores; they will also do conventional online searches. Therefore, if we want people to discover our application through mobile search, we must begin thinking in terms of ASO to Improve Organic App Installs

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1. Improve Organic app Installs: SEO for mobile applications 

Recent surveys indicate that 27% of consumers find applications when using their mobile devices to browse search engines. If you want more people to download your app, you can read how to push top apps on this web.

Organic InstallsASO Mobile app, Source:

 Mobile online search is gaining traction and developers and marketers can not afford to ignore it. In this post, we'll discuss how to integrate your app's ASO and SEO strategies, as well as discuss App Packs and how to monitor and improve them.

2. Wherever there is a need for a search, there is a need to Improve Organic App Installs

In the never-ending battle for app exposure and downloads, mobile search has become an increasing concern for developers and marketers. Achieving visibility on the search engine results pages (SERPs) has become another objective. Otherwise, you risk losing a third of the downloads you might have gotten!

Google has adjusted its search algorithm in response to the shift in customer search habits. It no longer treats mobile and online search results in the same way, highlighting the distinctions between them. It begins with the addition of an "App" option to mobile device search tabs, followed by the introduction of device-specific App Packs to mobile SERPs.

 And, as we all know, where there is a search engine, there is SEO (SEO). Additionally, there is an increasing requirement for mobile publishers to optimize their applications in order to increase their exposure to app-specific search results.

3. Improve Organic App Installs: Boost Visibility on Mobile Web

What is a fragment of text?

A single snippet is the most often returned search result for an app-related search. It includes the app's name, the number of reviews + the average rating, and a text fragment explaining the product (which is occasionally derived from the short or lengthy description, as is the case with Android applications), followed by an install button:

What are Application Packs (APKs)?

An App Pack is a collection of recommended applications that Google provides in response to an app-specific inquiry.

 It may contain up to three or six applications (or more, in which case the list can be expanded) that are related to the search term. App Packs are often shown at the top of the search engine results page (SERP), but may also appear in the middle or at the bottom.

 Each app card has a title, an icon, a rating, and a price. The results are device-specific: if a person searches on an Android phone, he will get the App Packs results with Google Play Apps; if he searches on an iPhone or iPad, he will see the Apple App Store product pages.

Google's search results include App Packs.

According to Searchmetrics, one in every ten mobile searches now contains an App Pack. And this is just the beginning — as more applications become concerned with their presence in mobile search, they will begin to adopt a Search Engine Optimization plan in addition to their ASO.

 App Packs are often shown when users search for an app or a task that an app may do, such as "photo editor", "kids games", or "drawing applications". Optimizing for this kind of search is a little different from conventional web SEO and ASO.

Factors that Influence the Ranking in SEO

Because Google's methodology for suggesting and ranking apps in the Mobile SERPs differs from that of app stores, the app's keyword rankings in the Play Store and in web search will differ.

However, since ASO and SEO optimization methods and ranking criteria are similar if an app ranks well in the app stores, it will most likely rank highly for comparable searches on the web as well.

On-page criteria include the URL / package name, the app's name/title, and a brief and detailed description. For iOS applications, the description has no influence on ASO but does have an effect on SEO.

Off-page variables include user reviews and ratings, volume, and velocity of installations, and backlinks from authoritative websites.

Or if you want to increase your rating of this app, please visit this web to read how to buy Android app ratings for more information.

App Store for iOS

URL + Name of Application + Description

 Google Maps product page on the App Store

Google Play

URL + Title + Summary + Description

The important parts are the URL, Title, summary, and Description of an app

Organic Installs

Description game Plants vs Zombies 2, Source:

Already excited? Let’s see how to make your app or game rank in mobile web searches.

 Listing of Google Maps applications on Google Play

 Listing of Google Maps applications on Google Play is so important to make an entity for your app.

Organic InstallsGoogle Maps product page, source:

Are you already anticipating it? Let's look at how to optimize your app or game for mobile web searches.

4. How to Improve Organic App Installs: Best Practices in SEO

Nothing from another planet is required - you just need to follow simple ASO procedures, optimize your metadata for web searching, and get strong backlinks.

Conduct extensive keyword research for both ASO and SEO purposes.

The technique for doing keyword research and selecting the appropriate keywords to focus on is straightforward: choose terms with a high expected traffic volume (number of searches) and low competition.

Read more about increasing downloads on our website, and then use these tips to determine your project's keywords, putting the most important ones in the app's name/title and the rest in the description, to cover the information that affects SEO.

Use our tool to evaluate keywords for your app's ASO, SEMrush,, or other comparable tools to do online searches.

Obtain favorable evaluations and reviews

User ratings and reviews are critical for both the App Store and for Google Play ASO and SEO. And this occurs for a variety of reasons. To begin, Google, like retailers, prefers applications with a high number of positive reviews and an average rating.

Second, Google's search engine will scan user reviews in order to discover potential keywords. Generally, the keywords at the top of the page are given greater weight, so continuously urge your customers to write good reviews!

Finally, but certainly not least, having good user sentiment and a large number of ratings and reviews can assist in persuading new users to give your app a try. 

Having high-quality backlinks is critical for a successful SEO strategy; therefore, you can get Organic Installs to raise. In the case of mobile web search, the listing in the app store or the download page is what we want to promote.

Begin by including a link to your download page on your website and attempting to get various media outlets to cover your app. The strength of your domain is critical here, and the more high-quality backlinks you have, the higher Google will rank your app.

Consider including a link to your app store download page at the top of your mobile website's mobile version, or creating a separate landing page for your mobile applications' promotion. Mention your most compelling features and advantages – and urge your website visitors to download your app as well! In this manner, you'll increase your installations, which results in more user ratings and better rankings in mobile searches.

5. Improve Organic App Installs: Monitoring the effectiveness of SEO in ASO strategy

 Android developers have additional tracking options, while iOS developers are limited to the data accessible via iTunes Connect's "App Analytics."

Organic InstallsChart monitoring the effectiveness of ASO, Source:

Consider the following two scenarios:

Apps for iOS

The only data that iTunes Connect provides is as follows: Sources > Web Referrers in App Analytics. Look for "Google" domains to observe Google's traffic and installations in different countries:

Analytics for iTunes Apps

As you can see, Apple offers only general data about web referrers, which makes tracking SEO success difficult, as it is hard to identify the terms for which your app ranks on the search result pages.

 Unfortunately, Google does not currently allow iOS applications to connect to the Search Console in order to obtain additional data, but this should change in the future.

 Continue reading about App Analytics: Measuring organic installations on iTunes Connect and the Google Play Console.

Android applications

We have a lot larger area of action with Android applications, and we can monitor SEO with three tools: Google Play Console + Google Search Console + Ahrefs (or similar).

1. Register your application with the Google Search Console:

SEOGoogle App Console for app developers, Source:

 Google Search Console - Add a new application

2. Click "Search Analytics" to see search result impressions and click-through rates:

Search AnalyticsAnalytics for the Search Console, Source: Proreviewsapp

3. Navigate to User Acquisition> Reports > Google Search (Organic) in your Google Play Console to see the terms that generate installations through SEO and App Packs:

SEOGoogle Play console, Source: Proreviewsapp

Report on Acquisition No. 1

4. Use Google Play Console and Google Search Console to match terms to get impressions, clicks, and installation statistics from SEO:

Ahrefs is a fantastic tool for monitoring backlinks not only for websites but also for mobile applications (both iOS and Android):

Monitoring backlinks with referencesMonitoring backlinks with references, Source:

UR: Your app's URL rating - the higher it is, the more exposure your app will have in mobile web searches.

DR: Domain authority (the domains of Apple and Google that host your app are super-powerful).

ahrefsAhrefs, Source:

Domains are referred to by the total number of domains referred to by.

Organic keywords: the number of keywords that rank in the app's top 100.

Using references to analyze backlinks

Maintaining an eye on your app's / game's SEO rankings

You may utilize TrueRanker, which is, in my opinion, one of the finest tools for tracking online rankings.

6. Conclusion

Having exposure not just in app stores, but also in mobile web searches, is critical for applications and games looking to increase their downloads and revenue. Almost a third of all applications are found outside of app stores, via mobile search and App Packs.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) for organic installs is becoming ubiquitous, and, like ASO service, it is a long-term process of continuous improvement, monitoring, and optimization. Refresh your keywords often, aim for more and better reviews and ratings, and prioritize obtaining high-quality backlinks to your download page, and your software will be ready to be found through all conceivable methods!

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Please give us your feedback about this article. Thanks so much, good luck app developers

Source: Buy app installs


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