How We can triple Organic Downloads more than 30 days in a matter of days

Contributed by: Johnson Tran Hoang

In this blog, we will discuss how we could increase three times the organic downloads we received in the US of one of our clients through ASO. Enjoy!

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General information about ASO

If you are working with an application in the country or language of your choice, you must be watching its background closely to see what it's been doing in the past and try to identify the keywords that could have worked the most effective for the app (and that haven't). When it comes to SEO on the App Store on an app every aspect is a part of the process:

  • The language and country it is built on (and you'll be "attacking").
  • The category is in.
  • The product listing page or the store listing page.
  • The keywords that are used in the listing.

If you're (or are not) planning, decide to spend on UA paid-for-marketing campaigns.

ASOASO, Source: TheTool, Proreviewsapp

A couple of months ago at PickASO, we had welcomed our new client with open arms. A brand new client that has an Android application in 21 countries. However, the US market was not the best one, with less-than-perfect organic performance, and they hired us to turn the situation around. Remember, they did not mind running User Acquisition (UA) campaigns, and we needed to maximize the benefits of its exposure in the Google Play Store. Google Play Store (ASO performed all the work).

Disclaimer: Keep in mind that if you don't invest in UA and ad-hoc campaigns, the impact you can achieve and the downloads you will gain will be very restricted. If you can get more downloads received within a short time, the higher the app's visibility with these keywords. Therefore, the best method to make your app more visible is to start paid-for marketing campaigns.

The App Environment is a crucial ASO factor

Our client's primary market to target is Google Play USA, where the application was launched in September of 2016. The USA is among the most challenging countries to rank in due to its number of people who have smartphones being higher than other nations. Additionally, the people in the United States are more likely to pay for apps (or purchase in-app purchases even though the app might be free to download). Therefore, offering your app for free is not a massive feature in this regard.

Start by working ASO from scratch

After a few weeks of analyzing the historical performance of the app, by the end of May, we started implementing some improvements on the Store Listing. Remember, it's a Google Play app designed for Google Play, so there are a few different types of modifications to be made to it that are not required to coincide with an update (unlike when it comes to iOS applications).

ASO Case Study: How to Optimize an App from Scratch, Source: Youtube, App Promotion Summit

Related How to optimize Title Description, Short Description, and Description

The areas in which we worked included: Short Description, Title, and Long Description.

Before ASO implementation: On-Metadata factors

The research we conducted was based on improving the On-Metadata-related factors. The previous scenario was:

For Google Play (USA market, English store listing):

Title 27/50 characters are not appropriately optimized.

Short description 75/80 characters adequate length, but not an appropriate keyword usage.

Long Description 1 - 059 - 4,000 characters less than half of what is allowed.

How important is TheTool in the course of conducting a Keyword Research

In the beginning, we conducted a benchmarking study. We identified the top competitors in the product and category that we had been working on, mostly analyzing the market that our client's app is competing in. The keywords opponents were "powerful" in. Based on that, we set out to conduct extensive Keyword Research for our client (find out how to excel in your ASO Keyword Research).

With TheTool, we could see the most critical keywords for which our opponents were in the top rankings. We also knew how many downloads and traffic these keywords were generating. Using "Keyword Suggest "Keyword Search" software, we amplified the Keyword Research to some combinations that are most likely connected to users' search queries. The suggestions we made were in line with the app's primary use and other keywords that The app was already being ranked in (as collateral, but not deliberately); however, they weren't adequately analyzed for the Title, Short and Long Description.

Keyword Research Tutorial for 2022, Source: Youtube, Surfside PPC

In analyzing competitors using TheTool, We carried out our analysis on:

The density was effective for all of the keywords.

The volume of traffic that each one of them carried.

The challenge of working for these keywords is more significant than competitors' apps.

After we had selected the most important keywords we would like to use, and then we added them to the store's listing and then included them in the client's TheTool "App Metrics." This way, we can monitor the rank and change in positions of each keyword and examine the results of the client's application against the competition's.

Excel at your strategy for increasing the organic downloads that we get in the USA

By conducting keyword research, we discovered the terms that are an ideal match on the product information of the store and, by at the close of May, we released a new version of the fields that On-metadata is used for:

For Google Play (USA market, English store listing):

Title: 47/50 characters.

The Short Description The characters are 78/80.

Long Description 3000/4,000 characters.

SEO Tips to Improve Organic Traffic in Under 15 Minutes, Source: Youtube, Ahrefs

The fields we optimized were populated by using highly-traffic keyword phrases and created carefully curated content that is based on powerful head, medium, and long-tail keywords, which let us create organized and well-structured product information along with an engaging CTA (call to action) to trigger the "need" to download the application. Our client's app can differentiate itself from different Photography apps.

Before and after the implementation of the Google Play Store's account

After a couple of days of conducting the experiments and analyzing the information, we used the PickASO-based version of each of the tests that we conducted (Icon Screenshots, Icon, and Short Description), focusing particular attention to that "Short Description" suggested. Our version was based on 'over-optimizing' them with keywords and making them less narrative and more "straight-to-the-point" type. In contrast, the client's previous proposal was based on a more narrative explanation of the app, where fewer keywords were worked.

So we made the final changes to the store's listing then... voilà! The organic traffic to the Play Store is up to 50 percent, and the organic downloads can be up to 3x...

The importance of doing an excellent Keyword Research

The primary and most direct result of having conducted an outstanding Keyword Research (as well as a fantastic comparison analysis) and implementing was that we were able to improve those keywords that were being ranked in lower places. 

Keyword Research for SEO: What it is, Importance, How to do Keyword Research, Tools + Tips to Use, Source: Youtube, Learn with Whiteboard

This was based on the fact that on Google Play Console, we can be aware of the number of installs per keyword', which means we could identify keywords that we could use to use that the customer might not have used (even even though competitors were) We found specific niches in the market that we could attack. This turned out to be our primary basis. We ran A/B testing of our Short Description.


Through our ASO implementations, our client had around 53 downloads every day in the US (before we began using it), increasing to 182 daily downloads. The reason for this was the average worldwide "Search" monthly installs rising to 40%, up from 21.076 (before optimizing its ASO), up to 27.298 once our implementations were in place. This is why our Conversion Rate Benchmark for our client went over the 75th percentile—information derived from the performances of popular free applications in the category of Photography.

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The new users of the app follow a search from Google Play. We were able to improve through improving the app's visibility thanks to the growth in downloads within a short time. This also went in conjunction with an increase in favorable reviews and ratings.



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