How to measure app store keyword search volume 2022

Contributed by: Paul Zinah Le

The correct keywords can be the difference between success and failure for a whole ASO strategy. However, to select the most appropriate keywords, it is essential to be aware of the app store keyword search volume. If you are aware of the number of keywords it will be easier to select the ones that best suit your application. App developers need to increase app installs from Google Ads for their apps, and games at the cheapest bid price.

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How do you define app store keyword search volume?

Before we address this query, we need to define exactly what is a keyword, to ensure that you're all on the same page. Simply as possible, a keyword is:

A phrase or word that Apple App and Google Play store users input in the search bar when they wish to find and download an application.

Let's say, for instance, you're a pro gamer and you're really keen to try a brand new RPG game. You don't have a particular game in mind, but you only know that you would like to play something that allows you to play a certain role, upgrade your character, and so on.

app store keyword search volumeApp Store keyword search volume, Source:

What can you do? You take out your phone then open the app store and put "RPG" into your search engine. You then scroll through your results till discover something intriguing. Increase app downloads from Google Ads for Android, and iOS apps and games will increase app revenue.

For this scenario, "RPG" can be described as the word used to describe the scenario.

After we have a better understanding of the significance of keywords and what they mean, let's discuss

App store keyword search volume

The volume of keywords in the App Store also referred to as the volume of searches in apps is the number of queries specific keywords receive on an annual basis. Some keywords have extremely large search volumes for broad keywords such as "video games" however, others have less amount of search traffic however, they are typically more specific, like "lego batman game video."

Keyword Research Tools for App Store Optimization, Source: App Masters

If you are aware of how popular certain phrases and words are on App stores, then you are able to tailor your site pages to include the most popular terms and phrases.

Take a look at it this way: you don't want to optimize your store's pages with keywords that don't bring traffic. In the same way, you shouldn't optimize your site for terms that have become so competitive that your game or app has little chance of being found by these keywords. The most effective method is to mix specific and high-volume keywords that are relevant to your user's requirements. Buy App downloads from real users for Android apps, iOS apps, and macOS apps is the best method to increase app ranking

How to Find App Store keyword search volume

We've already shown you that the volume of app store keywords is a crucial measure. What's the question is how can you utilize it to enhance your ASO strategy. This is what we'll discuss in this article! Here are three steps to searching for keywords that are highly popular in the app market:

Think about Keywords. The first thing to do is create possible keywords that are relevant to your app. Let's use a shopping application as an example. You can also imagine that you've created an application that lets users offer trading cards for sale to collectors. Keywords that could be used are "trading cards" as well as "buy baseball cards" as well as other words similar to these.

How To Research ASO Keywords For iOS & Android Apps (App Store Optimization), Source: Youtube

Check Search Volume: When there is a checklist of possible keywords, you must verify their search volume. This can be done with tools such as the App Radar. Just open the app then input your keywords and then check the "Search Volume" column to determine the frequency with which it is searched.

Select Keywords that are appropriate: The third step is to select keywords that are popular and compatible with your specific ASO strategy. We'll discuss more on keywords that are searched in the app store and their volume strategy in the following section. You can buy App Store Optimization services from the Top 1 Agency for your Android, iOS, and macOS, Windows apps, and games.

App store keyword search volume as compared to. Low-Volume Keywords: Which Strategy to Utilize?

Tools such as App Radar can tell you the popularity of certain keywords within Google Play and App Radar. Apple App and Google Play stores. However, they don't inform you what keywords to choose. To decide the best strategy for your business you must decide which keywords strategy is more effective.

The method that you employ will be based on how well-established your app and game are.

In the event that your app's new, as an example it has a small audience, then you do not want to optimize your store pages to be able to rank for lots of highly-volume keywords.  Buy App reviews service at the cheapest price from real users worldwide country from Trusted agencies for your apps, and games.

Why? Because these keywords are highly competitive, you'll probably not get them to the top of search results.

Instead, we recommend using a handful of high-volume keywords and focusing on phrases and terms with low volume that still generate traffic. This is particularly relevant to long-tail keywords since they have more precise meaning and bring more conversions.

If you're not aware of the concept, a long-tail keyword is one that has four or more words. "Buy the most sought-after Pokemon cards" could be an example of a lengthy keyword.

What happens if your app has a large number of users and is on the front page of charts on the app store? Then your strategy for increasing keyword volume is different. It is likely that you should be focusing on high-volume keywords that drive lots of users to your website.

No matter what strategy you employ, every search term you choose to optimize must connect to the app you are promoting. It's nothing to focus on phrases such as "RPG adventure games" since people who are searching for that term will not download a puzzle game regardless of whether it's at the top of the list. Buy Aso service for your app from, this is the best Agency.

Significant Differences Between two major differences between app store keyword search volume

It's crucial to note to keep in mind that Apple App and Google Play environments are quite different. This means that ASO Keyword research must be done in a different way on every platform.

Two differences exist between stores that you must keep in mind:

Speed of Ranking

"Ranking speed" refers to the speed at which app stores respond to changes in keywords.

It is known that the Apple App store is known to respond quickly, and a change in a keyword could drastically impact the ranking of an app in only several hours. This means that you can test new keywords that have different search volumes, and discover what works best in only a few hours.

In contrast, the opposite is true for Google Play Store. Google Play Store...

The Google environment is slow to react to any changes to keywords. It could take two or three weeks before you can see your new keywords will affect your ASO strategy on your Play Store. Be sure to do not to erase the new keywords too quickly! Buy keyword app installs for Android, and iOS apps and games will improve the speed of ranking.

Ranking Factors

There are two stores: the Apple App and Google Play stores also employ different criteria to determine the order in which apps are ranked for keywords. These are the main differences you must account for (check this article for more details):

Apple App Store Ranking Factors

In the year 2019, Apple was subject to an international investigation as well as the result was an Antitrust probe that ultimately revealed information regarding its App Store algorithms. In the simplest terms, Apple relies on 42 factors that influence search results and rankings. the most significant factors include the behavior of users and downloads, ratings, and relevancy.

Here is a list most important elements that Apple's App Store considers in deciding which apps should be displayed to customers looking for different terms. Buy App downloads for Android, and iOS apps at the cheapest price will improve app ranking.

Application Name

This 30-character field should be used to describe specific keywords because these keywords will be ranked significantly higher when determining the relevancy of your app's search results over keywords that are used elsewhere. But, remember that humans also depend on the app's name to judge relevancy as well, so it's crucial to choose clear and easy-to-understand keywords.

App subtitle: This field gives you the chance to more and succinctly describe your app to potential users. Keywords in the subtitle may be weighed heavily by Apple's search engine.

Keywords field: The keyword field should be used to describe relevant keywords that are not in your description and title Developers are given 100 characters. Potential users won't be able to see the keywords you have chosen so comprehension is not a factor. Apple also creates the keyword bank using this area, which means the order will also be irrelevant.
In-app purchases: Apple derives income from apps that generate revenue through in-app purchases, with no ads in the app. This is why it is thought but not proven that apps that offer in-app purchases are highly rated. Additionally, in-app purchases may rank well for certain keywords.

Rating and Reviews 

Reviews that are positive - as well as the keywords they are able to include indicate the satisfaction of the user, increasing the chance that an application is ranked higher in the algorithm of eager-to-please. For more details on the importance of reviews and ratings on app stores, check out our article about reviews from ASO.

App updates:

 App Updates are typically positively associated with satisfaction with the app, leading to more positive reviews and in turn, better rankings. Apps that are frequently updated are more relevant in terms of their relevance which is why they are ranked higher. For more information about updating frequency for apps, you can read our post on the frequency of updating the app.

Be aware it is important to note that Apple Search Ads uses an entirely different algorithm. Instead of relying on traditional titles, and descriptions along with keywords Apple Search Ads use bidding systems. Find out more about Apple Search Ads optimization. App developers can buy app installs from Google Ads at at the cheapest bid price for Android, and iOS apps and games

Downloads and Engagement

These measures, which indicate the popularity of your app include install velocity as well as daily growth. They are crucial to ranking your app. Developers can boost engagement and downloads by enhancing the rate of tap-through, optimizing their App Store designs and messages as well as updating their content frequently, and more.

It is important to know that Apple considers App Units (first-time installs) when determining the download speed. This is a different measure as compared to the install numbers supplied through the Mobile Measurement Partner (MMP) because the platforms cannot view the MMP metrics. They only utilize their own metric for first-time downloads, which Apple refers to as the App Unit measure. Based on our research and findings that show a high volume of first-time installs or App Units is among the most powerful actions you can take to improve your ranking.

This is done by increasing your page's performance for the new user and using pay-per-click Acquisition (UA) campaigns that target new users rather than old users.

Google Play Store Rankings Factors

Google Play Store ranking factors and search algorithm Google Play Store ranking factors and algorithm for search resemble several ranking factors from the main Google Search - thus, along with our ASO sources, knowing about SEO is important to be able for ranking in Google Play Store.

To get a good position in Google Play Store, you must rank. Google Play Store, there are a few crucial elements that must be optimized.

App Name and App Description

The fields listed above are identical to those in the App Store but the Play Store's title could be 50 characters long and the description's length could be much longer than the App Store subtitle. Note the use of keywords is different. Google's crawlers use repeatability and order to assess the importance of a keyword. The app's name is read first, then the description. The keywords that are read first are weighed more heavily. However, Google's algorithms are very sensitive to keyword stuffing. Therefore, it is crucial to write the description and name in a manner that is easily understood by users.

They are hyperlinks to your app's webpage. The more high-quality backlinks, the better the rank on the Google Play store. Google Play store. Therefore, by focusing on link building developers can increase their ranking.

Google Play Store Page Performance

Similar to downloads and engagement pages' efficiency is the outcome of innovative optimization and localization (adapting your page's content to different languages and geographic regions) as well as click-through rate or conversions, among other things. Like Google Play, which is similar to the App Store Google Play will surface applications that have a higher speed of first-time installation.

Android Important

 If an app is unable to function or crashes more frequently than the industry norm users will be disappointed, and along with bad ratings, Google is incentivized to place it less than the stable alternatives.

Review, Rating, and Updates: Similar to those in the Apple App Store, these indicators are all linked with user satisfaction and relevance.

Google Tags: Google Tags works like categories on categories in the App Store. It allows you to select up to 5 tags to use for your app from a list that is predefined. After that, Google will use your chosen tags to classify your app. Although this does not have an impact on the Google Play ranking, it definitely helps the algorithm rank your application for relevant keywords.

The above tips can help boost the value of your Google Play rating.

Conclusion about App Store keyword search volume

The search terms you use for your store's pages are vital. To choose the best ones, you should be able to establish a sound plan for calculating the search volume of your app. It is good to know that after reading this article, it is clear that you will be able to develop one that is perfect for your company!

When you select the best combination of low-volume and high-volume keywords, you'll be able to rank better in the search result pages, drive higher-quality users to your site and expand your base of users.

Be aware that keyword research is just one element of ASO. You must also evaluate and improve your app store your creatives and your messages. For this, we recommend StoreMaven. Request a demo for free to experience our world-class solution in motion. Buy App Store Optimization service from Trusted Agency is the best choice for your strategy when promoting Apps, games

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Source: Buy ASO service


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