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How to increase Mobile game ranking fastest in PUBG mobile

Contributed by: Anderson Minhe

PUBG Mobile is among the most played games in India. Here are ways to improve mobile game ranking fastest for you to reference. App developers can increase app installs from Google Ads for PUBG Mobile at the cheapest bid price from the Top 1 Agency,

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What is a mobile game ranking in PUBG Mobile?

If you're among those players, getting better within the game is likely the top priority. The highest you can reach on PUBG Mobile is 100 and the majority of players at this level are people who joined the game in the beginning and progressed in time. Don't fret follow us for a useful guide on how you can get to the next level quickly in PUBG Mobile.

mobile game rankingMobile game ranking, Source: Proreviewsapp

To begin, let's define our definition of"level. The level you are within PUBG Mobile is among the most fundamental statistics that are different from your rank. It doesn't change over the course of a season. The level you are at can only grow indefinitely, it never diminishes and is generally a sign of how long you've played the game. In no way is your level an indicator of ability, and it is not to be misinterpreted as a rank that is heavily influenced by the performance you have on the field. If you want PUBG to be at the top of the list of game apps, you need to improve your app to get more positive iOS app reviews from users.

Your level of play is directly linked to the time you put into the game. The longer you play the game, the better your score will be. Your score will increase as you collect XP, and almost every mode in the game gives you XP. But, consistency in playing longer during matches and generally performing well will be paid off with greater amounts of XP. There are methods to boost your performance faster than normal. Buy App Store Optimization services from the Top 1 Agency, to increase organic app users.

Some helpful tips to help you get a better mobile game ranking in PUBG Mobile:

1. Stay in the original game mode 

If your primary goal is to increase your level quickly then play the standard mode for a while. This mode gives you the highest amount of XP and lets you gain levels quickly.


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While it's okay to try and play other modes at times but the standard mode is the fastest way to level up. 

2. Do you meet your challenges?

PUBG Mobile comes with daily, weekly, and progress challenges that offer good XP rewards. These could include simple tasks like logging into the game, playing videos or driving vehicles, healing, and many other tasks. You must complete each of these tasks to earn more XP. For more information, you can visit to know how to get ios app installs to download PUBG mobile game.

3. Track the progress of tasks to increase mobile game ranking

Each time you reach the levels on PUBG Mobile, you're provided with three progress tasks. When you complete these missions, you earn XP for climbing up to the next stage. Keep track of the missions. These can be accomplished in the course of several games but keep a note to keep striving to complete them while playing.

4. Concentrate on getting through the day to increase mobile game ranking

In classic matches, concentrate on making it to the top five (or at the very least, in the top 10) instead of fighting in gunfights. The game's success will give you the most points, in addition to achieving the top five. Although racking up kills can be enjoyable, it will not aid in the long run in your leveling-up strategy, so you should dial down the aggressive gameplay and concentrate on safer strategies like camping for survival.

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Try landing in areas that are less populated and collect get loot as you enter the circle. If you're already inside the circle, make sure to find a spot from which you can get some kills. This also increases your XP. Just take it at a safe distance so that you don't risk being killed. Make sure you don't get involved in lengthy fights, and ensure you've got vehicles in the vicinity to make secure circles once the circle has closed in. Buy Aso service will improve app ranking for Android, and iOS apps, and games faster.

5. Find other teammates who share the same mindset

Because you'll play with other players so it's important to find a group that you can get along with. Sonic claims"One of the more crucial factors in being ranked up is that you "try to play with players of the same mentality." That means your team must share the same goal in every game: picking up XP in order to increase your level faster.

If your teammate is looking to be a fun participant in gunfights, or chase after dead bodies and air drops the other team members, they're probably not suitable to play games that focus on advancing. Look for people who will take a more passive approach to play and who are also able to eat a chicken dinner. You can buy App downloads for iOS games to improve the ranking of PUBG mobile games.


It has now become a cult phenomenon across the nation with everybody and their grandparents hooked to it via their personal mobile phones. Although the majority of players play in a relaxed manner, some gamers have committed themselves to become better. Hope this article provides you with some tips to increase PUBG mobile ranking fastest. Buy App reviews for Android, and iOS apps and games at the cheapest price.

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