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How to create a mobile application

Contributed by: Anderson Minhe

Understanding Mobile apps and what app developers will do when creating a mobile app will help all of you app programmers have the right direction in creating a useful mobile app in the Top app. Let's discover the great secrets of creating a mobile app!!!

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1. What is a mobile application?

A mobile application is a program that usually runs on smartphones but can also run on tablet computers or other devices. Smartphones are mobile phones with an integrated computing system that allows users to download and use mobile applications. Mobile apps allow people to access digital content with their devices wherever they are, provided they have reasonable mobile data coverage.

Understanding mobile apps, Source: Digital Garage, Youtube

Mobile applications are developed to make the user experience more engaging and dynamic through all of its five senses. It can be used for diverse purposes such as viewing multimedia content, playing games, using social media, or editing documents on the go.

2. Steps to Create a mobile application

There are several steps to follow when creating a mobile application.

Alpha Anywhere Mobile App in an Hour, Source: Project Management, Youtube

These steps start from the planning stages and end in launching. They include the following;

Set goals. You need to set goals for your application so you know what to aim for. In that way, you can measure the success of your app.

Outline ideas. In this step, you outline the design of your app and how it works. You should also include data from surveys or focus groups. Doing this helps you decide what to put in your mobile app.

Meticulously research. When you are planning your app, the most important thing to do is research. You must know what your target audience wants and how they want it. Knowing this information will help shape the final product. In this step, you must also do a competitive analysis to see how your app stacks up against similar apps already in the marketplace.

Wireframe the design. This step is important because it helps you see how each element will fit together and what information needs to be displayed where. It also ensures that users can easily access all of the necessary functions. This step is very important because it shows you exactly how the app is going to look and work before you begin coding or writing code for each function.

Design the theme. This step is often overlooked, but it's just as important as the other steps. The theme helps determine the mood and style of your app. For example, a medical application should look serious and professional whereas a game should look upbeat and colorful.

Build a prototype. This step will give you a rough idea of how your app works before you begin coding. Making a prototype saves time in the long run because you'll know what to expect when your app is finished.

Build apps. This is the most technical of all the steps. In this step, you code each function in a way that will allow users to reach their goals with your app. A lot of expertise is required in this step, and it's often handled by a team of professional software developers.

Check out the demo. Once you have a working prototype, you can have other people test it. It's important to get as much feedback as possible during this step because there might be glitches that weren't visible before. However, this step might take you back to the wireframing or design process depending on what users say.

Modifications and adjustments. This step is also crucial because it ensures that your app works properly. This can be a long process depending on how much feedback you got during the demo testing. It may take several iterations before everything works smoothly and users are satisfied with their experience.

Test again. Once you've made modifications, go back to the last phase and test it out again to make sure you didn't miss anything. In this phase, users will likely find new glitches and problems because they've used the app more often.

Polish up your product. This is another step that can be done many times as needed until users are satisfied with their experience and the overall quality of the application. It may be the same as the previous step, but it's good to include this in your list of steps because you might need to do it more than once before you're satisfied with your product.

Last check. This is the last step before you submit your mobile app for review and launch, so it's a good idea to check everything one last time. However, don't be afraid to go back to previous steps if you find a problem that needs fixing. Once you've done this, congratulations! You have completed all of the steps required to create a mobile app.

3. The Process of Publishing apps on the App Store and Google Play

The Process of Publishing apps on the App Store and Google Play can be summarized in a few steps, which are outlined below:

Register for an App Developers account. The first step is to create a developer account, which can be done on the Apple Developer website or through iTunes Connect. It is very important to register for a Developer Alliance Program, it is free, and opening an account only takes a few minutes.

How to Publish an Android App to Google Play 2021 | New Play Console, Source: MJSD Coding, Youtube

Setup app uploads to the developer app console. The next step is to upload the app binary to the developer console. This requires an iOS Developer Enterprise Program License Agreement and a Distribution Certificate. Usually, uploading an app for testing purposes does not require any other certificate than those already installed on your computer. The Apple Developer website has detailed guides on how to proceed with this step. For both App Store and Google Play, the Android Developer Console is used to upload apps.

How to Submit an App to the App Store! (2021 | Xcode), Source: Jared Davidson, Youtube

Add app metadata and screenshots. After you uploaded your binary and it has been approved (for App Store) or accepted (for Google Play), the next step in the process of publishing apps on the App Store and Google Play is to add some information about your app that will be displayed in the store. This includes the app name, description, keywords, and screenshots. A set of 7 screenshots is required for both stores and a video preview can also be added if you want.

Waiting for approval. For the App Store, having your app metadata added is the last step before it gets published. Once this information has been submitted to Apple, it usually takes 2-3 days until you receive an email saying that your app was approved. Google Play process of Publishing apps on the App Store and Google Play is a bit different as it does not take any time for the app to be published other than the time needed for Google to review your app.

4. How to Update the app?

The process of updating an app is not complicated at all. The first step is to check via the developer console if any major bugs need to be fixed. If there aren't any, then you can proceed to do a small update.

Update Mobile app
Update Mobile app, Source:

If there are some fixes needed, then they must be done before launching the new version of your app. The updates can range from changing something on one screen to changing the whole app.

After the release of the new version, it is strongly recommended to keep on checking stats, feedback, and reviews.

5. How to fix bugs?

There are several kinds of bugs, but all of them can be divided into two major groups: UI bugs and backend bugs. UI refers to the user interface, while the backend refers to the processing part of your code. Most of the time these two types coexist in an app.

The first thing that should be done when there is a bug in an app is to find the root of the problem. That could be hard, but there are several tools, like Applikor, that can help developers find bugs faster and easier.

Once the bug has been found it must be fixed as soon as possible (when it's still fresh in your mind). The second step is to do a small test, if it doesn't work (and you're already tired) - then find another way.

How to fix bugs for Mobile appHow to fix bugs for Mobile app, Source: Proreviewsapp

Sometimes it's not possible to fix the bug immediately due to time constraints or because it will take too long, in that case, mark it with an epic and don't forget about it.

Make sure you don't forget about the bug and revisit it now and then (not too often though).

It is always necessary to test your app, before launching it in the App Store. It's better to be over-cautious than to launch a buggy app that has many bad reviews. Having a lot of bad reviews is a nightmare for developers, but it's worse for users.

6. Ways to promote a mobile app?

Have a good app that does something amazing for people and that is useful/enjoyable/fun to them. That's step 1, the only step you can't skip. It has to be great at doing something new and innovative in some way, either because it does it well or because it does something nobody else does (yet).

Use your social media channels (email list, Twitter, Facebook) to tell people about it. If you're constantly advertising your app to everyone, people will either be annoyed or unimpressed with the product. You want to gently remind people of it, give them a link and they can install it.

Ways to promote a mobile appWays to promote a mobile app, Source:

Go to conferences and events for your niche/industry/users, speak to people there, and build up a social media following in the niche - these are all great ways for you to grow your brand and network with other businesses in the same market. Remember they may be potential future customers!

Test your app with a select number of users - get their feedback on what they like and don't like. And take it on board! Make your next update better based on this.

If people are enjoying the app, remember to ask them if they're willing to leave an honest review or feedback in the App Store/Google Play. Reviews are how people find and discover apps, and they can help you out. You can ask nicely with a personal message or thank them publicly - everyone loves recognition.

If you're feeling adventurous, there's always paid to advertise - but this is risky as not all users will be interested in your app so you'll lose money if they don't download it.

Consider cross-promotion with other apps, this way you both benefit from exposure to each other's user base (and you can offer your existing users something in return that they might want).

7. Conclusion

Mobile Apps are the future, more and more people are using them daily. It can be challenging to create an app, but if you plan it carefully it might end up being profitable. Always think of your users first, and of course, make sure you've tested it, and it works just fine.

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We hope the knowledge in this article is useful to all of you if you have any suggestions please contact us, thank you very much.

Source: Buy app reviews


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