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How do video games impact the brain? 2023

Contributed by: Anderson Minhe

Video games and Mobile games are prevalent forms of entertainment today. The average player spends at least 3 hours per week playing video games. Since video games, Mobile games are so popular and widely transmitted, scientists have studied them. How they work on the brain and affect their behavior. Those effects are positive or negative. Here we also learn about the impact of video games on the brain in 2023

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1. General information about video games impact the brain

Recently, research has been becoming more focused on the effects of video games on the brain.

At a glance, more than 150 million players in the United States play video games and Mobile games often, for at least three hours each week. A survey in 2023 found that 38% of players who play video games remain in the 18-34 age group. While 7% percent are aged 65 or older. In the case of video games used for children. The majority of parents - 71 percent – affirm that video games impact their child's life.

Global video game market value from 2020 to 2025Global video game market value from 2020 to 2025, Source: Proviewsapp

Video game sales continue to rise year after year. It is predicted that the market for gaming and mobile app in the world will reach 268.8 billion U.S. dollars annually in 2025, an increase from just 178 billion U.S. dollars in 2021. The top three video games in 2023 included the Call of Duty app: Warzone app, CS: GO app, and Valiant app. These games are part of the action-adventure or first-person shooter genres, which are the two top genres.

Research conducted over the past decade on video games and violence has not been able to come to an agreement with scientists. Researchers haven't been able to determine a causal connection between video games and violence that occurs that occur in real life.

2. How to effect of video games impact the brain

The evidence is growing and indicates that video games can impact the brain and further cause changes in a variety of areas of the brain.

Scientists have recently gathered and reviewed the results of the 116 studies conducted by scientists to understand how video games influence our brains as well as our behavior. The results of their research are reported in Frontiers in Human Neuroscience.

"Games are often either praised or demonized, but often without any evidence to support these assertions. Furthermore. It is a very well-known pastime, and everyone has opinions about the subject," says Marc Palaus, the author who wrote the initial review.

Daphne Bavelier: The effects of games on your brain, Source: Youtube, Ted

Through a review of all the research done to date, Palaus and his team sought to see if any new trends were emerging in terms of how video games affect the structure and function of the brain. A total of 22 of the studies reviewed focused on structural changes within the brain. One hundred studies examined the changes in brain function and behavior.

Studies have shown the fact that gaming doesn't only alter the way our brains function but also alters their structure (video games impact the brain)

For instance, playing video games is believed to influence attention. The research included in the review demonstrates that players who play video games and gaming apps show enhancements in a variety of types of attention. Like focused attention and sustained attention. In addition, the regions within the brainstem that play an important role in attention become more effective. When playing compared to non-gamers and require less stimulation to remain focused on the task at hand.

Evidence also suggests the fact that video gaming can increase the size and performance of the brain's regions that are responsible for visuospatial abilities. Which is the ability of a person to recognize spatial and visual connections between objects. For long-term players and those who had agreed to adhere to a video game program, the right hippocampus became increased.

Researchers have found that gaming on video is addictive (video games impact the brain)

This is an issue that's called "Internet gaming disorder."

For those who are addicted to gaming, there are structural and functional modifications to the brain's reward mechanism, the group of brain structures that are associated with the feeling of pleasure as well as learning and motivation. Exposing addicts to cues from games that trigger cravings, as well as monitoring their brain's responses, identified these changes, modifications that can also be observed in addiction disorders of other kinds.

"We were interested in the way the brain responds to video games. But these effects do not always translate to real-life changes," observes Palaus. The research on the effects of gaming on the brain is in its early stages, and researchers are still analyzing the factors that affect the brain's regions and in what ways.

"It is likely that video games possess positive (on the ability to pay attention and motor and visual abilities) and negative elements (risk for addiction) which is why it's important to embrace this diversity," Palaus continues.

3. Are games for brain training helpful? (video games impact the brain)

Researchers from Florida State University have declared that the public should be wary of advertisements that claim to boost the performance of the brain, which is the result of brain-training games. They've stated that science doesn't support these claims.

"Previous studies and our findings there isn't much evidence to suggest that these games help you in any way," claims Wally Boot, associate professor of psychology and an expert on the subject of age-related cognitive decline.

 video games impact the brain

Video games impact the brain, Source: Proreviewsapp

Many people are misled into believing that brain-training apps protect them from memory loss or cognitive problems.

Researchers investigated whether playing games that train the brain improved the memory of participants and, consequently, improved their cognitive skills, such as memory, reasoning, and processing speed which is a process that scientists refer to as "far transfer." However, this wasn't the scenario.

"It's possible for people to be trained to improve their performance in tasks. That is typically considered general work memory tasks like remembering 70, 80, even 100 digits," says Neil Charness, professor of psychology and a renowned expert on cognition and aging.

"But these abilities tend to be extremely specific and don't show much transfer. What seniors especially, ought to be worried about is when I get adept at crossword puzzles will that aid me in remembering the location of my keys? The answer is likely not," he adds.

Charness says that if you're trying to enhance your cognitive performance. Aerobic exercise could assist. A few studies have found that aerobic activity rather than mental activity improves the brain.

4. Games on video help to boost memory (video games impact the brain)

Contrarily the other, a research study released in Nature discovered that through the use of a specially-designed three-dimensional video game. Cognition performance could be enhanced in older people. And the detrimental effects on the brain that are associated with aging can be reversed.

Games on video help to boost memoryGames on video help to boost memory, Source: Proreviewsapp

Researchers from UCSF the University of California-San Francisco explain that this is evidence in the field of brain fitness. That has been criticized for lack of evidence that suggests that training for the brain will result in lasting and significant changes.

Following 12 hours of instruction for one month, participants aged 60 to 85 years showed improvement in their performance on the game. Their performance was higher than those in their 20s who played it for the very first time. Additionally, two other important cognitive domains were improved. Including working memory and continuous attention. The skills were retained for six months after the end of the training.

The finding is a powerful example of how plastic the older brain is

" Professor. Adam Gazzaley, Ph.D., UCSF associate professor of neurology, physiology, and psychotherapy, and Director of the Neuroscience Imaging Center. Professor. Gazzaley notes that it is encouraging to know. Even a tiny amount of training in the brain can slow down some decline in brain function that is a result of the aging process.

An upcoming study was carried out by neurobiologists from UCI. University of California-Irvine (UCI) discovered that playing 3D video games can also help in the development of memories. Participants were assigned to the group that used video games that included two-dimensional environments or three-dimensional environments. After playing for 30 minutes a day for two weeks. Students took tests on memory that stimulated the brain's hippocampus.

The participants of the 3-D group had significantly improved their test scores for memory tests when as compared to the two-dimensional group. The memory test scores of the 3-D group were up by 12 percent - exactly the same as memory performance typically declines between 45 to 70 years old.

Video games are like powerlifting for your brain, Source: Youtube, Bright Side

"First, the 3-D games have something which the 2-D ones do not," says Craig Stark of UCI's Center for the Neurobiology of Learning & Memory. "They've gained a lot more spatial information to discover. In addition, they're more complex and contain many more things to discover. In any case, we're aware that this type of learning and memory does not just stimulate. But also requires a hippocampus."

Video games for strategy particularly have proven to be beneficial for improving brain function in elderly adults. They could also help prevent Alzheimer's and dementia.

"If the target is to improve older adults' cognitive control, reasoning, and higher-order cognitive skills, and stave off dementia and Alzheimer's disease as long as possible, then maybe strategy games are the way to go," says Chandramallika Basak, assistant professor at the Center for Vital Longevity and The School of Behavioral and Brain Sciences located at the University of Texas at Dallas.

Basak, as well as Charness, believes with Charness that cognitive exercise should be after physical exercise programs in improving cognitive functioning. Exercise programs have been associated with beneficial effects on cognition, brain structure, and function.

There is evidence that video games can be a feasible therapy for depressed people. And boost mood and memory in people with moderate cognitive impairment.

5. Conclusion of video games impact the brain

The effects of video games on the brain are currently a new area of research. Although games bring both positive and negative impacts. If we know how to arrange and adjust video playing time scientifically. The positive impact of video games on the brain is impossible denying it, it's clear that video games also have a lot of good to offer the world, even the youngest generations.

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We believe that the knowledge in this article will help you have a more objective view of video games. If you have any questions, please contact us. Thank you very much

Source: Buy app reviews

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