Guide to increasing App Store Rankings of iOS games and Apps 2022

Contributed by: Johnson Tran Hoang

Do you know that the majority of the people who are able to find your app via looking around and searching for it in the App Store? So, regardless of whether your app is featured on Apple App Store, it is essential to be ranked highly. How do you get high App Store rankings for iOS games and apps? App Store's algorithm for ranking will determine the success of the top positions. In this article, we will discuss the factors that affect the ranking of apps and discovery. How we can utilize App Store Optimization to increase our app's rankings and increase visibility?

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Direct App Store Rankings Factors of iOS games and apps

In the year 2019 when Apple was under public scrutiny due to alleged unconstitutional practices that it employed with software developers. Apple said that it employs a complicated 42-factor system to show applications during searches by users and deliberately hides its mechanisms to stop third-party manipulation.

ASO App Store rankings factorsASO App Store rankings factors, Source:

At present, we do not know the 42 elements that drive these factors but ASO specialists have identified patterns. And have gained insight into the mechanisms that influence the results of searches and downloading.

We are all aware that the app's title, keywords, reviews, screenshots, and downloads. They all play an important part in the App Store's ranking.

Let's now examine the most crucial factors that impact search results. Proreviewsapp is the safe place to provide and sell ASO services, you can refer here

App Name with App Store rankings

The name of your app is among the most important factors in keyword rankings. The reason is that keywords inside the App Name have the most rankings weight.

App Store Optimization for iOS |🥇How to Stand out in the Apple App Store

Your app's name could be up to 30 characters in the App Store. One of the most effective practices for app names is to include your brand's name in conjunction with the most important keywords you want to use here.

It's also been observed that having a title that exactly that is matched the keyword used in your search will result in better results. Be aware of this when making your app's title.

Subtitle with App Store rankings

The subtitle is the second most powerful SEO ranking factor for keywords. The subtitle could be used as an addition to the app's name when it comes to marketing messages. However, it can also be used in relation to keywords.

You can also enter 30 characters into the subtitle field. The best method to improve the quality of your subtitle is to choose strong as well as descriptive words that correspond to relevant search queries. Avoid using keywords you've already included in your app's name or the app's keyword field since they'll only be considered only once.


Keywords can be restricted to 100 characters. This is why it's essential to write in a concise manner when describing your application.

Be aware that Apple will employ only the keywords you have used in your app name as well as subtitles and keywords field. And then combine them to make a multitude of combinatorial keywords. Don't use the same keywords that you've used in the subtitles and app names. Only apply the same keywords across the fields of iOS apps.

App Store Optimization for Apple: iOS Keyword Field 🔑

Here's the complete App Store keyword optimization guide for you to optimize your application's name, subtitle, and keywords to the best of your ability.

Keyword Installs

If lots of people are searching for a certain term and download a particular app from the results. The algorithm will judge this app as extremely relevant to the search term. This app will be ranked higher on the SERP.

Therefore, you must be focusing on the appropriate keywords in your games or apps to increase the rate of conversion.

App-store-rankings-with-iOS-keyword-installsApp store rankings with iOS keyword install, Source:

If you want to quickly rank for a potential keyword on the App Store, you can buy iOS keyword installs, users will search keywords that you want, and download, and install your iOS games or apps.

Notification: To make use of these ranking factors, a certain developer will purchase search traffic. They will ask a large number of "real" users to search for specific keywords. They then download a specific application from the results of the search to increase the rank of the search. This is an example of a gray-hat ASO method.

Developer Name

Developer Name is an additional metadata elements that can have an impact on the search results. For instance, when I type in "Facebook", other apps developed by similar developers will appear in the top position of the results. This is the same when I type in "Microsoft Word" The results will also display the "Microsoft Microsoft Office", "Microsoft Excel" and "Microsoft PowerPoint" in the top spots in place of apps similar that are similar to "Microsoft Microsoft Word".

It is recommended to make sure to add your new app to the developer account which already has famous apps. If people are searching for other apps on this account latest apps will appear as the result. This will result in more downloads to your latest app.

Reviews and Ratings

As per Apple,

"Ratings, as well as reviews, affect how your app performs in the search results and may inspire users to use your app through search results. Therefore, make sure you provide a fantastic experience for users that inspires them to leave reviews that are positive."

At present 773,705 (43 percent) apps have already been reviewed by the users. 1,006,646 (57 percent) are not yet evaluated. A majority of apps have ratings that are higher than a 4-star. If an app has 5 stars and the average of reviews per app is 4. Apps with ratings ranging from 4.5-star to 5start have the most ratings. The average amount of votes per app is 8,913.

App Ratings & Reviews Explained 💬

In order to convince users that your app is trustworthy, a high rating isn't enough. Your app must be able to boast many positive ratings and reviews from users.

It is, therefore, crucial for you to make it easy for the users you have to let rate and evaluate your app. The SKStoreReviewController API lets you give users an easy way to provide feedback about your app. With the API you can ask for reviews up to three times over a 365-day time frame. Send the request at times in the time that people are most likely to be satisfied with your application like after they've completed an activity such as a level, task, or. This way you'll be able to receive more positive reviews and reviews.

Also, buy iOS app reviews and ratings from real users. Proreviewsapp provides iOS app reviews from all countries around the world.

Downloads and Retention (Uninstalls)

This is one of the rankings factors which isn't entirely within your control as an app creator as well as an ASO marketer. For the ASO marketer, you're nearly impossible to manage organically the total number of downloads your app receives and remove it from the market. In this scenario, it is essential to collaborate closely with the team responsible for user acquisition as well as the entire marketing team.

If more people download your app, it will greatly increase your position.

If your app is a huge source of downloads, you could consider ranking those keywords with a high number of downloads but also have a not competitive. If you've developed a successful marketing strategy and are able to promote your app in a way that is effective it is possible to increase your downloads over time and increase organically, further away from the higher ranking.

If, on the other hand, your app has only just a handful of downloads per day and you're focusing on the keywords that aren't as popular.

The downloads can also impact the ranking of your game or application in the top charts.

If your iOS app has very few downloads, you can buy iOS app downloads for your iOS games and apps from the countries you are targeting

Indirect Factors that Influence App Store Rankings of iOS games and apps

App Store Listing Visuals with App Store rankings

First impressions are crucial, particularly when it comes to apps store. If someone is looking for an app that is in a highly competitive market, then your app's images, logo, and videos can influence their decision to download it.

More downloads can boost the search engine rankings. Try to make original and captivating visual assets.

These articles could assist you in designing appealing logos, videos, and screenshots.


Apple App Store does not include keywords in the description of the app. This does not necessarily mean that the field is not significant.

The app description is an excellent opportunity to present information about your app to users. It is a great place to convince people to sign up for your application and even leave reviews and ratings.

Promo Text

Promo text is the text section with 170-characters on the application's App Store page. It is displayed on the right side of the description of the app as well as in the view of the product page.

Like the descriptions, Promotional Text is not indexable as an organic keyword by Apple. But, it's an excellent place to use for ASO. Its ability to update anytime is a great method to send information and updates to users on a moment's notification. Stay up-to-date with special events or offers, or give details on new features.

In-App Purchase

The in-app purchases you make appear in the search results on the App Store. When users tap them, they're taken to your website for your product.

The display of in-app purchases within results from a search may provide additional hyperlinks to go to the app's page and provide more opportunities to install apps directly from the results of a search.


You could build a track of loyal users through app updates. It is the case if an update contains bug fixes or additional features that users have asked for. Regular updates show your dedication to meeting the needs of users.

Overall, the level of satisfaction, as well as the loyalty and satisfaction of existing users, directly affect their interaction with your app and the brand. In addition, happy customers attract more potential customers to the app. This is a further benefit for marketing.


Pay attention to the seven ranking factors directly and the 5 indirect ranking factors, and you are likely to get a ranking improvement on App Store. You may also have discovered that many of these variables are tightly connected. For instance, the right keywords can bring targeted visitors that are more likely to enjoy apps and give positive reviews. The higher the rating, the better the conversion rate of searches to downloads. In the end. It is essential to ensure that you've got a top-quality application in the first place. This will naturally lead to positive ratings, reviews, and even new users.

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Hope this article is helpful to you, thanks for reading.


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