Growth Hacking across Genres of Restaurant Apps
Do you have a chance to hear these terms? If you're working on marketing, you must be acquainted with all generations to determine your strategy. Restaurant apps that cater to distinct types of people will grow more rapidly when optimized for the typical behavior of the ages. Here are some of our suggestions for growth hacking across generations to improve the performance of restaurants.
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Traditionalists born between the years 1925 between 1925 and 1945 are the people who have a deep understanding of the pre-technology era. They've witnessed every change in the world and can't let their past experiences go. People in this group are devoted to safety, comfort, and comfort. They also value familiar, familiar environments and activities.
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Research suggests that the traditionalists, known as the silent generation, have an excellent track record in managing their money. They will pay for products or services in consideration of the quality. They appreciate their money, and consequently, they want to judge the price if they decide to dine out. Thus, be sure to highlight the value of your restaurant app to draw your customers.
The difficulty in engaging this group is the absence of social networks. They won't likely be able to see your ads on Instagram. Therefore, you must connect with them via more traditional channels like billboards, television, billboards, and so on...
Baby Boomers
Baby boomers born between 1946 and 1965 are avid users of technology. However, they aren't the biggest fans of it. They don't want flashy apps or websites since baby boomers prefer product quality and value over price. Are the products you offer worth purchasing? If you expect them to use your app for restaurants, try to explain why they should use it.
Fast Facts About Baby Boomers | History, Source: Youtube, HISTORY
For instance, an app for restaurants that provides high-quality, reliable reviews could win the heart of the baby boomers. They spend hours on Facebook and Twitter, use search engines, email, and even online shopping. So, by optimizing your content to attract the people they are, you could have the potential to convert through digital channels.
Gen X
Generation X, born between 1966 and 1981, has more "modernish" parents. They grew up in families with small numbers and smaller dwellings than the preceding generation. These are the first living in a home and are concerned about themselves as individuals. The "what is in it for me?" is essential to them.
Gen X is the first generation to adjust to technology and use social media and email since they were very young. Gen X feels fortunate to find coupons and discounts available on the internet,
Gen Y, Millennials
Gen Generation Y, born between the years 1982 between 1982 and 1999, is also referred to by the name of "Gen Why" because they are keen on advancing with information.
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If they're interested in something or something, they seek out Google and browse posts written by users online. This is why, if you are targeting Generation Y, choose to use social media influencers who can explain the reason they should use the restaurant application. Advertising from companies is not reliable for this demographic as they look for authenticity and emotional connections to the brands, products, or services. Videos, blog posts, and infographics are a smart way to engage Gen Generation Y.
Gen Z, iGen
Gen X was born in 1999 and later was born into smartphones. They've never lived a life without internet connectivity, making them digital natives. They are constantly connected with the rest of the world, and to them, they're more diverse than older generations. Since technology isn't just something to play with but an integral element of their daily lives, They are generally more aware of what can be accomplished using these devices.
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If you think a restaurant app is a good idea, they prefer snacking instead of eating a full meal at the traditional restaurant. So, if your restaurant app is aimed at the people who use these apps, they will try to push the same kind of products or services in front of them. What's the process by which your speedy service function?
Gen X also enjoys trying new dishes and most often compares them to others, so make sure you offer them appealing food items that are worthy of being shared via social media. Sharing your products and services is feasible if Gen X is your app's target audience for restaurants.
Everyone uniquely sees your content based on their own experiences. This categorization of generational differences to help with growth hacking help understand your audience better. Some behavior patterns apply to all generations. For instance, Millenials believe that physical stores are just as crucial as traditionalists. And the majority of people want to purchase a product from the retail store. Also, make sure you offer high-quality services to support your business plan on an app that allows you to order food.
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If you require further assistance for growth hacking across generations of restaurant apps, feel free to reach us.
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