Berlin artist explores the streets of Berlin using 99 mobile phones, inspiring Google Maps traffic blockades

Contributed by: Paul Zinah Le

This decade has seen an ever-growing overlay of technology onto physical reality, particularly since smartphones have become ubiquitous devices in our daily lives. Here is a small test of using 99 cell phones to clog traffic in Berlin by fooling Google Maps.

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1. General information about the experience

The typical first-world citizen's dependence on mobile devices, especially the navigational tools such as Google Maps that chart routes across the globe, based on an actual-time aggregation of digital data, is usually described as a convenience; however, the Berlin-based art director Simon Weckert the technology also offers an opportunity to experiment playing with power systems embedded within these systems. In March, the artist created an online traffic jam on one of the bridges crossing the Spree River in Berlin along the streets, pulling an unloaded hand-drawn wagon loaded with 99 cell phones in use.

Berlin artist explores the streets of Berlin using 99 mobile phones, inspiring Google Maps traffic blockadesBerlin artist explores the streets of Berlin using 99 mobile phones, inspiring Google Maps traffic blockades, Source: Proreviewsapp

"Google's Map service fundamentally altered our perception about what an actual map actually is and how we use maps, their limitations on technology, and the way they appear visually," explains a statement by Moritz Alert in the accompanying project called Google Map Hacks. "In this way, Google Maps makes virtual modifications to the actual city."

In the short film that documents the project, Weckert walks with the red and blue Radio Flyer wagon full of mobile phones. The video is juxtaposed by Google Map footage that turns his route red as the app detects the slow-moving 99 mobile phone signatures as a jam. The statement by Weckert highlights the influence of the use of tech tools of all sorts that include Air BnB, ridesharing apps Tinder, Airbnb, and food delivery services on the character and development of cities such as Berlin and the way that we conduct our lives and follow our own Maslow hierarchy. However, the artist is exploring the modern and historical importance that maps have as a control and tool mechanism and the gaps between the various systems that permit individuals to take part in the power.

big fake google trafficBig fake google traffic, Source: Proreviewsapp

"With the help of Geo Tools, Google has developed a platform that allows businesses and customers to engage with map data in a new method. This means that the questions related to power and the subject of cartography need to be revised," said Alert's statement, "The Power of Virtual Maps." "But what is the relation between the technology of enabling and the techniques of control, supervision, and regulation within Google's maps? Are these maps dispositive nets which determine the behavior, opinions, and perceptions of living beings as they exercise power and control information?"

2. Conclusion

We are most likely to utilize technological tools that help us, but often without considering how they can deprive us of an additional form of authority or undermine our capacity to discern the truth. When Google Maps thinks there's congestion, it will swiftly divert users away from a road or indicate its presence might hinder someone from completing an intended trip thoroughly. It's the practice of capitalism to constantly emphasize the advantages of living amenities and don't even think of any mention of cost. The project of Weckert may appear, on the surface, fun and intelligent. Still, it barely just scratches only the surface subversive underbelly that allows our devices to dictate our future within the global system.

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Berlin artist explores the streets of Berlin using 99 mobile phones, inspiring Google Maps traffic blockades

Contributed by: Paul Zinah Le

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