ASO On-Metadata to App Store and Google Play Store new update 2022

Contributed by: Paul Zinah Le

This article will discuss ASO on-metadata and the distinctions between them in optimizing listings in the App Store and Google Play in 2022 to ensure maximum visibility. And improve the likelihood of downloading. The ASO begins (and closes) with the listings. And it is crucial to ensure that they are optimized 10/10. But, before... Let's begin with the fundamentals:

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ASO On-Metadata Definition

ASO is the abbreviation for "App Store Optimization." The term describes the improvement process for apps (both in its listings and the application itself) to boost Search and Browse/Explore visibility in storefronts for apps and improve their conversion rate from visiting for downloading. In essence, the primary goal is to obtain more downloads for the lowest cost possible.

What Is ASO (App Store Optimization) - Explained in Hindi, Source: Youtube, Kripesh Adwani

ASO is the foundation of any app marketing strategy because aside from the fact that it provides organic downloads. It also has an immediate effect on paid user acquisition costs and, consequently, on the business. The higher the quality of ASO is, the better the rate of conversion to download and the lower the CPI or CPL, or CPA.

The most frequently-repeated error in ASO is that we don't realize it. The second mistake is to believe that ASO will be identical to the App Store and Google Play. Although all app stores share a similar structure, there are particular essential distinctions. Continue reading to learn about the ASO metadata differences among the two biggest app stores available: Apple App Store (iOS) and Google Play Store (Android).

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ASO on-metadata elements: Apple App Store and Google Play Store (2022)

The ASO elements are the text and images of the store listings of games or mobile apps, which can be easily modified through App Store Connect and Google Play Console. They are all available below:

ASO with Title / App Name

Google Play: In the case of Google Play, the current limit is 50 characters in the Title field, which is the most vital ASO metadata field. It is where we must include the keywords that are most relevant to the project and those for which we would like to rank the highest. Additionally, the title has to be catchy and descriptive. Shortly, Google Play plans to amend its guidelines, and 30 characters will restrict the field.

Change the title of the app and app name, Source: Youtube, FANTASY CODING

App Store: In the App Store's instance App Name field is the same as in Google Play. The app Name field has 30 characters. To be eligible is the case with Google Play. In the App Store, the subtitle field has 30 characters, which should contain the app's keywords and a description of the primary functions of the application. This field appears below the App's Name, meaning that they must be in sync and should not duplicate the exact keywords.

The promo field can accommodate 170 characters and is also the sole field in the App Store that can be modified without creating an update to the app. Apple suggests making use of this feature to "share the most recent news regarding the app, like limited sales or new features."

ASO On-Metadata with Full description

Google Play: The description area in Google Play contains space for 4.000. The description should be utilized in a way that makes the most of its potential to rank your mobile application or game. Be cautious when it comes to "over-optimization": using keywords that are not used correctly in the description could cause Google Play's refusal or even, in the worst scenario, it could result in app suspension.

How To Create Title and Description For apps | How To Create Description For Apps, Source: Youtube, Ideal Expert

App Store: For Apple, the app's description isn't considered when it comes to search results. The field, however, needs to be utilized as a marketing tool to advertise the app's principal features, benefits, and benefits.

Google analyzes the Title, the Short Description, and the Long Description (as well as the developer's name and additional fields) to identify what keywords are or which are the themes or topics for an app, game, or.

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Google Play: Google divides its apps into two major categories: "apps" and "games," which are also split into various categories. Make sure to select the right choice.

aso on metadataASO on metadata, Source:

App Store: Apple lets you include an initial category and an additional one if the app can fit into two categories. However, the primary type should always be considered the direct o

Package Name/Bundle ID

Google PlayYou can modify the app's ID (URL) before you launch the app. The keywords included in this field are included in the indexing by Google. And assist us in improving the ASO search engine rankings for keywords. Necessary: This field is not modified once the app has been launched.

Change Android Bundle Id | Package Name | Android Studio, Source: Youtube, KDTechs

App Store: The app ID is not editable and has no impact on keywords ranking.

To increase the ranking of the application in the fastest way. You can buy the top app keyword position for Android, and iOS apps, and games

Conclusions of ASO On-Metadata

There are some differences regarding ASO on-metadata-related factors for 2022 among the two leading app stores available in western countries: Apple App Store & Google Play Store.

Feel free to be sure to share the ASO metadata differences between iOS and Android with your family and acquaintances through social media. Thank you!

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Hope this article is helpful to you, thanks for reading.



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