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 ASO Master – Part I: ASO Overview

Contributed by: Anderson Minhe

Currently, smartphone users find apps by searching for them in app stores. Therefore, ASO Master optimization is a must if you want your customers to find your app in the stores. So what is ASO? Why is ASO optimization necessary? ASO Master – Part I: ASO Overview

Let's learn about ASO together with SEGU Vietnam through this article.

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1. What is ASO Master?

Many people call App Store Optimization (ASO) Search Engine Optimization (SEO).

Although SEO is more complicated than ASO, this is a relatively exciting and fair comparison because many factors affect SEO results.

What is ASO master, and why is it crucial? By definition, ASO (App Store Optimization) is the process of optimizing games or apps to maximize their visibility, improving conversion rates to generate organic downloads. Highest money (organic installs).

ASO Master What is ASO?, Source: Proreviewsapp

 The ASO process has three main goals:

  • Maximizing visibility
  • Conversion rate optimization. (Optimizing Conversion Rates)
  • Make a profit from your application

2. ASO Master: Goal 1 – Maximizing Visibility 

Only people who know about your app's brand can actively search and download it.

So it would help if you got their attention. Above all, make the app easily visible on Google Play or the App Store.

There are 3 ways to increase the visibility of your app: 

Make the app stand out on the Store homepage.

Editor's Choice generates immense visibility and comes with thousands of installs. However, it isn't easy to be among them.

Since the number of apps to choose from is limited, it's up to the Store's editorial team to decide which one to choose. 

A great app can help you increase your chances of landing a job.

It must also have a large audience and must be relevant to the topic the editorial team wants to emphasize.

Help the application be at the top of the most popular, most successful, or shelter in a separate category.

Like being suggested by an editor, getting into the top spots of the full-featured apps isn't easy. It needs a lot of downloads, or your app must have colossal revenue.

Increase the ranking of the application on search results with buy ios keyword install.

Search is the easiest way to increase visibility. You don't need a very successful app, and you don't need to depend on the goodwill of the Store editorial team.

All you need is knowledge of app store algorithms.

3. ASO Master: Goal 2 – Optimizing Conversion Rates 

The second goal of ASO (App Store Optimization) is to convert as many installs as possible. This goal can be achieved by optimizing the metadata about your app (metadata).

Conversion Rate Optimization - 8 Tips for Success, Source: Youtube, Marketing 360

This task requires:

  • Write an attractive app description
  • Design app icons and impressive screenshots convey the message well
  • Edit professional product feature introduction videos

All of these metadata components need not only to be attractive. They also have to convince users that your app solves their problems or needs.

Besides optimizing what metadata (metadata0 that users can see), many other factors affect conversion rates. Additional measures you should take include:

  • Find ways to increase your app's positive reviews and try to avoid negative feedback
  • Keep app size low
  • Increase user retention

And many other jobs that we will learn about in the next section.

4. ASO Master: Goal 3: Make a profit from your app

The in-app investment implementation and promotion, keyword research, and optimization will be for nothing if your app is not generating a profit.

The business goal is to create surplus value; the most specific importance is profit.

In-app marketing puts more emphasis on ASO. All the results it brings will not let you down.

5. The importance of ASO

With that said, ASO (App Store Optimization) should be the foundation of every app marketing and user acquisition strategy.

6 reasons why you should start doing ASO | Benefits of App Store Optimization, Source: Youtube, App Radar

Here are the reasons why ASO is important:

First, a successful ASO will lead to a continuous stream of new users finding your app in search results.

Users who don't arrive through paid advertising (Organic Users) are often more engaged and loyal than those who discover your app through paid campaigns. This goal can be achieved by optimizing the metadata about your app (metadata).

Second, ASO, specifically Optimizing Conversion Rates (CRO), positively impacts paid media campaigns, social media marketing, and conversion efforts. Change your other user.

Higher conversion rates lead to more downloads from all channels, so you earn more per ad spend.

6. Application Product Page and Metadata in ASO 

Of course, App Store Optimization (ASO) is not optimizing the entire app store. It's about optimizing your app product page.

Think of the product page as a showroom. It presents a wealth of information that potential users can evaluate your app and decide to download. These bits of information are known as Metadata or Metadata Elements.

Application Product Page and MetadataApplication Product Page and Metadata, Source: Proreviewsapp

As an application owner, you can directly manipulate some of these metadata elements. These elements are called On-page Metadata. These include the app title (title), subtitle (subtitle on iOS) or short description (short description on Android), keyword field (keyword field on iOS only), app description (report), icon application icons (icons), screenshots, and intro videos. Boosting apps to the Top of Apps depends on buy top app keyword position, which is an important indicator of the top app ranking.

Other elements are created by the mechanics of the Stores and cannot be edited. These are called Off-page Metadata. App rating, download count, age rating, and capacity are subject to off-page metadata.

In addition, metadata elements can be classified by their type (text or image) and their relevance.

Some related elements can help increase visibility because they are indexed.

That means the app store algorithms will search for them from keywords and list the app in the search results if found.

Other metadata elements don't affect visibility, but they can convince users to download an app when they land on a product discovery page, increasing conversion rates.

7. Conclusion

App store optimization isn't a one-time job, and it can feel like a never-ending run or shoveling while it's snowing. Therefore, today, the most common approach to optimization is no specific method at all. It's all trial and error. Keep testing and experimenting with your keywords to rank high and then more traffic to your download page. ASO is a day-to-day business regarding keyword rankings, so it's important to remember that it's not a one-time job but a long-term one.

If you're not using ASO to boost your app's search rankings, you're missing out on the most extensive discovery channel for your app. App optimization removes the cloak of invisibility covering your app and increases your app's exposure to potential users. Yes, it can be time-consuming, but it is essential. Want your app to be in 63% of apps discovered through search? By knowing what your users are searching for through thorough keyword research, you can increase your chances of ranking highly for your keywords or categories.

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This article provides information about ASO, I hope this information is helpful to you.



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