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ASO for Mobile games: Increase app downloads for Mobile games

Contributed by: Anderson Minhe

In 2022, there were 5.5 million apps and games on the App Store and nearly 4.5 million on Google Play Store. Every app owner faces a marketing challenge with all the competition. ASO for Mobile games must be the cornerstone of any app marketing strategy. This comprehensive guide consists of three parts. It explains what ASO marketing for Mobile games and apps is and how it can help you make your app successful.

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ASO for Mobile games to Optimizing conversion rates

You can get your app to the top charts, showing the most popular and most successful apps in a particular category or overall. It isn't easy to get featured. It takes a lot of downloads and huge revenues.

You can get your app to search results by using relevant keywords. Search is the best way to gain visibility. You don't need to have a track record or depend on the editorial team for success. 

ASO's second goal is to convert as many people who visit your app's product pages into users and then download and install.

This goal can be achieved by optimizing the information in your app to assist users in making their decisions.

This task includes

  • Writing compelling app descriptions
  • Beautiful icons and screenshots
  • Great app preview videos and promotion videos on Google Play are possible.

These components must look amazing and convince users that the app solves their problems.

Conversion Rate Optimization Best Practices and Strategies with Samuel Larsen, Source: Youtube, Mr Sam Baldwin

Many other factors also affect conversion rates, including optimizing metadata that users can see.

These are the measures that you should consider in this context.

  • Find ways to increase positive reviews and avoid negative feedback.
  • Keep the app's data lightweight and low.
  • Retention of users should be increased.

Why is ASO for Mobile games important

App Store Optimization for mobile games is a foundation for every app marketing and user acquisition strategy.

These are some of the reasons ASO for Mobile games is so important:

The first successful ASO for Mobile games results is a steady stream of users who discover your app through search results. These organic users are usually free and are more loyal than those who find your application through a paid campaign. App owners are most likely to have organic users.

aso mobile marketersASO for Mobile games, source:

Second, Conversion Rate Optimization positively affects your paid marketing campaigns, social media marketing, and other user acquisition efforts. You get more for every dollar spent on marketing by having a higher conversion rate.

The app product page, metadata

App Store Optimization for Mobile games does not mean optimizing all Mobile apps and Mobile games.

Optimizing your app's product page is critical.

These information pieces are known as "Metadata" or "Metadata Elements."

You, the app owner, can modify some of these metadata elements.

These elements are known as "On-page metadata."

Other elements are created by the app store mechanics and cannot be edited. These are known as "Off-page Metadata." They include reviews and ratings, age rating, downloads, and data weight.

What is Metadata Management?, Source: Youtube, intricity101

We can also categorize metadata elements based on their type (textual or visual) and their relevance.

Because they are indexed, some elements can be relevant to creating visibility. The app store algorithm will search for keywords in these elements and list them in search results if it finds them.

Other metadata elements have no impact on visibility but can be used to convince users to download the app after they visit the product page. This will increase the conversion rate.

A few key elements are crucial for optimizing conversion rates and creating visibility.

ASO for Mobile games to Find the right keywords to increase visibility.

The first chapter covered the basics of ASO. It also included its sub-goals, increasing visibility, and optimizing conversions.

What is an ASO for Mobile games keyword?

Let's start with keywords.

Every word can be a keyword.

Keywords are only defined by terms specific to the user's intent. They should also provide information about the problem or solution and additional information about users. Articles, prepositions, and conjunctions are not considered keywords.

We can group ASO keywords into different categories, including:

Keyword Research Tools for App Store Optimization, Source: Youtube, App Masters

Problem keywords that narrow down the user's needs and solve problems

These feature keywords describe how your app solves these issues. These keywords represent the mechanics and features of your app, particularly those that are unique selling propositions.

Keywords for users that describe who uses your app in terms of age, gender, or profession and what roles they play when using it. Users of a piano app, for example, are music lovers or musicians, but they also are students.

Location keywords that indicate where and in what context people use your application. These could be the names of cities or countries or general terms such as "office," "beach," and "countryside."

Action keywords are what people do after they use your app. A restaurant finder app lets users search for restaurants and book or reserve tables. They will then eat and drink later.

How to find keywords and ideas

Let's get to the action.

Finding keyword ideas is the first step of your research.

Begin brainstorming with family or friends. While it's OK to have colleagues, people who aren't in the app industry often offer a more valuable perspective.

Let them talk about your app. Could you take note of the terms they use?

You can channel their thoughts by using the keyword categories you have previously defined—the only rule to follow when brainstorming is no censorship. You want to find four to five keywords per category.

How to Find Thousands of Keyword Ideas for SEO, Source: Youtube, Ahrefs 

Use the brainstorming results to generate more keyword ideas.

These are some ways to find keywords

Locate word associations. Read each keyword aloud through your list. Write down what comes to mind. 

Find synonyms. These terms have the same meaning or a similar meaning to your keyword ideas. Sites such as and Oxford Dictionaries can be used to find synonyms.

User reviews and media coverage. 

Follow competitors. Find out what terms journalists and users use to talk about their apps. You can find app store product pages, websites, and social media.

Use autocomplete. Because they are more valuable than single keywords, long-tail keywords with multiple terms can be extremely valuable. You can find long-tail keywords by going to the app store, entering one of your keywords in the search field, and checking the auto-complete function to see which terms it suggests.

How to use keywords and CRO

You learned how to validate and find keyword ideas in Part 1.

We will not discuss the product pages for iOS or Google Play separately because they differ so much.

Product pages - iOS

Search Engine Result Pages on iOS only show one to two organic search results. Scroll down to see more results. However, not many users do so.

Apps in the top three ranks receive about half of all downloads from keyword searches. However, apps that rank lower than #10 get almost no downloads.

Your strategy should rank your app in the top three ranks for keywords you include on your product page.

You can achieve this goal with buy iOS app installs in your iOS app:

This app title can contain up to 30 characters. This is the most important for the algorithm. An app with a keyword in its title will generally rank higher than an app with the same keyword in another place. The title should contain your app's Name. However, you can use the other characters to create keywords. You can combine them both with one of these formats:

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Name - Keywords (example Badoo – The Dating App)

Name: Keywords (examples: FOOBY: Recipes & Other)

Keywords by Name (example: Simply Piano by JoyTunes). (Tip: You can use prepositions such as "with" and "on.)


Subtitle: This can have up to 30 characters and is second in weight for the algorithm. To get people to try your app, this can be your brand's tagline or a call to action (CTA), such as Clash of Clans. Both approaches require that you use terms other than keywords. 

The keyword box: is inaccessible to users but can hold up to 100 characters of keywords. Separate terms with commas. This is also necessary for long-tail keywords. Your app will only rank for the long-tail keyword "cooking books." However, if you add a comma ("cooking book"), your app will also rank for "cooking," "book," and other keywords. Your app will be organized for any combination of your single keywords. The character limit is not affected by commas. Be sure not to add any spaces after a comma.

In-app purchase: titles (IAPs ) are also indexed. You can use up 45 characters per IAP. They are the smallest of all placements.

With a very strong boom, many providers sell ASO services at extremely reasonable prices, giving application developers more time to develop applications, making good use of precious time than

These CRO rules will help you get the most out of every placement.

Don't duplicate terms. The algorithm only considers the metadata element that has the highest weight. Your app's ranking will not be improved if you use the same keyword twice in your app title or subtitle.

Avoid using the terms "app," "free," and the names of the app categories. These terms will still be visible in the store algorithm.

If the plural is regular (i.e.,.), don't use the singular or plural forms of the keyword. singular + s). Use the form that has a higher search volume. This will give you some visibility on the other forms.

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It would help if you didn't use brands' names that you don't have. This is a violation of Apple's guidelines.

If your app ranks lower than #5 on the SERP, you can remove a keyword from the title. This advantageous position should be given to a term with more potential to rank in the Top 3. One exception is that keywords that are part of long-tail keywords relevant to your search terms will not be rated higher than #5.

Your app should rank #1 for keywords in your title. You can remove it and add it to the subtitle if it does not. Verify that it retains the same position. If it does, you can give the advantageous position in the title to another term. If it does not, you can restore the original setup.


App Store Optimization for Mobile games is a top priority for app owners. It forms the foundation for all your user acquisition strategies. ASO for Mobile games should be given a fair amount of your time and resources.

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