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How to read the colored bars in the Apple's 10-Day Weather Outlook

Contributed by: Anderson Minhe

Are you confused by the colored bar in the Weather app on your iPhone? We'll show you the meaning behind them and how to interpret them. The Apple Weather app, an indispensable feature built in to both the iPhone and iPad Home Screens, has received an upgrade that is significant with the launch of iOS 15 and get app store reviews. One design element that appears to have confused some users is the introduction of colored bars inside the Weather app's 10-day forecast.

This is how to use the Weather application's color bars and understand them. To make it easier, we'll divide them into bars and colors.

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What do the Bars on the Apple Weather

Although users are awed by the new features of the Weather application's latest features are generally praised. Still, many users have voiced their confusion over the color bars in the updated 10-day forecast.

The horizontal bar that is identical for all days included as forecast days shows the temperature range in effect for the coming ten days. The left-most part of the bar is the lowest temperature over the next ten days, while the right-most portion of the range will be the most extreme temperature.

The background bar displays the entire temperature range across ten days, while the colored area shows the temperature range for the specific day. The image below shows that the lowest temperature within the 10-day range is 23 deg, while the maximum temperature is 34degC.

NEW iOS 15 Weather App On iPhone, Source: Youtube, iDM

The bar with the color is the temperature range you'll encounter throughout the day. The temperature range is horizontal on the opposite side of the bar. This contrasts with the ten-day temperature range, which is greyed out.

In the following example, the temperature range for today is 24 to 34 degrees Celsius, compared to the temperature range for ten days of 23-34degC.

Apple WeatherApple Weather, Source: Proreviewsapp

It also tells that the temperature at the moment is within the forecast range, as shown by the tiny white dot that appears in the forecast for today. In the image below, the slight drop illustrates where 30degC, the temperature currently is within the forecast range.

You can read to know how to get ios app reviews about this function of Apple.

What do the Colors of the Apple Weather Mean

The app displays the temperature for the day using the form of a gradient in color to give the user an understanding of whether the temperature will be steady or fluctuate during the day.

Change the Color Mode of Weather App, Source: Youtube, Windows Love

Each color has a different hue for each temperature range:

  • Dark Blue Very cold temperature (below 32degF or 0degC)
  • Light Blue Low temperatures (0-15degC and 32 to 59 degF)
  • green: Moderate temperatures (15-20degC or 59-68degF)
  • yellow: Temperatures are a little warmer (20-25degC which is 68 to 77 degF)
  • Orange Temperatures are warm (25-30degC which is 77-86degF)
  • Red Very hot temperature (above 30degC/86degF)

A-Glance Forecasts for Weather

The updated Weather app can initially be confusing, especially following ios app ratings; however, understanding the meaning behind the graphics will be helpful when you plan your weekly and daily schedule considering the weather.

Getting the Most From the iPhone Weather App, Source: Youtube, macmostvideo

It will also assist you in choosing the perfect outfit for the conditions outside.


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How to read the colored bars in the Apple's 10-Day Weather Outlook

Contributed by: Anderson Minhe

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