Methods to Add, Removing, or Combining PDF Pages within Apple Preview

Contributed by: Johnson Tran Hoang

Do you want to speedily collate your PDF files to be able to collate your PDF documents with Apple Preview quickly? Here's how. Editing PDFs isn't accessible in the absence of the right tools. Certain PDF editors require you to pay a fee to get access to specific options, such as the ability to merge the two documents, but you might already have the tools needed on your Mac. In this article, we'll walk you through the steps of adding, removing, and joining PDF pages using Apple Preview.

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How do I Add Pages and Remove Pages from PDFs within Apple Preview

Adding pages to PDFs using Apple Preview is as simple as dropping and dragging.

In the beginning, you'll need to copy the file that you're planning to include these pages. This will allow you to have an exact duplicate of the original, as well as a chance to return to the original file if you choose to erase the modifications you made or to start by starting from scratch. You can read how to buy macOS app reviews for more instructions.

How To Create a Single PDF From Multiple Documents On a Mac, Source: Youtube, macmostvideo

Then, open the document, open the file in Apple Preview and turn the Thumbnails on in the sidebar. The small images on the sidebar will help you navigate the composition and function like a Drag and Drop editor.

Apple PreviewApple Preview, Source: Proreviewsapp

Once you've turned them on, scroll down to locate the section where you'd like to include a page and then find the page in the Finder on your Mac, then drag the page onto the sidebar in the way you'd prefer it.

This applies to PDFs as well as images. Be aware that Preview will adjust the size and position of ideas to fit into the remainder of the document; however, other PDFs will remain their original size.

Delete And Redact PDFs in Apple Preview, Source: Youtube, Henderson Tech

Note that you can modify your image directly in Preview before adding it. In addition, if you're using the iPhone or iPad, then you can store and edit photos in PDF format now on your device too.

When working with Apple Preview on your Mac, You can also delete the PDF page. Click the thumbnail and then press delete using your keyboard.

How to Combine PDFs within Apple Preview

Perhaps it's been a while since you've scanned some documents on your smartphone or want to combine several PDFs into a single file. No matter what, Apple Preview makes this an easy task.

How To Combine Multiple PDF's into a Single PDF using Apple Preview, Source: Youtube, Epic Tutorials for iOS & Android Filmmaking

The steps are the same as adding a page to your PDF. If you want to duplicate your document, open the file in Preview and enable thumbnails. After that, Drag the PDF file you want to merge onto the left sidebar. Your pages will then appear as thumbnails that you can rearrange by dragging or dropping. You can read how to get ios app reviews to decide this function of Apple Review is good or bad.

Like the other editors, make sure to save your document when you make any changes.


There is no need to shell out extra money for an editor for PDF to edit, delete pages, or even combine them. If you have a Mac, The solution is built-in to your personal computer.

The next time you have to make a few quick changes to a pdf document, try Apple Preview attempt.

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Hope this article is helpful to you, thanks for reading.




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