Apple has launched its significant new iOS 15 updates for iPhones

Contributed by: Johnson Tran Hoang

Apple launched iOS 15 on September 15th. It's the most unique, most recent version of the iPhone operating system. It includes several significant enhancements, like the capability of FaceTime to call Windows or Android people, AI that can better discern objects in photos as well as Focus which allows for better control of the notifications that are sent to you.

Here's everything you should know about Apple's major iOS 15 update, including the steps to download it.

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1. General details about iOS 15

Apple launched iOS 15, its biggest every year iPhone Software update.

The new version of FaceTime has significant changes, such as the capability of FaceTime to call Windows as well as Android users artificial intelligence, which can better recognize animals as well as plants and other objects in photographs, as well as an option that improves the control of the number of notifications.

iOS 15 Tips You Need To Know, Source: Youtube, Macrumors

While Apple releases updates regularly throughout the year, the annual update with the new iPhones includes the most recent improvements and features.

IOS 15 is available for many older models and up to iPhone 6S, launched in 2015. Here's what you can expect to get.

2. What's new in iOS 15?

FaceTime which is inclusive of Windows and Android users.

FaceTime, the videoconferencing application from Apple, was initially restricted to Apple products.

FaceTime which is inclusive of Windows and Android usersFaceTime which is inclusive of Windows and Android users, Source: Proreviewsapp

Those who wanted to FaceTime using an Android phone or Windows PC were out of the loop. Since iOS 15, any user using any Apple computer will see an option that allows them to create a link for the FaceTime chat. The link can be sent to any phone or computer using a modern browser. They can join the conversation. The users will have to be allowed into the chat, and the link will not allow random users to participate without your consent.

New Integration of Messages

Many people are exposed to different links on Apple Messages, formerly iMessage, during the day but don't take enough time to go through them until later. The new Messages app will now provide that information to other applications. For instance, if a user shares the URL of the Apple News news story, it will appear on The Apple News app in a section titled "Shared with You." Similar to Apple Music and Apple Photos. The new integration is also applicable to Safari websites and podcasts, Apple TV films, and TV shows.

AI that recognizes what's in a photograph, including the text

Apple has improved its photo recognition capabilities within its Photos app for many years. Still, this year makes a significant leap ahead regarding the types of objects it recognizes. With iOS 15, Apple's software can identify and give more details about landmarks, animals such as plants, books, and milestones. The software also makes the text within your images searchable, and users can also add text or images from photos into documents. AI from Apple AI is a program that runs on an iPhone instead of using cloud services to complete the job on remote servers, meaning what you search for and a copy will not be returned to Apple.

AI that recognizes what's in a photographAI that recognizes what's in a photograph, Source: Proreviewsapp

More control over notifications that are not scheduled for periods when the site is not in use

Since the beginning of time, iPhone users have had the option of "Do Not Disturb," those local notifications to the list of contacts close to you. The features received major upgrades with iOS 15 that Apple calls "Focus." The main feature only displays notifications from apps and people you've approved. If someone texts someone who's within Focus Mode, they'll receive an email that states that messages have been turned off in a similar way to an"away" message. Users can make multiple Focus profiles for various sleep, work, and play situations. This will let users make home screens that are unique to them so they could, for instance, have different sets of apps that are suitable for working or at home.

Apple Maps reminders

apple maps remindersApple-maps-reminders, Source: Proreviewsapp

Apple Maps comes with annual enhancements, such as improved directions, better public transportation schedules, and an enhanced virtual walking direction feature that puts big Arrows on scenes in the real world, telling the users exactly where they should go. However, commuters may appreciate most of the latest real-time alerts that inform users when they have to take a subway, train, or bus before they miss their next stop.

New Safari redesign

The default browser of the iPhone has received its most significant overhaul in a while, moving the address bar and the back button up the middle of the screen towards the bottom, making it more accessible for fingers. If you aren't happy with the new Safari, you can switch it back to the previous appearance. Safari can also save open tabs, which allows you to return to the charges later. Additionally, it can be used with extensions -- much as Google Chrome or Safari on the desktop in the very first instance in Apple's app store. Extensions are small apps that allow you to take advantage of a website's features, such as blocking advertisements, but there's not any available yet.

More efficient system for searching

The Apple Spotlight is a feature for power users who search the internet and their files, making apps more accessible. Users can access it by sliding to the left from the top. The interface has been updated this year and includes more pictures, Apple's information on TV shows, films, and musicians, and more that are made available to you.

Privacy security

ios 15 privacy securityiOS 15 privacy security. Source: Proreviewsapp

Apple has been a proponent of privacy over the past few years, but with iOS 15, it's starting to become an option worth upgrading to. A new feature is called "App Privacy Report," which will reveal the frequency that an app has used your location or microphone over the past seven days. It will also let users know whether apps are calling home to servers on their own as is typical; however, it could highlight specific ways to use previously ignored information. Customers who pay for iCloud will also be able to avail of "iCloud Private Relay," the beta feature like the VPN, and conceals IP addresses that could reveal your whereabouts. Users who use Apple's Mail app can give an address for a burner that is random and block tracking pixels that can tell marketers if an email message was opened or not.

Faster Siri

Siri doesn't have to transmit information to a remote server to comprehend the question you've put in. It now does it within the device itself will provide faster response time without slight delay and no longer has access to all of the recorded messages you send to Siri requests.

Keys and driver's licenses within Apple Wallet

Apple introduces the capability to add driver's licenses and keys in the Wallet application. Still, it will be some time before everyone can use these essential new features.

Apple claims that it is working with the TSA, and eight state governments have already jumped in agreement with the program that allows driver's licenses and state IDs onto the iPhone. Users must wait until the state government has a say in the program.

Apple launches support for hotel keys in Apple Wallet

Apple launches support for hotel keys in Apple Wallet, Source: Proreviewsapp

Users will also save keys, like ignition keys for cars and car ignition keys, in the Apple Wallet. If you've got an intelligent home or go to work using locked locks that work with Apple Wallet, you will be able to begin unlocking your front door using your phone after you have updated with the latest version of the software. The ignition key feature for cars requires a BMW or similar vehicle.

One big delay

Apple plans to introduce the feature known as SharePlay that allows you to watch the latest TV or movie with friends via FaceTime. The quality isn't available yet, and it's now scheduled to launch later this year.

3. How to get iOS 15?

It's straightforward for you to set up iOS 15. It's all you need is the iPhone SE (1st generation) or newer, or one of the 6s models or later. These phones were released in 2015 and 2016, and 2015, respectively, which means that most people need to update their phones. This is how:

How To Update To iOS 15 On iPhone Tutorial, Source: Youtube, HDTV

Make sure you connect your iPhone to Wi-Fi and supply power.

  • Open Settings.
  • Open General.
  • Open Software Update.
  • Tap Download and Install.

4. Conclusion

I hope that after you've read the article on what's new in iOS 15 above, you can find new features in this operating system. You can also decide whether you'd like to upgrade to a new edition or stay with the current version.

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How do you feel about the official new iOS 15? Please share your experience in the comments section below.

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