App Store Optimization tips- Top of the best ASO Tips in 2023
Once you've published your modifications, be sure to keep an eye on search engine rankings for the app store. The rankings for keywords in ASO will change immediately following the publication of the updated version and this post will share with you some App Store Optimization tips. The goal is to have all your app store's keyword rankings at or near the 10th position. If your newly added keywords aren't easy to get into the top 10, you could be required to replace them with an alternative set of keywords for your app store. Let's discover App Store Optimization tips- Top of the best ASO Tips in 2023
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1. First step: Search for the appropriate app store's keywords
One of the significant elements of optimizing your app store's search results is the selection of the right keywords. So, your app's search optimization efforts should begin by implementing the appropriate app store keyword.
1.1 App Store Keyword Ideas
Start by trying to find at least 50 keywords in the app store. Here is an excellent tool for ASO to help you in the process of finding quality keywords. These tools can provide you with numerous other keywords to think about. And the best thing of all is that they're completely free!
App Store Optimization Tip: How do I get keyword ideas?, Source: Youtube, App Radar
Keyword Tips
OneLook Reverse Dictionary
Ensure that the keywords you use for your app store are pertinent to your app. Avoid using the most popular yet irrelevant search term to promote your app. Your apps should be discovered by people who will download and use your app if you know how to Buy Google reviews.
1.2 Improve Your App Store Keywords in ASO
With your first list of keywords for your app and keywords, you must create a plan to select and filter the most relevant keyword phrases for your application. Here are a few app store keyword tools that can assist you with optimizing. These tools will provide popularity (or searches) as well as challenges (or potential) of your app store's keywords. It is recommended to select about 25 keywords from the app store for the upcoming release of your application.
2. Second step: Insert the app store's keywords in the correct areas in ASO
Once you've chosen and optimized your keywords for the app store Now, you're in the right place for the next step of optimizing your app's search results by placing your keywords for your app in the correct areas.
There are a few metadata that you need to add text using your app store's keywords.
2.1 App Name in ASO Strategy
The name of your app should be in a clever and searchable manner. This is not only the first part of the puzzle that tells prospective users what your app does and what it is, but it also places your app listed in the results of searches in the app store.
But moderation is the key. Don't put every keyword from the app store you're aware of in your title, or your app could look shady. It is essential to strike the proper equilibrium between branding and keywords.
Additionally, iOS App Store limits the app's name to thirty characters in iOS 11. Google Play Store also sets the limit at 30 characters. Therefore, efficiency and moderation are the rules for the day.
2.2 App description (for iOS App Store)
Indeed, the iOS App Store doesn't look for keywords related to the app store in the description of an app. However, that doesn't mean that iOS developers are inflexible about it.
The app should highlight the unique advantages - the app's benefits in the initial three lines to ensure that users can easily see them in the preview of your description. If you can, include the social proofs or awards and honorable mentions that your app has won. You can compile a list of all features that you have in the description box to attract new users and don't forget to include the social media profiles of your app.
2.3 App Store Keyword field (available only on the iOS App Store)
The metadata determines the way your app is found. Complete the metadata on keywords using your chosen keywords for the app store. Follow the guidelines below and ensure that each character counts!
App Store Optimization for Apple: iOS Keyword Field, Source: Youtube, App Radar
Make use of all 100 characters
- Separate each keyword with the help of a punctuation mark
- Avoid articles, space, and prepositions
- Works that are singular or plural
- Don't use the exact keywords repeatedly.
- Make use of numbers instead of spelling out words
- It is not necessary to add the terms of your business name, app name, and the names of your app categories.
2.4 In-App Purchases in ASO Strategy
Both Apple and Google have indexes for names and descriptions of the in-app purchases (IAP) within the search results for apps.
In iOS 11, every IAP comes with its display name, image for promotion, and description. IAPs also show up in the app's search results and be highlighted in the Today, Games, and Apps tabs. You can show the maximum amount of 20 IAPs on the product's webpage. You can buy top app keyword position (Top 1,3,5) for your Android, and iOS apps, and games from Proreviewsapp.
To get the most from the search engine visibility for your app, Make sure you include some of the app store's keywords in the titles of your IAP products.
3. Third Step: Convert users into users in ASO Strategy
After optimizing the app store's keyword, improving the look and feel of the store page is the next phase of ASO. App Store Optimization tips for this is the app's detail page must be convincing enough to turn the store page's visitors into app users.
Here are some things connected to the store's app page that developers must keep an eye on:
3.1 App Icon
An improved icon can boost the speed of downloads by up to 560%!!
For a remarkable icon, you must keep it simple and appealing. Don't overfill the tiny area with lots of objects or words. You want users to remember your hero following the first impression, and therefore simple designs with too much noise are ideal. Ensure that your icon looks appealing when reduced to the minimum size needed by App Store or Google Play. It should also appear friendly on dark and light backgrounds.
How to Change Apps icon & Apps Name on Android | How to Change Free Fire icon and Name , Source: Youtube, Tech with Hardik
For inspiration on designs, Check out the top applications in your area and Google's top choices. Make sure that your logo is distinct from the ones of your competitors to avoid confusion between brands. Colors that are different, shapes or the introduction of frames could be helpful too.
3.2 Screenshots
Based on StoreMaven According to StoreMaven, 60% of customers will not scroll past the first two images of their screen. Utilizing your best two screenshots will increase conversions by 25 percent!
To create better images:
Ensure that each has a message about the app.
Make sure you highlight your best notes in the initial two pictures.
Include a brief caption on a white background to your images and leave an impression on the viewers' minds.
Do not include logins, registration advertisements, purchase forms, and even a "Welcome" screen on your images. Use the pictures to show your customers why they should be delighted by your application.
3.3 Reviews and Ratings
But how do you gain more 5-star reviews for your application?
App Ratings & Reviews Explained, Source: Youtube, App Radar
Be patient in asking for a score until you can anticipate a moment of positive feedback. For example, you can ask whether the user has been done with a reservation or completed the task during a game. When the time is right, you should ask politely and not make a fuss.
What is that? Circa the News application is an excellent illustration.
It is essential to motivate happy customers to leave positive reviews and dispel negative ones through the "send comments" option.
3.4 App Size
Make sure your app is less than 200MB in size for the iOS app and 100MB in the case of the Google Play app. This is because users can't download apps bigger than these dimensions using cell phones.
For instance, if a person on a bus or train cannot download "now," then it's likely that the user will not note the name down and attempt to download it again after X hours after they've returned returning home.
App Store Optimization, Source: Proreviewapp
Do you need evidence? This article from Appfigures indicates that 98% of the top-rated 100 free games and more than 62 percent of the paid iOS and Android games can be downloaded. With less than 100MB.
Are you sure that you'll need 200MB for an application? Have a look at Clash of Clans. The iOS version is 85.3 MB.
3.5 Application Localization
Localization of apps gives you an increased number of users for downloading your mobile application. However, localizing the entire app to multiple languages can be difficult.
David Janner of MAKE APP Magazine carried out a localization study. In his test, it was limited to localizing the app's name, the keywords of the store, and, sometimes, the first line of the description of the app. After this easy localization, the app saw a vast 7677 percent increase in downloads.
How does App Localization work for Android and iOS?, Source: Youtube, App Radar
As per OneSky reports, only 31 percent of the world's app revenues came from The U.S., while 41 percent came from Asia and 23% from Europe. Notably, China has already surpassed the U.S. by iOS app downloads and revenue.
If your application is the only one with an English version marketed to market in the U.S. market, you leave a lot of money in the sand.
4. App Store Optimization Tips: The Apple Spotlight Search and Google's Firebase App Indexing
4.1 To iOS App Developers:
The Apple Spotlight Search allows users to look up their iOS apps on their devices. This feature lets app developers keep their users engaged more often.
In the case of iOS apps, you can enable the Core Spotlight and NSUserActivity for your app. These features increase your engagement with your users, which, in turn, increases your iOS search results in the app store. 35% of the top 20,000 apps available on the iOS App Store have Spotlight search features. What are you in the process of can be accessible for iOS and Android App Developers?
Getting started with Firebase App Indexing on Android - Firecasts, Source: Youtube, Firebase
Firebase App Indexing enhances the engagement of your customers and provides the possibility of acquiring users. This is because it lets users search for the contents of your app regardless of whether your application is running or not.
If you're running a content-rich application, it is recommended to activate Firebase App Indexing to get the most benefit from these opportunities. Read the official guideline for more information here.
4.2 A/B Test
A/B tests each field in your app store to keep improving conversion rates. This kind of hypothesis testing will help you get the most out of your ASO service efforts over. It's good to know that Google Firebase has a free tool for testing A/B that works with both iOS apps and Google Play apps.
Repeat the App Store Optimization tips every three or four weeks because the significant trends in app store keywords shift. Don't quit even if the initial results of a few optimizations aren't turning out as expected. Marketing for apps is a process that takes time, and optimizing your app store requires numerous observations to be mastered.
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Best of luck on your journey!
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