Contributed by: CEO Hoang Tuan Luong

Publication date: Sunday 01/23/2022 09:34:48 +07:00 Follow ASO SERVICES on Google News

Steps to improve code 2022

In particular, in the case of an excellent software development team working on a product, nobody is interested in, they won't be interested in it. It's also feasible to envision a group comprised of "gunslingers" who don't do anything like this but produce fantastic software that can change the world. However, all things being the same, if you do these 12 elements right, you'll be able to create a disciplined team that can consistently deliver.

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1. Are you using source control?

I've employed commercial source control software and completely free CVS. Let me tell you that CVS is excellent. But if you do not possess source control, you're bound to be stressed out trying to make programmers collaborate. Programmers don't learn what other people do.

How to use Source Control with Unity & Git, Source: Youtube, Jason Weimann

The mistakes made cannot be reversed quickly. Another great thing about source control is that the source code is checked for errors on every programmer's hard drive -I've never had a case of a project using source control that has lost lots of code.

2. Are you able to construct a structure in a single step?

In other words, what steps do you require to build an effective shipping build from the most current snapshot of the source code? Suppose you're in a team with good quality. In that case, there's one script that runs a complete check-out from beginning to end, builds every single line of code, creates the EXEs, and in all their different versions languages, #ifdef variations generates the installation file and produces your final medium - design of the CDROM, downloading site.

Code Structure, Source: Youtube, Udacity

This is why the previous company I worked for changed between WISE to InstallShield as We demanded that the process of installing be able to run by a script at night using the NT scheduler. WISE could not run using the scheduler overnight, so we threw it away. (The helpful people at WISE confirm to me that their most recent version supports nightly versions.)

3. Do you build daily?

When working with source control, there are times when one of the programmers makes a mistake and checks in something that causes the build to fail. For instance, they've uploaded new source files, which compiles perfectly on their computer. However, they didn't include the source file in the repository for code. Then they lock their machine and leave, unaware and content. But no one else can work, so they need to leave unsatisfied.

About Version Control | Unite Now 2020, Source: Youtube, Unity

In the Excel team, we were required to follow a policy that anyone who did not complete the build as a "punishment" was accountable to watch the body until another broke them. This was a great incentive not to damage the building and an effective way of rotating each builder through the process to ensure that everyone understood how to build.

4. Do you have an inventory of bugs?

I don't care about what you think. If you're developing code, even in one person, and you don't have a well-organized database that lists all bugs in the code, you'll be shipping poor-quality code. Many programmers believe they can keep the list of bugs within their minds.

Finding Your First Bug: Choosing Your Target, Source: Youtube, InsiderPhD

Nonsense. I'm unable to remember any more than two to three bugs one time The following day, or in the flurry of shipping, they're not recognized. You must be able to keep track of bugs.

5. Do you find bugs and fix them before writing code?

The first version of Microsoft Word for Windows was thought to be a "death marches" project. It took a lot of time. It would slip. The entire team was working long hours, and the project was delayed repeatedly, time and yet again. The pressure was overwhelming. When the project was finally delivered, years later, Microsoft sent the whole team to Cancun to take a break, after which they sat down to do deep soul-searching.

Microsoft universally adopted something known as a "zero defects approach to fix the issue." Many programmers within Microsoft laughed, as it appeared that management believed they could cut down on the number of bugs by executive order. In reality, "zero defects" meant that at any moment, the most important thing is to get rid of bugs before writing new code. Here's why.

Finding bugs before writing code - Sigge Birgisson, Source: Youtube, Atlassian 

The more time you are waiting to fix bugs, the more costly (in time and cost) it will cost to solve.

For instance, if you make a mistake or syntax error detected by the compiler, the fix is easy.

If you find a flaw in your code that you notice the first time you attempt running it, you'll be able to correct it in no time as the code is fresh in your head.

If you spot a glitch in the code you wrote just a few days ago, it'll take a while to locate it; however, when you go back and read the code that you wrote, you'll recall everything and be able to correct the issue in a reasonable amount time.

6. Do you have an up-to-date calendar?

That brings us to the subject of schedules. When your program is essential to the company, there are many reasons that the company must be aware of when the code is due to be finished. Programmers can be notoriously uncooperative when it comes to creating schedules. "It will be completed once it's finished!" they scream at those in the business world.

JS To-do List #14 FullCalendar - Rendering a Calendar with JavaScript, Source: Youtube, Gordon Chan

However, it isn't enough. There are many making decisions the company has to take well before releasing the code: demos advertising, trade shows, etc. 

7. Have you got a specification?

Writing specs is similar to flossing: everyone agrees that it's a great thing, but no one is doing it.

I'm not sure what the reason is happening, but it's likely because most programmers are not fond of writing documents. This is why teams of programmers attempt to solve a problem and need to solve it; they prefer to write their solutions in code rather than writing documents. They'd rather dive into the code and write it instead of drafting a specification first.

How To Write A Project Specification, Source: Youtube, SourceSeek

My favorite theory is that the issue is fixable by educating programmers to become more confident writers by requiring them to an intensive writing course. Another option is to employ intelligent program managers to write the written specifications. In any scenario, you must enforce the rule of "no code without specification."

Please find out more about writing specifications by going through my four-part series.

8. Are programmers in quiet work conditions?

There is a wealth of evidence about the productivity benefits of giving employees knowledge space, silence, and privacy. The classic book on the management of software peopleware provides the help of this productivity extensively.

This is the problem. It is well-known that knowledgeable workers perform best when they are into "flow," which is also called getting "in in the zone" in which they are entirely focused on their task and wholly detached from their surroundings. They lose track of time and produce excellent results through their absolute focus. This is how they can get their work accomplished. Scientists, writers, programmers, and basketball players can share their stories about their time at their best.

What A Day In A Programmers Life Is Actually Like, Source: Youtube, Kalle Hallden 

The second issue is that it's straightforward to be knocked out of your comfort zone. Phone calls, noise taking a lunch break, or having to travel 5 minutes to Starbucks to get coffee, and interruptions caused by colleagues -especially particularly interruptions from coworkers can all force you off your feet. Suppose your coworker asks to answer a question, leading to an interruption lasting just a minute. In that case, however, this takes you out of the zone enough to take you 30 minutes to become productive; your overall productivity is at risk. Suppose you're in a raucous bullpen like the kind that dotcoms with caffeine are known to create, with marketing people yelling at the phone in front of programmers. In that case, your efficiency will fall as employees are repeatedly interrupted and don't get back into the flow.

For programmers, it isn't elementary. The productivity of a person is dependent on their ability to handle a multitude of tiny details in short-term memory at the same time. Every interruption could bring this information to a halt. If you return to work, it is difficult to recall any specifics (like the names of local variables you used or the location you were at when you implemented the algorithms for searching). It would help if you searched for these things, which can slow your speed considerably until you get back to speed.

We'll now move them into separate offices that have the walls and doors. When Mutt cannot remember the name of the function, then he can search it up, and it's still taking 30 seconds. Or you could ask Jeff for help, which takes 45 seconds and requires getting on his feet (not an easy task considering the average physical strength of computer programmers!). So he goes online. The result is that Mutt is wasting 30 seconds of work. However, we keep 15 minutes to Jeff. Ahhh!

9. Are you using the most effective tools you can purchase?

Writing code using the compiled language is among the few things that can't be completed using a standard home computer in a single session. If your compilation requires more than a few seconds, getting the most recent and most powerful computer will help you save time. If the compilation process takes more than 15 seconds, computer programmers will become bored as the compiler runs and then shift to reading The Onion, which can entice them and take away hours of work.

The Most Effective Tools for the Software Testing Process, SOurce: Youtube, QATestLab Training Center

Debugging GUI code using only one monitor can be extremely difficult, if not impossible. In the case of writing GUI code, having two monitors can make the process much simpler.

The majority of programmers have to alter bitmaps to make tools or icons, and most programmers don't have a reliable bitmap editor. Try using Microsoft Paint to manipulate bitmaps isn't very effective; however, that's the way most programmers are required to do.

High-end development teams do not torture their programmer. Even minor frustrations due to using low-powered tools can add up and make programmers unhappy and cranky. A grumpy programmer is not a productive programmer.

In addition to this... programmers can be easily bribed with the latest, most exciting products. 


When you do the steps above carefully, then you'll soon become proficient in the art of code.

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