9 Common Android Issues and how to fix them

Contributed by: Paul Zinah Le

An Android smartphone might appear thriving and healthy at first, but problems and problems plague it as time passes. Many of us could be tempted to buy another phone whenever a new problem appears; let me say that there are methods to solve these issues using simple solutions. We at Guiding Tech are committed to providing the most efficient and straightforward solutions.  Let's discover 9 Common Android Issues and how to fix them

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1. Low internal memory

The most infuriating of messages that you would prefer to receive. This means that you will have to delete the old images as well as apps and other junk files you've loaded up on your favorite device. Before you click the delete button to free up space for more, have you considered saving these data on cloud storage?

Low on Internal Storage? Tips to Reclaim Space!, Source: Youtube, Hands-On Android

Cloud services like Dropbox, Google Photos for Photos, and Google Drive for documents are efficient options for storing your device's internal memory.

HTML0 If your Android smartphone supports adaptable storage, you could combine external storage with internal storage to increase overall storage capacity.

However, there aren't all smartphones with an expandable memory capacity, so the options are narrowed somewhat. But don't fret. There's always an upside. There are applications such as

9 Common Android Issues and how to fix them9 Common Android Issues and How to fix them. Source: Proreviewsapp.com

You can choose to use applications like SD Maid, which helps to eliminate rubbish. Trust me when I say that you will be amazed at what space it frees up.

2. Battery issues

The cell phone is indeed the heart of any smartphone. The Android experience can be a bit sour when you connect for charging every moment. However, all is not lost. With a bit of attention, a smartphone's battery can be improved to last for a longer time.

Each phone battery has several cycles. The cycles diminish the more you use your phone. Therefore, it's recommended that keeping your battery between 80 and 8 percent can extend the battery's life by around 200 percent.

Before we go further, I'd like to be clear that closing off apps doesn't do anything to help. Instead, you may choose to reduce the brightness of your screen and switch to doze mode when the phone isn't used or limit the refresh rate of background data for apps. 

3. Slow Android

A few years from now, an Android phone is a slower version of its predecessor. However, aside from its time of use, there are a lot of reasons that our actions can slow down a phone. 

How to Fix Hanging or Slow Performance on Any Android Device, Source: Youtube, Get Droid Tips

If your phone doesn't have the most recent processor, such as SD 821 and 835, or an enormous storage capacity and a high number of apps, it is the primary reason your phone is slow. As stated in the previous paragraph, heavy apps like Facebook and Google Chrome can cause a slowdown to your phone.

There are some additional solutions that you can try yourself. Our blog on the subject will bring your Android back on track again.

4. Applications aren't downloading

Applications not downloaded from Play Store are bound to be a problem in moments of necessity. The most common cause is a corrupt cache. 

Another surefire option method is to delete all Google Play store history. Navigate to settings and click on the clear local history option.

If this doesn't work, you may remove your default Google account linked to your phone and then add it back to resolve the issue.

5. Delayed Notifications

Delayed notifications could be a nuisance, particularly when you're on the move. As an example, you could not receive important emails from your employer. One of the major causes of delayed or no notifications is the Power Saver option that many smartphones' ROMs come with.

How to Fix Delayed Notifications in Android 10 Without Root, Source: Youtube, munchy

There's no doubt that these features are a great way of prolonging the battery's life; however, have you considered the cost? These "features" often cut off the data connection when your phone goes into a sleep state, which means that apps are cut off from being the sole source of communication.

So, if you have an energy-saver option set on, you could test turning off the feature and observe the impact. Another problem that people tend to often is to kill background applications. This is not just a way of forcing the app to shut down mid-way, but it can be detrimental to your phone over time.


Connecting data to smartphones is essential to the phone's operation, whether it's the cellular data you're bound to or Wi-Fi data. The most frequent problem with Wi-Fi is that it is switched back to the wireless network once the phone is put to sleep. Exasperating, right?

Be assured; this issue is fixable quickly. The problem above is because of the Wi-Fi sleep policy in Android. Navigate to the Advanced Wi-Fi settings, and make sure to set to Keep Wi-Fi active in sleep to never. So that the switchover will never occur.

7. Autocorrect issues

I've experienced this problem often. An adolescent typo-master, frequently misspelled words are a regular feature on the keyboard. There's an excellent solution to this. It's just a matter of proactiveness by your end.

How to Turn off Autocorrect on SAMSUNG Device, Source: Youtube, pc shastra

The next time you notice a misspelled word in the suggestion tray on your keyboard, press long on it, then tap on the remove. This is compatible with most of the popular keyboard apps such as Gboard SwiftKey, Ginger, etc.

Another issue with third-party keyboards is that they tend to be stuck in a rut or refuse to appear when you require them most. Solution? Opt to go with a smaller keyboard such as the Gboard with fewer features.

The most sought-after (or frustrating) feature of WhatsApp is that media items are stored in the Gallery on your phone. Fortunately, that's the case; WhatsApp media is easily hidden from the Gallery, which means you can maintain a clutter-free gallery.

After rebooting after which all WhatsApp content items are going to disappear.

9. Apps are error

Sometimes, we run into apps that stop repeatedly or even a handful that shows ads that do not allow you to perform any other actions.

How to Fix All Apps Keep Stopping Error in Android Phone (100% Works), Source: Youtube, MJ Tube

An effective way to avoid this dilemma is to put the phone into safe mode. When a phone is in safe mode, you'll see that all third-party applications are removed. Therefore all you need to do is hit"uninstall."


This is a list of the top five most commonly faced issues encountered on Android phones and the simple solutions for the same. Additionally, you must be aware of some problems that the system cannot handle. Share your suggestions for solving the issues you frequently face by leaving a comment below.

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