5 Ways to Promote Mobile Apps Effectively

Contributed by: Paul Zinah Le

Creating an application means opening up a whole new channel to interact and reach customers; it is a paradise in which the public of the brand always has the right to connect with the business with just one touch; your app is a dedicated space to fulfill all their needs. Everyone wants to own the best they can; many people have focused on investing a lot of effort and money to perfect the application for business. Everything from the design interface, engaging content, optional widgets… However, despite everything, many companies still have not tasted the sweet fruit they expected instead of the prospect of thousands of people. rush to visit the app download store; the actual statistics are only a few dozen people a month.

In theory, it can be blamed on the content; it is not attractive, does not attract users, does not create a viral effect… But in reality, most of the cases do not stem from the application itself, but the problem lies in how to advertise, an essential step after creating the application. Here's a guide to 5 ways to promote your app, tested and proven to work. It will take time, but you will significantly improve your followers and downloads if you stick with it.

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1. Survey customer needs before even promoting the app

Customers are the core of any business, if an app is able to increase the retention of visitors by 5% and profits for the business can rise by 75%. Remember the important rule: Customers have their own standards; if you can somehow convince them, you already have everything it takes to succeed.

A perfect app marketing campaign should be kicked off even before the product hits the market. Before asking the development team to build apps with a million different things, reach out to your customers and chat with them. After all the effort, you want to make sure that whatever is created is first appropriate for the customer.

How to create the perfect customer survey, Source: Youtube, GrowthLab

The customer outreach campaign can start by systematizing the list of customers who have made a purchase, maybe even those who subscribe to your brand's news updates, sending them a short email. short and ask them to take 5, 10 minutes for a simple survey

Customers can be very busy people, so offer them something appealing in return for taking the time to do the survey, like a special discount voucher or a free product from a brand. Once you've caught their attention, ask them a few simple questions to understand what customers are looking for when accessing the app.

This way, you will understand the expectations of your customers for the upcoming app, which can sometimes help you uncover a gap that has never been thought of before, thereby successfully building a bridge connection between the brand and the customer. By allowing customers to participate in the app-building process, you can be sure your end product will be a good fit for the people you're serving, a great opening to app promotion.

2. App optimization

About 60-70% of the searches, app installations happen through searching on app stores like Google Play and App Store, so app optimization (ASO - App Store Optimization) ) is extremely important If you're searching for a method that will effectively advertise your application, ASO is the answer.

ASO is a set of workflows for mobile apps and games to maximize visibility and improve conversions from app installs. It is sometimes referred to as "App Store SEO," but technically speaking, ASO not only increases search engine visibility but also optimizes conversion rates.

3 App Store Optimization (ASO) Strategies You Should Test For 2020, Source: Youtube, App Masters

It is crucial to remember that ASO is not SEO; in fact, maybe the SEO app on Google Play is also related to ASO, but they are not the same thing at all. Higher ratings mean improved visibility, access to customers with the needs of the application.

The words that users type into the device to perform an App Store search are called "queries" or "keywords." App targeting keywords should be decided beforehand, then applied in the app title (name). Be aware that it is not advised to change the name of an app after it's been released.

Some of the steps to take in the ASO process include research, keyword optimization, Google Play store optimization, A/B testing, monitoring, evaluation, and iterative process… Step-by-step details will follow detailed instructions in another article.

The app itself can promote it if optimized properly

3. Create eye-catching app icons

With the statistics of the number of apps currently on the app store, your app may sink between hundreds of options; users are only interested in the app if and only if the App icon is attractive enough to entice them if If there exists a one hundred percent effective way of promoting an app, it must first come from the promoted app itself. Here are some things you can think when designing the icon for your app: 

How to make an eye-catching mobile app icon, Source: Youtube, App Masters

+ Unique design stand out

+ Limited color pallet selection - Only TWO colors are enough to create contrast

+ Avoid using photos (it blends too much)

+ Avoid inserting too much text (nearly unreadable by the user)

+ Be creative, combine app icons on different backgrounds

4. Invest in an eye-catching landing page for your app

When talking about how to promote the application, it is impossible to ignore building a dedicated landing page to talk about the company's app, just like its own website; this is an essential element for any business. Giving them is like designing a great business card, which automatically spreads around without you having to meet each client in person to give them.

Spendee is a great example of a mobile app landing page that brings together all the elements to engage and inform users while allowing them to easily share on all popular channels.

How to create a mobile app landing page, Source: Youtube, John Morris

Don't forget to invest in a download button on the App Store or Google Play Store device (Or both if the app supports both versions) that is prominent; it must be the most prominent in the entire Page to attract attention. Of the user immediately. You don't want users to take more than 1 second to find where to download the application because it is too pale compared to other elements on the Page.

The content of the Page must be scientifically built, especially the call to action; when the user scrolls down, each item must have a call to action, which leads directly back to the main section – the download instructions application. Any other content on the Page must also be geared towards encouraging users to download the app. At the bottom of the Page can add evidence, and positive feedback from actual users to increase the possibility of trust.

5. Create a demo video for the app

A demo video, also known as an introductory video, is the easiest way to promote the application widely, but in terms of finance, just a single video can be used to post on most information channels such as Facebook. Youtube, Instagram,... just used to run ads Android App showing Google Adwords, Facebook ads... I can't think of any reason to say "no" when I ask someone how to promote the app, and they came up with an idea to build a demo video for their app.

How to find the standard recipe for an app intro video? Try Simon Sinek's "Golden Circle" principle, starting with the questions: What? How? And finally, Why (What is the motivation here)?


In addition, you can assign a team in charge of video creation, teamwork, ideas from each individual that will help complete the project smoothly. But keep in mind that when I say each created video can be used for different purposes, I don't mean that you can only use the same video in the future; all content must be updated. periodically

How to Make a Product Demo Video (+ Free Video Template), Source: Youtube, TechSmith 

Once you've completed the demo video, take advantage of high-speed display advertising channels, a variety of platforms that potential customers are interested in, to promote the application.

6. Conclusion

The above are the most basic ways to promote the application that every business should think about before developing the next step of the process; by investing carefully in each step, you will build a strong foundation to app become popular in later times, I believe that rather than doing multiple things at the same time, focus on a few things that are really good, and your application will prove that formula works. How is the result? Good luck!

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We hope this information is helpful to you, thanks for reading.

Source: https://proreviewsapp.com/



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