5 macOS files you shouldn't touch (and Why)

Contributed by: Daniel Garcy Lee

If your Mac runs out of space, these folders may be tempting to delete. It is risky to touch these folders. macOS uses deep, nested folder structures. Many macOS files are included in the default macOS installation. The majority of users do not use these files. Apple has a reason to keep specific folders secret. These directories can cause instability and data loss or stop your Mac from booting up. We'll show you essential places where users shouldn't touch the macOS filesystem.

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1. Language macOS Files and Folders

Language files are included with every language that Mac apps support. The app will automatically adapt to the new language when you switch between Mac's language systems.

The terminal makes it simple to delete the language files from third-party apps. We do not recommend this.

The Folders programming language - No code, just folders, Source: Youtube, Khalili Oriented Programming

Many people recommend that you delete language files to free up space on your Hard Drive. This is a risky move.

My Mac will gain about 520MB of storage space by deleting these files. Although your results may vary, it is doubtful that you will get more than a few gigabytes. After each significant macOS upgrade, you must repeat these steps.

It is impossible to predict which apps will crash or freeze if you delete language files. Some older versions of Adobe apps or Microsoft Office may not function properly or are not up-to-date correctly. It is better to ignore language files and folders. You can buy Google reviews to choose a suitable language.

2. Hidden /private/var macOS Files and Folder

macOS creates many users, system-related cache files, and other files to speed up the process. You have complete control over temporary data and the /Library/Caches caching. The cache can be manually deleted using no third-party software. macOS manage the files. These files are invisible to the user. Sometimes, these directories can occupy large amounts of disk space. 

Location in /private/var/folders

Type this in a terminal: open $TMPDIR The file name will be two characters long, and the subfolder names will belong.

macOS files macOS files, Source: Proreviewsapp

As you navigate the folder tree, these three folders will become highlighted. C is for cache files, and T is for temporary documents. The 0 directory contains user files.

Problems with /private/var/folders

OmniDiskSweeper quickly scan revealed that /private/var/folders is about 1GB in size, while /private/var is about 4GB. These folders can vary in length depending upon the system, but they should not be too large.

This problem is caused by directories that exceed 10GB.

You should not delete files from the or/private/var directories, even if they are significant. This could lead to data corruption and damage to core macOS files. This can also cause your Mac not to boot or behave normally. You'd then need to reinstall macOS.

How to Show Hidden Files on Mac | Apple Mac Tutorial, Source: Youtube, Pixel & Bracket

You can safely delete these files by closing all apps and shutting down your Mac. The built-in cache clearing mechanism is activated by rebooting your Mac. 

These files will not clear, so turn off your Mac and put it in Safe Mode. This mode utilizes additional built-in macOS mechanisms to delete temporary files and caches. Reboot into normal mode to check your disk space.

Important Folders in /private/var

It would help if you didn't touch specific folders for disk storage.

  • /private/var/DB The directory contains various macOS configuration files and data files. These files have Spotlight database, network configuration, and many other items.
  • /private/var/VM includes swap and sleep image files. If you hibernate your Mac, this directory will take up more disk space than 5GB.
  • /private/var/tmp A temporary directory.

3. System Library Folder

Multiple Library folders are part of the macOS filesystem. This is intentional. Although there are similarities in the Library folders' content, each folder has a unique role in the macOS folder system. There are three Library folders. Search this app on App Store and install it after reading macOS app reviews about this feature.

How to Show to ~/Library Folder in MacOS, Source: Youtube, ProgrammingKnowledge2

  • /Library
  • /System/Library
  • ~/Library

Global coverage is provided by both the main Library and System Library folders. They cover all aspects of the system. The System Library folder contains the files macOS needs to function. Only the OS is allowed to modify data. They can only be affected by system-level events. This folder can't be changed.

4. User Library macOS Files 

The Library directory contains your account's Library. This folder house macOS preferences and third-party support files. It also has Mail settings and Safari bookmarks and browsing history data. You may also need to clean out the Library folder. Some folders cannot be touched.

~/Library/Application Support

Third-party apps and system applications use this folder to store support files. The subfolder name is usually associated with the application. They can be used to store both registration data and saved app data for a particular session. The Application Support files should not be deleted. You can use the app CCleaner to delete support files.


This folder contains preference data for default and third-party apps. Do not delete the Preferences content. The app could crash or return to its default state if you do not. AppCleaner can manage your preferences when you remove an app.

How to Show The Users Library Folder in macOS, Source: Youtube, HOWZA

~/Library/Mobile Documents

Here you'll find the iCloud folder. This folder includes documents, app preference files, iOS information, etc. It shouldn't be moved, renamed, or deleted. It can take up a lot more disk space if you use iCloud. You can reduce the size of iCloud Drive by deleting files you don't need.


These files contain support files, cached data, and temporary files you downloaded from the Mac App Store. Because they are sandboxed, apps downloaded from the App store cannot create any data on the system. This folder should not be deleted. If the Containers folder takes too much space, you can reinstall the app.

5. Hidden macOS files in the Home Folder

If you press the Shift + Period keys within Finder, you'll discover many files and folders in the Home directory. These folders are used by various macOS technology and applications to ensure your Mac runs smoothly. These folders shouldn't be deleted or modified. For instruction, you can buy macOS app reviews.

How to Make a Secret Folder on a Mac – Hide your Files, Source: Youtube, iDoc

  • .Spotlight - V100: Spotlight metadata for each mounted volume. This metadata is used to update Spotlight by the mdworker.
  • .fseventsd Logfile FSEvents logged by the. fseventsdlaunchdaemon. Time Machine uses these data to perform background backups.
  • .DocumentRevisions-V100: A macOS versioning database used by apps to save and retrieve different document versions.
  • .PKInstallSandboxManager: Used for software updates and sandboxing.
  • .PKInstallSandboxManager-SystemSoftware: Used for system software updates.
  • .Trashes Trash in each mounted volume


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Source: https://proreviewsapp.com/


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